"Yes." Mark Carey didn't deny it. On the contrary, he was a little strange, but he still smiled and said, "I've read the records. You reached Blue Star during the colonial period."

Moronado nodded and did not deny it. He glanced at the guards who were taking care of him. At this time, Mark Carey said knowingly: "You guys withdraw first."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Emperor."

Everyone nodded and left.

"Since you have seen it, you should have seen the conclusion I made before." Moronado said.

"You said that there is a desert galaxy, and it is impossible to produce civilization." Mark Carey said.

After finishing speaking, Mark Carey asked again in a waking state: "Could it be that there is something hidden in it?"

Moronado looked at Mark Carey, and said slowly: "Twenty thousand years ago, it was a great era of colonization. At that time, the weak preyed on the strong, and it was everywhere... Almost every galaxy was Colonists."

"The war continues, the artillery fire continues."

"That year, we came to the solar system and witnessed a terrible scene..."

"Such a small star civilization is full of burning fires, and on those planets, there is an inaccessible atmosphere everywhere."

"These are the traces after the war."

"Great war?" Mark Carey said in surprise: "Didn't you say that the blue star cannot have civilization?"

Moronado said: "The reason for saying this is indeed true, and the second is to prevent you from approaching that area."

Mark Carey was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect such a secret.

"I once thought about designating that area as a restricted area of ​​the galaxy, and Dorenna stars will never be allowed to approach it, but I know that once the word restricted area is written, in later generations, some people will inevitably be curious and go away... ’” explained Moronado.

Mark Carey nodded.

Compared with dividing the restricted area, Moronado's handling is too clever. If it is said that there is a desert galaxy, no one will be interested.

"What did you see?" Mark Carey couldn't help being curious.

Even if you saw the flames of war and the traces of war, it wouldn't be like this.

"What do you think of our strength?" Moronado asked.

"Very strong." Mark Carey said: "If we want to rule the galaxy, we can do it in just a few years."

"That's right."

Moronado said: "However, the Milky Way is just the tip of the iceberg in the universe. Do you remember... Butler Star?"

Hearing this name, Mark Carey's pupils shrank.

Barrett, a chilling name.

This civilization reached the sixth level civilization as early as ten thousand years ago.

If Dorona star confronts it, it is estimated that it will be disintegrated in an instant.

Mark Carey saw it once.

That time, he accidentally participated in their galaxy birth celebration day and saw their power.

It was that day that Mark Carey changed his mind, imitated Butler Star, and began to change the colonization route.

"Very powerful, right?" Moronado said with a smile: "But 20,000 years ago, they were not even as good as us, but there was their shadow in that war..."

"But according to what you said, this kind of war should be a war above the legendary civilization." Mark Carey said strangely.

"So, whether it's Barrett Star or the legendary civilization, we can't provoke it." Moronado said: "This is the real reason why I don't want you to go to the solar system."

Mark Carey couldn't calm down when he heard such words.

A galaxy judged to be a desert gave birth to civilizations above level three...

And, with a super ancient history behind it, what kind of existence is such a galaxy.

"Then I'm going to call them back now?" Mark Carey said.

"I have no right to tell you to do things, I just want to remind you of this." Moronado said: "Remember, in front of the real strong, if we want to live, we must stay out of it. One point, you should understand better than me."


"...that's the basic situation."

Lin Luo glanced at them and said so.

At this time, Temus raised his hand and said, "Commander, in addition to food and entertainment, do we need some entertainment culture?"

"You mean we still need beauties?" Lin Luo said.

"When...Of course not, how dare I engage in that kind of thing." Temus said quickly: "I mean, should we show a movie or something, let them experience the Blue Star culture."

"Alright." Lin Luo nodded, playing some historical and landscape documentaries can also help them quickly understand

blue star.

"Then let's play Alien Invasion 2," Tems said.

"You want someone to flip the table with you on the spot, right?" Lin Luo said angrily.

The representatives of the countries also smiled.

"Okay." Lin Luo said: "This meeting with Dorenna Star is an opportunity and a challenge... It has been shown in the data that the other party is not a colonial culture, and its role should be that of the Milky Way. the police in the

Having said that, everyone looked at Temus.

When Temus saw this scene, he panicked and said, "Don't look at me, I haven't been a policeman for many years."

Everyone laughed again.

After the meeting was over, Temus came to find Lin Luo. Now he is not only well-behaved, but also quick in doing things, which really helps the development of Blue Star.

"Master Lin."


"Actually, wouldn't it be more dangerous if we were exposed like this?" Tems said.

"Once Pandora's box is opened, it can no longer be closed." Lin Luo said: "On the blue star, there are no more genetic maps to make the heavenly soldiers continue to be strong, so we must go to the universe."

"If we continue to stay here and wait until stronger enemies come, then no one will be able to save us."

"Mr. Lin is really far-sighted." Temus gave a thumbs up, showing a look of admiration, and then said: "Really want to release Alien Invasion 2? This movie is very good, I've only watched it dozens of times .”

"You still have time to watch movies? Are you lazy?"


"You are the police on Blue Star, you should be diligent in your work."

"Uh...Mr. Lin, can you stop talking? I said that we haven't been a policeman for many years." Temus sweated and trembled.


Look at the stupid things Eagle Nation did before. Biqu library

Now, they are all rehabilitated, and they are still mentioned constantly.

I really hope Master Lin Luo can forget about this!


At this moment, in Lin Luo's office, a big white bear was lying on the bed, fast asleep.

And beside the bed, there is a huge pot...

Next to the pot, there was a pile of condiments and a few kitchen knives.

In the very center of the pot, there was an egg quietly placed.

But at this time, there was a sudden click, and then a small piece of eggshell fell off the crack!

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