Lin Luo was extremely angry.

Normal people would think this way when they saw this situation.

However, Lin Luo will not give up on it, because this little golden dragon is so cute.

At this moment, Xiao Jinlong trembled violently, as if he didn't want to stay in Lin Luo's hands anymore.

"Does it hurt you?" Lin Luo put it on the ground.

At this time, Xiao Jinlong actually started to run...

It keeps running along Lin Luo's office.

Although it is still small, it can still blow a gust of wind when it runs...

Lin Luo finally understood why its office was such a mess.

"Knowing that I was born with a disease and poor constitution, I started exercising since I was a child, and I will look like a great emperor in the future." Lin Luo nodded, thinking that he was indeed his pet.

Think about Dabai again...

I get angry just thinking about it.

This fat bear is lazy and loves to eat.

The same beast, how come there is such a big gap?

Lin Luo was thinking when he heard footsteps behind him.

Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.

Dabai hurried back at this moment, saw Lin Luo there, squinted his eyes and smiled.

"You still have the nerve to come back. Other dragons have been born, where have you been?" Lin Luo said.

Dabai felt aggrieved when he heard this. He lowered his head and pointed to the bones of the garbage bag, which meant that he took good care of the little golden dragon and even divided the food with him in half.

Lin Luo stepped forward to take a look, and was immediately dumbfounded. He looked back at Dabai and said, "You feed him the meat of a third-level giant beast just after he was born?"

Dabai looked up at the ceiling.

Lin Luo was sweating, and finally understood why it was running.

These third-level behemoths are full of flesh, blood, and energy. Even if they are in the posture of a great emperor, it is difficult to digest them for a while after they are born.

However, the little golden dragon did not explode to death, which shows that it is indeed very powerful.


After several hours, Xiao Jinlong finally finished running.

Lin Luo gave it a bucket of soaked milk, and each of them, one bear and one dragon, started eating directly.

"Wow~~~" Xiao Jinlong stared at the flesh of the two of them while drinking milk, and the little dragon stretched out his claws quietly..


Lin Luo interrupted it directly.

"Wow~~" Xiao Jinlong looked at Lin Luo pitifully with teary eyes.

"Children are not allowed to eat." Lin Luo said.

Xiao Jinlong was downcast, but Lin Luo stared at Xiao Jinlong and said

Said: "Although you are not a human race, you are raised by me after all, so you must have a name."

"It took you 108 months to be born, so let's call it Lin Yue. You are still young, so you should be called Xiaoyue."

"Wow~~~" Xiao Jinlong obviously liked the name, and stuck out his tongue to lick Lin Luo's hand.

"Good boy! Be a good dragon in the future, don't learn from this fat bear next to you..."


Dabai rolled his eyes when he heard this.

If this bear provokes anyone, it will be affected even if he cooks next to him.

On the contrary, the little golden dragon kept looking at the pot, knife and seasoning placed beside the bed, looking at Lin Luo with curiosity...

"Eh..." Lin Luo laughed dryly, and motioned for Dabai next to him to take it away quickly.

Dabai rolled his eyes and quickly brought these things.

It thought in its heart, and wondered if the little golden dragon would be self-closing in retrospect when he grew up.

After all, before it was born, there were countless uncles who cared about it.

and also...

A master who wants to take pots and other utensils to threaten it to be born early.

When night fell, Chen An came over, ready to inform Lin Luo about the Dorenna fleet.

When I entered the door, I saw Lin Luo was studying a broken egg...

"No matter how much you eat, you don't call us, eat alone?" Chen An said subconsciously.

Hearing this, Lin Luo raised his head angrily, and said, "Lin Yue heard what you said, so I won't beat you after seeing it."

"Who is Lin Yue?" Chen An was puzzled.

Lin Luo turned his head and glanced at the bed.

At this moment, his bed was already occupied by a bear and a dragon, and the little golden dragon was lying on Dabai's belly, sound asleep.

"Born? My dear, it's actually a dragon. It's unbelievable. Where did you come from?" Chen An was surprised, he was really curious about dragons, and said:

"So there is really a dragon in this world? When was it born? Is there any auspicious omen? By the way, there seems to be an inexplicable rain today, and there are strange sights. It can't be because of it."

"You ask so many questions at once, how can I answer?" Lin Luo said speechlessly, "You came here in the middle of the night just to ask this?"

"Of course not." Chen An said: "Let me tell you, the Dorenna fleet has left according to its orbit, and nothing strange has been seen so far."

"That's good." Lin Luo nodded. Biqu library

"on the moon

Should the cover be removed? "

"Get ready to dismantle it." Lin Luo said: "I also ordered it to go on, the whole world will return to normal, and the power of genes can be used."

"The aliens are really strange. They were fine, but they suddenly stopped signing. Then why did they come here?"

"Who knows." Lin Luo said: "It's okay. At present, the bottleneck period of our development has not yet arrived, and we don't need to rely on external forces for the time being."

Chen An nodded, looked back at Xiao Jinlong again, muttered a few times, and was about to leave.

"By the way, the genes of this little golden dragon...should be good." Chen An said.

"You are really narrow-minded and selfish." Lin Luo said angrily.

"I'm just reminding you." Chen An said: "Okay, your dragon is so precious, I don't want to say it."

Chen An waved his hand and was about to leave. Just as he walked to the door, he was almost knocked down by Lin Luo's words...

"He is still young and developing, so the skin tissue cannot be damaged. When he grows up, he must be smoked."



Who is narrow and who is selfish?


Above the solar system, Terry Dick led the fleet to prepare to return.

Since the communication cannot be done in time, even if the signal space technology is used to send it back, it will take about seven days.

He couldn't figure out why he was suddenly recalled.

"Report to the captain, we found that there are spatial fluctuations ahead..."

"Spatial fluctuations?" Terry Dick paused, and said, "Go around the road."

"This spatial fluctuation is very stable and seems to be disappearing..." said the deputy captain.

"Stable?" Terry Dick was taken aback.

He signaled to send an aircraft to investigate, and when he got close to the destination, his pupils shrank...

He saw beyond Jupiter, a disappearing stargate.

This stargate, of course, leads to Plot Star, and is currently being closed.

"Stargate...this galaxy actually has a stargate!!" Terry Dick's eyes became different.

The Dorona galaxy has always wanted stargate technology, because their system is too much needed...

Only with stargate technology can the resources of the Milky Way be truly integrated.

"Send this news back to the main star." When Terry Dick spoke, his breathing became irritable.

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