When Terry Dick came to the Black Palace again, he smiled.

The Doronaians are actually quite similar to humans, with off-white skin, big heads, big eyes, really big ones, eight fingers and one palm, and their height is comparable to humans.

"Nice to see you again." Terry Dick said.

"Is there something wrong with the spaceship? Do you need help?" Lin Luo asked knowingly.

Terry Dick smiled and said: "It's not, but I suddenly feel grateful for your star's friendship, and at the same time wrote back to the main star, begging His Excellency to allow us to continue signing the contract."

Lin Luo smiled, invited him in, and said, "Thank you very much."

The two sat down and began to chat about some details again. In the end, Terry Dick said straight to the point: "Blue Star, do you have Stargate technology?"

Lin Luo was not surprised when he heard this. He still pretended to be ignorant and said, "Yes. Is there any problem?"

"If we want to buy this technology, how much will it cost?" Terry Dick looked at Lin Luo and said.

Lin Luo smiled when he heard this.

Temus next to him also smiled, and Terry Dick also smiled.

At this moment, Lin Luo said: "Sorry, we don't sell."


"...The other party said that this technology is not for sale, but he is willing to help us coordinate the establishment of stargates in various galaxies, but the premise is that the blue star is allowed to enter the galactic market, and..." Terry Dick adopted the space real-time communication.

This kind of communication costs a lot every minute. If it is not an emergency, Terry Dick will not use it at all.

"...We need to pay for the technology of the stargate." Terry Dick said.

Mark Carey frowned when he heard this.

If possible, he still wants to master the Stargate technology.

"There is no room for negotiation?" Mark Carey said.

"Yes." Terry Dick nodded and said, "The other conditions are exactly the same as what you wrote, and the other party readily agreed."

Mark Carey frowned, and after tens of seconds of meditation, he said: "Do you see the shadow of the legendary civilization in them?"

"No, why do you ask such a question?" Terry Dick said.

"Nothing." Mark Carey said. Biqu library

If the opponent's blue star really had anything to do with the legendary civilization, then Mark Carey would choose to give up without hesitation.


is to give up.

Because like Moronado said, don't get involved with these things, because if they are involved, they are ruined.

"Promise them." Mark Carey said.

Terry Dick was taken aback.

Agreed so soon?

Don't think about it?

Mark Carey said: "We don't actually need Stargate technology, we just need Stargate to help us quickly establish communication channels."

"So, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, we have nothing to hesitate,

And...the other party is actually not as simple as you think, they have long known that we need this technology. "

"He chose us, not us who chose them."

Terry Dick was taken aback.

Lin Luo doesn't seem like such a complicated person...

Warm and hospitable, and seems to have no intentions.

"Understood?" Mark Carey said.

"Understood." Terry Dick said quickly: "I will complete this agreement as soon as possible."


The next day, Lin Luo looked at the big man with blood in front of him, and Terry Dick asked, "Is that enough?"

"Enough is enough." Lin Luo smiled, sweating in his heart.

It doesn't need so much, is the blood of your Dorenna stars so worthless?

Terry Dick bandaged the wound with a medical bag, without thinking too much. After all, each galaxy has a different culture. He looked at Lin Luo and said: "Our emperor is looking forward to meeting you, so we hope you can build a star system The door passage leads to Dorenna Star."

"No problem." Lin Luo asked the staff next to him to put away the bowl, and said, "It's just what I want. I also want to see the prosperity of the Dorenna galaxy."

"I will stay here for a few days, and then go back to report to the emperor. During this period, you can send some technicians to get the stars and locations from me."

"no problem."

After some courtesies, Terry Dick was finally sent away.

However, when this guy walked out of the Black Palace, he was on the verge of collapse...

After all, he lost a large bowl of blood. However, he was still excited and said, "It's hard to understand why this planet has already entered a fourth-level civilization, yet it still maintains such a perverted ritual."

In the middle of the night, Lin Luo returned to the Hope Biological Base, and he was in an excellent mood.

Dorenna hopes to harvest the entire galaxy through the economic system, but...

There are some technologies on Blue Star that they don't want.

For example, Stargate.

For example, Apocalypse Mecha.

These things are not worth much in Lin Luo's eyes, but he knows that in the universe, these things are very valuable.

As for the Undead Mecha, let alone, but this thing is too expensive, and it is easy to provoke hatred. If it is not too short of money, Lin Luo will not sell it.

Currently, Lin Luo's policy is very simple, that is, to develop slowly without attracting hatred.

"Dolena's genetic map can be extracted, but it may be slower because of the blood extraction." Zhu Yihui said to Lin Luo.

"It's okay." Lin Luo said.

Zhu Yihui said with a smile at this time: "You still have a way to trick Gene into it without a single soldier."

Lin Luo smiled, and then said: "Did Dabai send the little golden dragon here today?"

"Come here once." Zhu Yihui said: "According to your instructions, I didn't do anything to it. I used technological equipment to conduct statistical research on its eyes. Although it was the first time I saw a dragon, but..."

"I'm pretty sure it's not a diseased eye, but that's how it is."

Lin Luo frowned when he heard this, and Zhu Yihui handed over the data at this time.


Outside the Milky Way, in a farther universe, on a galaxy that is ten... a hundred times more prosperous than Star Dorona, people come and go.

On every planet, there are huge technological equipment.

These devices are all printed with an icon:

Colorful wolf totem!

The colorful wolf belongs to the sixth-level behemoth, not to mention extremely aggressive.

However, this galaxy is not for the colorful wolf.

Colorful wolves were tamed 20,000 years ago.

And the colorful wolf has also become a symbol of combat power in this galaxy.

Everyone who sees the colorful wolf will think of this name:


That's right.

It is exactly the Barrett galaxy seen in the solar system tens of thousands of years ago in Moronado's mouth.

Today, this galaxy is a sixth-level civilization, basically at the pinnacle of technology...

The reason why Butler Star is called Butler is because their emperor is called Butler.

The person who single-handedly ruled this galaxy has survived to this day.

This just shows the power of their technology...

However, Barrett is already in his old age, and he knows that his time is numbered.

If you want to continue to live, you must master the power of the legendary civilization.

However, he searched hard all these years, but couldn't find it at all.

He knows where there are legends and civilizations, but he dare not mess with them...

Because back then, he relied on the support of the legendary civilization to grow to where he is today.

A dog does not dare to bite its master.

Because it knows it will definitely not be able to beat it.

"Report..." An emperor came in, knelt down, and said, "His Royal Highness, we are late, the Apocalypse... has been destroyed."

Barrett frowned when he heard this.

The reason why I miss a third-level civilization comes from a piece of news:

Jacob Starfield.

Lin Luo must remember this star field, because the origin of the undead mecha was recorded on the Apocalypse Star, and it was found on this Jacob star field.

"Who did it?" Barrett asked.

If he knew it was just an undead mecha technology, he didn't care, and he wouldn't even go after it.

However, the Jacob star field was once a legendary civilization.

He wanted to know how many secrets Apocalypse had obtained about Jacob's planet.

"Still investigating!" the emperor said respectfully.

Barrett frowned.

The emperor immediately kowtowed in panic and said, "I will definitely find out who the galaxy is behind the scenes!"

After finishing speaking, the emperor stood up, bowed again and left.

He knew why Barrett was so crazy.

After all, who doesn't want to live!

However, the shadow of the legendary civilization is so easy to find!

However, the galaxy of Apocalypse was almost completely destroyed, leaving no traces, and it was extremely difficult to find clues.

After all, the universe is too big.

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