At this moment, Xu Han is leading the shadow chasing team in this hell.

The temperature here is above Baidu all year round.

Even, it can reach four or five Baidu.

It's like a huge flaming furnace.

It can be said that without the second-order gene lock and the Apocalypse Mecha, it is impossible to enter this environment.

Xu Han has now searched four planets, all of which have not found much.

He knew the importance of the Eastern Emperor Bell and ancient civilizations to Blue Star, so he finally decided to venture to Venus.

However, as soon as they landed, they felt extremely uncomfortable, and the mech's system also reminded them that they could only stay for three days at most.

"Everyone pay attention to safety." Xu Han said.

Now the shadow chasing team has a total of 1,000 people, not only has good strength, but also has a very high awareness of ancient civilizations.

On the first day, there was no harvest. Instead, a shadow chaser almost fell into the molten abyss and almost died.

The next day, there was still no harvest, but there were more surprises.

On the third day, Xu Han thought about it, and finally decided to give up here temporarily, after all, it was too dangerous.

When they were about to summon their staff to leave, the last team member hurried over and said, "Dr. Xu Han, come and see."

When Xu Han and others rushed over, they were stunned...

Because above the lava abyss, there is a piece of golden substance floating.

"It's a corner of a door." One of the team members swallowed, expressing what everyone was thinking.

Xu Han didn't calm down anymore, and scanned this hell-like planet:

"Could it be that there were people living on the former Venus?"


Time flies, and it has been almost a year since the visit of the Dorenna galaxy.

During this year, I have to feel the learning ability of human beings. I have absorbed a lot of technology from Apocalypse and Proteus, which has made human technology enter an extremely terrifying development period. Biqu library

Lin Luo also rebuilt the space defense system.

After all, it is impossible for them to completely rely on the moon to guard the blue star.

Because no one knows whether there is an upper limit to the number of Moon Guardians.

Among them, stargate technology and undead mechs have become the focus of research. Although undead mechs are useless against heavenly soldiers, they can increase

Strengthen the strength of the United Army, and the Star Gate is almost equivalent to copying it.

"It turns out, that's how we were bald at the beginning." Temus looked at the star gate in front of him, very shocked, which reminded him of the days when he was groped across the river by Huaxia.


Now it is the Blue Stars who touch others to cross the river together.

Stargate belongs to space technology, and to a certain extent, it is also one of the technologies of legendary civilization, but it is not an offensive weapon, so the universe also defaults to this product as a technology type.

"In half a year, our first star gate will be opened." Temus was also very excited when he saw the large machines constantly shuttling between the stars.

And at the moment on the blue star, Lin Luo is discussing the four-five plan with Chen An.

"Why do you have this expression?" Lin Luo was surprised.

"All along, it was you who gave the plan, I signed it, and participated in it for the first time, it was a bit dreamy." Chen An said.

The corner of Lin Luo's mouth twitched, thinking that you just have a lot of drama, he said to Chen An: "In addition to constructing the center of the galaxy in the Golden Triangle area, we also have our own manpower for the outside world. After all, it is impossible to rely on us for these things in the future." .”

In Lin Luo's plan, the first step is the Golden Triangle area, with gold, fire, and blue stars as the center area, and then it will continue to expand.

In the end, the blue star civilization system with the solar system as the region will be completed.

Today, humans have carried out large-scale environmental improvement work on Mars.

"Do you have a suitable candidate?" Chen An asked.

"You go to be the person in charge, Paul will assist you." Lin Luo said.


"You still want to be lazy. Now that Huaxia has no external problems, you don't need to do too much. I asked about this at the Zijin Building. He said, you have to go if you don't want to go." Lin Luo laughed. .

The corner of Chen An's mouth twitched, thinking that you're going to cut first and play later, and he said, "No problem, Paul is quite smart and has great potential."

Lin Luo handed him a piece of information and said, "This is the gold on our blue star, as well as what Tianqi and Plott searched for."

"What for me?" Chen An said.

"You star envoys, naturally you have to find ways to engage in trade! Otherwise, what do you think I asked you to do?" Lin Luo said.

"...." Chen An scanned

After a glance, he said: "I don't know if it is difficult for us to enter the Galaxy market for the first time."

Lin Luo naturally ignored this and said:

"That's your problem."


Apocalypse Extraterrestrial

A sailing spaceship flies here.

This is the spaceship of Butler Star, and they have been digging since they found the Apocalypse Galaxy.

However, the destruction was so complete that there were no clues at all.

As for those lucky Apocalypse people, it is basically impossible to find them. The Apocalypse people who can escape are basically human beings. They used to colonize other galaxies crazily, knowing that they have many enemies.

So most of them use technology to change their bodies, or some hide their names and go to live in remote galaxies.

It will not appear in the nearby star field at all.

This also made Barrett's investigation into trouble.

"Your Excellency, I think you can start from other places." A Barrett star next to him said, looking at the emperor in front of him.

The emperor in charge of this operation was named Miles Colin, and he belonged to a powerful emperor on Barrett planet.

"You have a clue?" Miles looked at him.

The man hurriedly said: "I have a list here, which is the invitation list for the 10,000th anniversary celebration of Apocalypse..."

"According to the data, Alvin Callum, the emperor of Apocalypse, is very smart. If it is a foreign enemy, I don't think Apocalypse should be so miserable."

"This is more like an unprepared battle, so I think the probability of an acquaintance's attack is much higher."

"That makes sense." Miles looked at him and said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Nick."

"Very good." Miles said: "If you can find the galaxy behind the scenes, you will be the first."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor." Nick was overjoyed.

Miles took the list and glanced at it:

"Prot galaxy, Dolamia galaxy..."

When reading the eighteenth, Miles paused for a moment, but read it out: "Dorrenna Galaxy, Milky Way..."

Seeing this, the smart Nick naturally noticed something and asked, "Is there anything strange?"

"" Miles said so, but his eyes betrayed him.

Nick knew that there must be a story in it!

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