In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Lin Luo stepped on the moon and thought for a moment.

This is already the fifth time he has been on the moon.

To trigger the switch of this device is to attack Blue Star from outer space.

"...How about we give it a try?" Li Donglai said beside him.

Lin Luo didn't speak.

As soon as Li Donglai frowned, Lin Luo said, "What if the moon doesn't show up this time and is destroyed?"

"Ah?" Li Donglai was taken aback, not knowing what it meant.

But Xu Han next to him explained: "Mr. Lin should be worried that this device is not unlimited."

Li Donglai's mind turned slowly, but he still understood a little bit, and said, "But we didn't see an energy switch here either."

"This is the horror of ancient civilizations." Lin Luo said with frantic eyes:

"Using a satellite can protect a planet, and it is an autonomous body. This top-notch civilization can no longer be explained by ordinary scientific theories."

"You know, how many years have passed now, I have never known it."

Li Donglai understood the horror of the moon, but he said doubtfully: "But in this way, isn't there no way for us to study the moon?"

"There will be opportunities in the future." Lin Luo said: "But we have to wait until we become really strong."

Li Donglai didn't quite understand the meaning of Lin Luo's words, but Xu Han's pupils were a little more colorful.

Lin Luo is not confident, but a kind of strong pressure.

He remembered this sentence:

All fear stems from lack of firepower!


"...Basically, it can be concluded that the things on the moon are related to the monsters in the geocentric project hole." Lin Luo is not guessing, he can even conclude that the moon is not as simple as protecting the blue star.

After finishing speaking, he said to Xu Han: "The moon can be ruled out, and you can act according to your plan."

"Yes." Xu Han nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Luo's communicator rang. It was from Zhu Yihui. Just as Lin Luo turned it on, he heard Zhu Yihui say, "Mr. Lin, Zhang San is awake."

Lin Luo paused.

In the medical room of the Hope Biological Base, Zhang San got up and looked at the afterglow of the setting sun, feeling the light shining on him.

However, no one can see through the colors revealed in his pupils.

Until the door was pushed open, he didn't even need to turn around to know that it was Lin Luo.

he turned around, loo

He smiled and said, "You're here."

"Scared me to death." Lin Luo said: "One sleep is a month, you don't have to be lazy if you want to."

Zhang San smiled wryly.

The two sat down, Zhang San poured Lin Luo a cup of tea and said, "Do you want to ask something?"

"How do you want to answer?" Lin Luo asked.

Zhang San's hand holding the teapot paused, and he said, "You want me to tell you my guess?"

"That's right." Lin Luo nodded.

Zhang San thought for a while, and said: "That monster is indeed very similar to the me in the dream. It seems that it was born purely for power."

Hearing this, Lin Luo looked at Zhang San, whose face was a little uneasy.

It is normal for a normal person to desire power.

But if you lose your mind because of it, no one will.

The reason for the difference between man and beast is reason.

"You're scared." Lin Luo saw it.

"I'm not afraid if I don't get there." Zhang San sighed and said with a wry smile.

Lin Luo was silent. In fact, the three of Zhang were really good. A person who was afraid of death had rushed to the front line of the battlefield many times.

"Lin Luo..." Zhang San said suddenly, this time he actually called Lin Luo by his full name, which was rare.


"If one day, I really become such a monster, I want you to kill me..."

Lin Luo interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and he said very seriously: "There won't be such a day!"


When Zhang San woke up, Lin Luo put down a heavy stone in his heart.

Human evolution is inherently unpredictable.

When Lin Luo embarked on this path, he had already made such preparations.

However, they must move forward.

If you continue to lag behind others and stay in a corner, one day, the invasion of Apocalypse will definitely happen again.

Today, Blue Star is developing vigorously and has entered the Three-Five Plan.

In the first five-year plan, science and technology have achieved extremely progressive development.

The second Five-Year Plan is to popularize the progress of the whole people, with the slogan: No one will be left behind.

The third five-year plan is digestion and preparation.

Digestion refers to the digestion of the scientific and technological civilization of Apocalypse and Proteus.

The preparations are the plans to attack Plot Star.

And, integrate into the universe plan.

"Have you heard? We sent a signal to a galaxy in the Milky Way, and I heard that they are going to send someone over."

"It won't be an invasion again."

"Should be unlikely,

According to the news released by Huaxia, this galaxy is quite friendly and has separated from the colonial galaxy. "

"Could it be that we can finally communicate with aliens this time?"

"Stop talking, all fairness and communication will only exist on fists, do you really think that people are good and no one is bullied?"

Since the announcement of the plan, every day has been the focus of attention.

Everyone has a different opinion about extraterrestrial contact and what to expect in the future.

And Lin Luo and the others are also having a meeting to discuss the upcoming Dorenna galaxy.

"...If possible, try to only let them know that we are a third-level or fourth-level civilization." Lin Luo sat at the head of the conference room and said:

"Everyone knows the attraction of legendary civilization."

"We don't need to have too much contact with them. Basically, we will only exchange economic resources in the future."

"So it's best to arrange this meeting on Mars."

At this time, Temus raised his hand and said, "Master Lin, what if the face-to-face is only pretending to break away from the colony, but in essence it is still a colonist?"

"So, we have to be prepared with both hands." Lin Luo said: "If he speaks well, we will invite them to eat meat. If he does not speak well, we will not go back."

Everyone laughed.

Lin Luo looked at Ye Yi and asked, "What's the specific time?"

"According to the news of the reply at the time, it was one year and three months, but now there should only be about eight months left." Ye Yi said.

"It seems that they have not mastered the Stargate technology." Lin Luo was taken aback.

In fact, Lin Luo and the others have had too little contact with the universe. Whether it is an undead mech or a star gate, they are representatives of the top four civilizations. This kind of technology is rare.


The prodigal son is now going to sell these things.

Now, he still glanced at it and said plausibly:

"In short, our future direction is not colonists, but a peaceful arms dealer and technology dealer!"

"Of course, don't blame us for being rude if there are delusional attempts to get our hands on our galaxy."

At this time, Temus raised his hand again.

"Say." Lin Luo said.

"Ah...I made a mistake." Temus suddenly came to his senses and smiled.

Actually he wants to say...

Now that they seem to have not mastered the Stargate technology, is it really okay to start discussing the sale?

At least...

Give the plotters a little respect too.

After all, the technology is now someone else's.

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