seven days later

At the Dorona Palace, Mark Carey was dealing with affairs on a daily basis until the correspondent arrived.

"Received a report from Dick's fleet."

"Didn't you let them return?" Mark Carey was displeased. There was no need to report such news.

"I think you should take a look," said the correspondent.

Mark Carey took the report handed over by the other party, glanced at it, and his pupils shrank sharply.

Afterwards, he got up quickly and said: "Prepare for the galaxy meeting, call all the councilors..."

"Yes." The correspondent also understood how big the matter was.

"Also..." Mark Carey was silent, and said, "Call Emperor Moronado."


The correspondent nodded and walked outside.

In no time, a total of 189 people came to the galaxy conference on Dorenna.

With Moronado, it's 190.

Mark Carey was sitting in the chief seat, and Moronado was sitting next to him. He also knew that he was in the past tense, and when he came in, he bowed slightly towards Mark Carey.

It's just that he didn't understand what happened, and he needed to summon the old emperor.

In fact, it was a bit embarrassing for him to appear in this kind of meeting.

After all, he was the one who gave orders.

Moreover, the alternation between emperors and kings is also a very sensitive matter.

Mark Carey scanned the audience and said: "The content of today's meeting is top secret... If anyone leaks the secret, the whole family will be killed and eradicated directly."

Hearing this, everyone gasped.

what's going on?

This was the first time they heard such words from Mark Carey.

If this is said about Moronado, then they will not be surprised.

Everyone looked at Mark Carey in unison. At this moment, he got up and said: "The news I just got, Dick Fleet reported that there is a star gate on the blue star system..."


When everyone heard the word "star gate", they understood it.

Stargate technology, Mark Carey has said many times.

This technology can make the entire Dorenna system come alive.

If it can be obtained, it will make Dorenna another glory.

When Moronado heard the word Blue Star,

Not very comfortable.

It's this galaxy again, in fact, he really doesn't want to hear it, because he was too shocked to see that hellish scene back then.

"Has Terry Dick figured out the opponent's strength?" Someone raised his hand and asked.

For a while, the meeting was silent.

What this person said is equivalent to a naked attempt.

That is to call the past.

Everyone looked at Mark Carey and Moronado.

One is the reigning emperor who promotes peace, and the other is the old emperor who promotes colonization.

This silence lasted for a full three minutes. In the end, Mark Carey looked at Moronado and said, "Your Highness, what do you think?"

Moronado pondered for a while, and said: "I said, I can't influence your opinion, but what I want to reiterate is... I don't want you to have too much contact with this galaxy."

Mark Carey was taken aback.

"However, I also understand your obsession with the star gate." Moronado said: "If you need me, I will fight again."

"But in this way, all our previous efforts will be in vain, and the reputation we have worked so hard to manage in the galaxy..." Mark Carey said.

"So, you want to take peaceful means?" Moronado said.

"Yes." Mark Carey said: "Dick said that the other party is very friendly, and he has indeed never seen anything in the world, and his technological level is not as good as ours."

"In this world, there are advantages and disadvantages." Moronado said:

"Actually, what I said before, after all, so many years have passed, so I don't necessarily need to pay attention to it..."

"If Stargate is really important, then do it according to your ideas."

"You are the emperor, and we will all obey your will."

Mark Carey was deep in thought, his eyes sparkling.

Do we want to return to the colonial era, or continue to walk along the established route...

This is a choice he has to make.

Because of the star gate, it is impossible for him to give up.


Lin Luo woke up the next day and was feeding Xiao Jinlong when he saw walking in...

The woman glanced at Xiao Jinlong and said in surprise, "He gave birth?"

"Others have hatched." Lin Luo rolled his eyes and said.


Uh..." Xia Qian didn't have much curiosity, she just glanced at the little golden dragon, with a rare smile on her face, but she didn't delay her business, and said: "The Department of Space is here to report that the Dorenna fleet is returning home. up. "

"Going back?" Lin Luo stood up abruptly, and said while walking out: "Dabai, feed the little golden dragon, remember not to feed it meat, lest it has to run again..."

After finishing speaking, Lin Luo took Xia Qian to the space department in a hurry, and when he entered, he asked Wu Shan, "Where did you return?"


"Jupiter?!" Lin Luo frowned, thought for a while, and then said, "It seems they discovered the star gate."

When Wu Shan heard this, his expression changed, and he said, "Will they remember it..."

"It's unlikely." Lin Luo said: "The reason why I chose Dorenna Star is because there are a lot of information about them on Apocalypse Star. Alvin Callum defined this Dorenna Emperor as : The wise emperor."

"Dorenna spent tens of thousands of years establishing the current galaxy system. If he launches an attack on us, then all their previous efforts will be in vain."

Wu Shan naturally believed in Lin Luo's judgment.

"You guys continue to monitor, I'll go to the Eagle Kingdom." Lin Luo said as he walked out, and Wu Shan behind him said: "Master Lin, the cover on the moon..."

"Yes, yes, yes." Lin Luo said quickly, "Tell them to cover up again."

"Yes." Wu Shan sweated, thinking that in such a short time, he didn't know if he was in a hurry. After all, covering the moon is a big project. Biqu library

Later, Lin Luo also came to the Black Palace late at night and woke Temus from the bed.

"Are you calling?" Tems said while combing his hair.

"It's back again." Lin Luo said.

"I was scared to death. I thought I could watch the theme of Alien Invasion 4." Temus patted his chest and said, "I should have told them to go back the same way."

"No need. I didn't intend to hide the Stargate technology. It's a bargaining chip in our foreign transactions." Lin Luo explained:

"I'm actually more curious about the reason why they refused for the first time..."

"But now it seems that it should be done!"

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