

At this moment, a burst of violent footsteps interrupted the tranquility of the office and living quarters, only to see a man walking in very happily, saying: "Dabai, Dabai, look, I succeeded."

The man walked to the bed, the big white bear opened its eyes, and when it saw Lin Luo, it closed again and continued to sleep soundly.

"You've been asleep for 12 hours, why are you still sleeping?" Lin Luo said.

Dabai didn't want to talk to him until he smelled the scent...

"Crocodile meat." Lin Luo said with a smile, "I'll eat it if you don't get up."

Dabai got up quickly, looking at the meat in Lin Luo's hand, his saliva was about to flow down.

So, ten minutes later, you can see a big white bear eating crocodile meat, and then watching Lin Luo swinging a knife again...

Put away the knife.

Just today, Lin Luo also discovered that his knife finally had an effect.

Although, the power is not as powerful as Dabai.

"Dabai, why can't I teleport? I saw your knife at that time, it was clearly possible." Lin Luo asked.

Hearing this, Dabai actually put down the crocodile meat, walked over, and took the secret in Lin Luo's hand in a humane way.

It holds both hands, and the next second...

A gust of air surged, directly causing the sky's secrets to flicker with light.

Lin Luo was startled by this scene.

He felt that at this moment, Dabai had achieved the point where the human and the sword were united.

"Let me give it a try." Lin Luo is still very diligent. In order to practice this knife, he spends several hours in the training ground every day. The Renner star fleet enters the solar system."

Lin Luo was taken aback, and said, "It's pretty fast."

He handed the knife to Xia Qian, and said as he walked, "Did you just enter?"

"Yes." Xia Qian nodded.

"Go and tell Chen An to release the integration into the universe plan."

"Yes." Xia Qian nodded again, and then left, while Lin Luo walked to the space department.


Now Bluestar's technology is quite developed, and it can basically deploy its own monitoring equipment in the solar system.

Therefore, when a fleet enters the solar system, they will no longer be as embarrassed as they were when they encountered the Apocalypse fleet for the first time.

After all, at that time, the route and time of their arrival could only be guessed.

"Master Lin." The staff shouted, making Ye Yi and Wu Shan, who were in deep thought, turn around.

Lin Luo nodded and walked towards the two of them

, but the staff couldn't help feeling a little bit.

No matter when or whomever Lin Luo meets, as long as someone says hello, he will respond.

Not everyone can do this.

"How many ships?" Lin Luo asked.

"Just one." Wu Shan said.

"In this way, it is exactly the same as the data records in Apocalypse, this Dorenna galaxy is not a colonial galaxy." Lin Luo said.

Wu Shan and Ye Yi also nodded, and the former said: "However, it should not be that simple for us to contact them. The Dorenna galaxy is a fifth-level civilization..."

"They just want protection money, so give it to them," Lin Luo said.

"Ah?" Wu Shan and Ye Yi paused.

"What's wrong?" Lin Luo didn't understand why they reacted so strongly.

"'s nothing." Wu Shan said strangely, "It's just that it doesn't look like your style."

But Lin Luo said: "They are stronger than us, so it's reasonable to charge some protection fees, right?"

" seems so." Wu Shan replied like this, but he still felt strange in his heart.

Since I met Lin Luo, I haven't seen him suffer a lot.

It's okay for his own people, occasionally he can be more generous, but for outsiders, I really haven't seen him suffer.

"Don't be in a daze, go get ready." Lin Luo said: "Let them feel the enthusiasm of our Blue Star people...."

"Really want to do this?" Wu Shan sweated.

"Why not?" Lin Luo said, "We are a hospitable nation!"


At this moment, the battleship of Star Dorenna entered the solar system, and the captain was an emperor named Terry Dick.

His status is not very high. After all, the signal that Blue Star sent to them was the signal of a third-level civilization, so it is enough to send an emperor of his level.

There are not many people on the battleship, but only a few hundred people.

This is their confidence.

Their Dorona star thinks that they can walk sideways in the Milky Way, so they don't need combat power to help them establish a strong image.

In their view, this is what the weak need.

"It will be there in a few days or so." The deputy captain came in to report.

Terry Dick was about to respond when the warship's siren sounded.

"Found the battleship!"

"Discover the battleship!!!"

Terry Dick and the deputy captain were taken aback for a moment, and then rushed to the control center. At this time, they saw

Three huge warships appeared around them, surrounded...

Terry Dick frowned, wondering if the Blue Stars tricked them over and then attacked?

"Are you going to attack?" said the deputy captain.

Terry Dick raised his hand and said, "No need, we are already surrounded, and we will definitely be unstoppable."

"Besides, I'm sure they won't dare to do it."

While he was speaking, the correspondent immediately reported: "The Blue Stars sent a communication. They said they were very happy with our arrival. This is a welcome ceremony, and they will lead the way!"

Terry Dick smiled when he heard this.

He likes negotiating with such a civilization the most.

This kind of civilization is inferior and weak, and often they will agree to whatever conditions you ask. Biqu library

"Follow them." Terry Dick said.

While the battleship was moving forward, Terry Dick also noticed the planets in the solar system.

It is exactly the same as what Moronado said many years ago, every planet here is a desert.

Thinking of this, Terry Dick couldn't help but feel a little strange.

For a normal technological civilization to develop, there are three steps.

The first step is planetary resources.

This determines whether they can go to the galaxy and obtain the resources on the galaxy.

The second step is galaxy resources.

This step will be the basis for determining the civilization of the galaxy. If it is rich in resources, it will be able to develop quickly.

The third step is the interstellar resources.

If you want to settle down, you can ignore this, but if you want to continue to grow yourself, colonization is the best way.

It was not until thousands of years ago that an emperor of a galaxy in the universe created a new mutual benefit system of the galaxy, which replaced the colonial system and added a powerful method.

And this system was also referenced by Mark Carey, forming the current Dorenna culture.

"so small..."

When he gradually saw the blue star, Terry Dick was gradually able to see clearly.

He was surprised.

Because Blue Star is too small.

Not to mention the development of third-level civilization technology, even if you want to get out of the planet, it is extremely difficult.

Unless, this planet is full of resources.

With this question in mind, Terry Dick sat on the battleship and dived into Blue Star...

However, he noticed that on the edge of the blue star, there was a sphere surrounded by a huge protective film.

"Like a...satellite? But why is it enclosed?"

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