"Based on our current technology, it only takes one and a half years to open the stargate passage, and it will be the same when you go back." Lin Luo said to Terry Dick.

"No." Terry Dick said: "When I came, the emperor also told me to go to other star fields for negotiation."

"The envoy is really busy." While speaking, Lin Luo glanced at the wound on Terry Dick's hand, revealing a trace of guilt...

"When the star gate is opened, I must have a banquet on the main star, Your Excellency the Chief Master." Terry Dick said with a smile.

"I'm looking forward to it." Lin Luo smiled and sent Terry Dick off to the space battleship.

Terry Dick took two steps, then turned around suddenly.

"Astrolady is there anything else?"

Terry Dick pointed to the top of his head and said, "It seems that one of your satellites has a problem? Why do you want to cover it?"

Lin Luo paused, but Temus said: "This satellite was too ugly when it was built. I know that this is a major event between our two galaxies, and it will affect the layout..."

"I see." Terry Dick was quite happy and moved when he heard that.

blue star...

It really is hospitality.

Such a kind nation is rare in the Milky Way!

The two looked up and watched the Dorenna fleet set sail, Temus said: "Mr. Lin, I was just witty."

Lin Luo said as if he didn't hear it:

"I think we also need some star envoys, and we have to start trading in the future."

After finishing speaking, Lin Luo glanced at Temus, who quickly said, "Let's forget it, I'm old and ugly, and my IQ is not high."

Lin Luo smiled and said, "What do you think of Paul?"

What happened before made Lin Luo quite impressed with Paul.

"It's a good idea, but..." Temus said seriously: "The Gallic rooster likes to surrender when they meet, are you sure?"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the genes of the Dorenna people."

"...The Dorenna people were once evolved from starry sky beasts, and they possess dark genetic energy in their bodies. This kind of genetic power can easily corrupt people's minds, so use it with caution!"

"Star beast?" Lin Luo was surprised, it was the first time he heard the word "use with caution" in the system.

In fact, Lin Luo doesn't have much contact with the universe, and the star beast is very famous in the universe, known for its strong offensive ability.

However, they have no reason to

Destroy for a living.

"Ding! You have completed the second-stage gene collection, you can still continue to obtain the second-order genes, but you will no longer receive additional rewards."

"Ding! 9 million bonus points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the second-stage gene map!"

"Ding! 30 million bonus points!"

"39 million?" Lin Luo swallowed, shocked.

However, the sound of the system has not ended yet and continues to sound:

"Ding! You have obtained additional rewards, which can be obtained in the following rewards:"

"One, the ancient genetic instrument and the best prize draw once!"

"Second, Tianji randomly evolves once (it can be skipped, or it may be the same level)"

Lin Luo couldn't help getting excited when he heard this.

Whether it is first or second, it is a super top reward.

Needless to say, the power of the secret, if it can continue to evolve, it will definitely greatly enhance Lin Luo's strength.

However, it is betting on dogs.

The first is also extremely important.

First of all, Lin Luo has a black corpse taken back from the Earth Center Project, and the gene extraction has not been completed yet.

This is of great significance to the third-order genetic plan and the ancient blue star civilization.

As for the draw...

"Choose the first one." Lin Luo pondered over and over again, and finally made a choice.

Under normal circumstances, with Lin Luo's personality, he would choose the second option, because if the bet is to skip a grade, it will be blood money.

But at present, Blue Star has already been in contact with the universe, so it is hard to say when the danger will come, so the research on the third-stage gene lock must be put on the agenda.

Moreover, the first type of reward is actually very powerful.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an ancient genetic instrument."

"Ding! You have won an excellent lucky draw chance!"

Lin Luo took a look, and there was an extra option this time.

There used to be four, now there are five:

Extreme beauty (black) plus 10 million points (45%)

One superb skill (45%)

A top-quality alien animal gene map, which can be devoured (5%)

Awaken ancient genes once (4%)

The secret evolves once (1%)

Lin Luo took a look, except for the first one, the others are all good things.

Lin Luo pressed the lottery switch, and his mood became tense...

All four are good things I haven't seen before.


The turntable starts spinning.

Lin Luo stared at that secret evolution...

If you can draw the last 1 percent like the egg you drew last time, that would be great.

Lin Luo thought so, and the turntable began to slow down.

Lin Luo's heart beats faster...


The turntable is about to stop.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an ancient gene awakening!"

"Awakening of ancient genes?" Lin Luo was taken aback, wondering what it was.

At this moment, Lin Luo felt hot all over, and suddenly felt his heart beating violently...

But his vision was getting blurry.



Lin Luo suddenly jumped up from the bed and shouted.

It frightened a bear and a dragon leaning against the bed.

"Wow~~" Xiao Jinlong sweetly crawled onto Lin Luo's bed, and licked Lin Luo's hand with his tongue.

Lin Luo was still in a daze, but still picked up the little golden dragon, touched its faucet, and asked Xia Qian who was waiting beside him, "How long have I been asleep?"

"It's been a month." Xia Qian said.

"One month?!" Lin Luo was stunned, he couldn't believe it, and said, "What happened to me this month?"

"No." Xia Qian shook her head.

Lin Luo put down the little golden dragon, got up and looked at his hands.

What kind of changes can the awakening of ancient genes bring?

He waved one hand, and suddenly he froze for a moment.

Because he can clearly feel the flow and control of energy, and the high-speed operation of the brain...

At the same time, he felt that the power of his genes was infinitely magnified at this moment.

ten times.

hundred times.

"Horror!" Lin Luo looked at his hands, with fear and fanaticism in his eyes.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the evolutionary processes of human beings towards the future...

It's just that it's too powerful.

If it is said that Lin Luo did not believe that human beings could move mountains and seas with bare hands, now Lin Luo began to believe all of this.

The ancient human ancestors may really be the result of continuous unlocking of gene locks and infinite evolution.



It was once thought that Venus was the most likely place for the birth of life.

Until that year, when Eagle Country's probes entered here, all guesses were broken.

People discovered that this planet is not the birthplace of life, but...


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