eagle country

At this moment in an open space, a grand welcome ceremony is being prepared.

"Everyone should be more excited later, and... don't reveal your secrets." Temus urged.

The people around were sweating, this was really embarrassing for them.

Because this requires not only their tone of enthusiasm, but also their ignorance and shock.

For example, they are seeing aliens for the first time.

For example, they have to keep a low profile and cannot show their personal strength.

Originally, this meeting was arranged on Mars, but in the end the discussion changed and it was decided to arrange it on Blue Star.

However, Huaxia's genetic human beings are too powerful, and they were exposed accidentally.

After all, it is certain that the legendary civilization can continue to attract wars.

"Here we come." Temus looked up at the sky, only to see above the sky, the hatch of the battleship slowly opened, and a beam of light shone down.

The people of the Eagle Kingdom are quite new, but they have learned a lot over the years, and they are not as good at eating melons as they used to be.

"Ahem..." Temus coughed dryly, and the crowd woke up like a dream. Biqu library

"Hey, what about Sigu Yi, is this an alien civilization?"

"Ah, it appeared, aliens, we finally saw aliens, tearful eyes."

"It turns out that there are really other civilizations outside of Blue Star."

"Their mechs seem to be more advanced than ours, so powerful."

Suddenly, there was a burst of shouting and discussion.


There is a little perfunctory.

Temus was sweating, but it was okay to be able to do this.

Anyway, Lin Luo said that it is enough to make these aliens feel that they are just a fourth-level technological civilization that wants to earn money and develop.

And Terry Dick slowly descended from the light beam, scanned the audience, and couldn't help but smile triumphantly.


I just like this kind of voice, and lose myself in the praises.

"Welcome to come, I am Temus, the head of the Eagle Kingdom." Temus stepped forward slowly, put one hand in front of him, and then stretched out his hand.

"Hello!" Terry Dick also smiled slightly: "I am very happy to arrive at your planet for the first time. Although your planet is small, it has beautiful scenery...."

It takes tens of minutes to chat with guests, and the words can be thousands of words long, which can be omitted.

After all, it is too easy to imagine this kind of scene.

Half an hour later, Temus smiled and said, "Our Chief Master Lin Luo is waiting for you in the Black Palace, looking forward to your arrival."

"Master Lin Luo?" Terry Dick was taken aback.

Temus just smiled and explained again.

"Oh...so that's the case." Terry Dick's smile gradually disappeared, and he didn't look so pleasing to Temus anymore.

You are not the biggest, why are you talking to me for a long time here.

What is my identity and status, of course I only talk to the biggest people on this planet.

However, this one named Lin Luo, is it such a big name?

Why don't you come and welcome me in person?


In the black palace, Lin Luo saw Terry Dick slowly walking in, smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and said, "Hi, I'm Lin Luo."

"Hello." Terry Dick naturally understood that this is Blue Star, and he didn't dare to be presumptuous. He pretended to be happy and said, "I'm very happy when I first arrived on your planet. Although your planet is small, it has beautiful scenery... "

Dorenna is not afraid of Blue Star, but, after all, this is his territory, and there is no such thing as not being unstoppable in the interstellar world.

The two of them had another half-hour of courteous talk, and Terry Dick was numb, still blaming Temus in his heart.

Imagine what it would feel like to repeat what you just said.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the scenery of Dorenna." Lin Luo asked Terry Dick to sit down and signaled the staff to serve tea and wine.

Terry Dick picked up the cup, glanced at it and took a sip, then asked strangely: "Is this the first time you have come into contact with aliens?"

"Of course." Lin Luo nodded and said, "Why do you ask that?" '

He has a guilty conscience.

Termes was also guilty on the side, because Lin Luo said that he couldn't let the other party know that they had killed two third-level civilizations in a row.

This effect is not good.

After all, they will be in business in the future.

"This wine is green. The taste and color seem to be drunk in a certain galaxy before. It seems to be a wine called Apocalypse..." Terry Dick remembered.

The faces of Lin Luo and Temus changed suddenly, the former glared at Temus, and Temus looked innocent...

Because it was Lin Luo's order, bring some delicious treats.

When the Star Army evacuated Apocalypse, they naturally brought back a lot of delicious food, and this wine became the best. Biqu library

"Maybe it's a coincidence." Lin Luo smiled: "What apocalypse, I've never heard of it, is it amazing?"

"The emperors in this galaxy are still very strong." Terry Dick said: "When you are young, you are brave and resourceful..."

"So, he was killed by us." Temus thought so, but smiled and said: "Coincidence, coincidence."

Terry Dick didn't want to talk to Temes. He looked at Lin Luo and said, "Since you guys contacted us, I'll get straight to the point."

"I have explained my intention to you." Lin Luo also nodded.

"Yes." Terry Dick said: "The Galaxy family welcomes you to join, but..."

"If you want to come in, there are conditions."

In fact, Lin Luo already knew a little bit from Apocalypse's database, but he still pretended not to know and said: "I thought we were all kind galaxies..."

Temes sweated.

The surface is kind, if you disagree, you may have to be killed.

"Mr. Lin Luo, please understand that there is nothing free in the world. If you want to get something, you have to pay something." Terry Dick said: "But don't worry, if you join the Milky Way, we will be one family , I will protect you."

When the representatives of other countries heard this, they all looked at Temus and smiled secretly.

And the corner of Temus' mouth twitched...

No wonder Lin Luo said they were the galactic police.

Didn't he say that to the police before?

Lin Luo showed a look of embarrassment. At this time, Terry Dick signaled his followers to take the documents

Handed it to Lin Luo and said, "This is the Galactic Alliance Treaty."

Lin Luo looked at it for a full hour, the more he looked...the more he frowned.

In fact, I am happy inside.

This condition is much simpler than imagined.

He coughed dryly, raised his head, looked at Terry Dick with a bit of displeasure, and said, "Okay. Then let's start signing the contract."

"?" Terry Dick paused, thinking that you finished reading it so quickly, and...

Don't even think about it?

Or pay back the price?

However, Terry Dick would definitely not let Lin Luo counter-offer, after all, the courage of the Dorenna galaxy lies there.

The condition is here, whether you like to come or not.

Naturally, Lin Luo would not make such a lowly mistake, he did it on purpose.

Temus understood, and said: "The words of our head teacher Lin Luo are instructions on our planet!"

"It turned out to be a dictatorship." Terry Dick understood at once, and looked at Lin Luo with a hint of a joke hidden in his eyes.

After all, he has seen many such planets, and most of them can't go far.

While speaking, Lin Luo took out the scissors, cut his hair, took out the bowl, and dripped some blood.

"This is..."

"This is the signing ceremony of our Blue Star, which represents God's testimony." Lin Luo smiled and said, "Everyone wants it."

"But I don't have hair." Terry Dick didn't feel anything wrong, feeling that Lan Xing was indeed a primitive person, and said at the same time: "Is it okay to only drop blood?"

"Of course you can, of course you can. But if you only use blood, you need to put a little more in order to appear sincere and get the blessing of the gods!" Lin Luo smiled, but actually sweated secretly

How can there be such a perverted ceremony, I just want to take the other party's blood to see if the other party's genetic value is worth extracting.

Temus and the others next to him also rolled their eyes. This alien is really ignorant. He probably didn't know what happened when Lin Luo sold him.

Just when Terry Dick was about to bleed, a Dorona star from behind walked up to his ear and whispered:

"Your Excellency Dick, the main star is calling, and His Royal Highness ordered us to return immediately!"



At this moment, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and violent storms poured down.

Chen An looked at the rain by the window and said, "Didn't the weather forecast say that there will be no rain today?"

He is extremely worried...

Not worried about the rain, but worried about Lin Luo.

Just as the voice fell, the sky suddenly cleared, and then the sun was shining brightly.

"If you say the sky will change?" Chen An was stunned, then looked towards the sky and said, "It's so beautiful."

At this moment, auspicious clouds appear above the sky, and the whole world is actually divided into two sides, one black and one white, which is truly spectacular.

But at this moment, at Lin Luo's residence, Dabai suddenly opened his eyes, and he jumped up, staring at the egg in front of him with his big bear eyes.


There was a cracking sound, followed by a paw poking lightly at the shell...

Not broken.

The paw poked again..

Not broken!

one more time!


this time...

It's finally broken!

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