Mark Carey looked at the emperor whose head was almost buried in the ground, and remained silent for a while.

He understands that this is not a gamble.

Although I don't know what Barrett's ultimate goal is.

But if the Apocalypse is really under the protection of Barrett, then the blue star will move them, and the war will be inevitable.

If it is pursued jointly, then Dorenna will inevitably be involved.

Mark Carey would not allow such a thing to happen. He thought for a while and said, "Get ready to close the star gate."

"Yes." The emperor raised his head abruptly, but he didn't care about Mark Carey's actions.

"Wait." At this moment, Mark Carey stopped him and said, "Go to Blue Star and give this thing to the Blue Star."

"This is..." The emperor was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "The emperor's heart is still towards Blue Star..."

He doesn't understand.

Although the probability of being discovered is very small, once Barrett's anger pours out, Dorenna will definitely be destroyed.

"Go." Mark Carey said indifferently.

The emperor bowed and left.

At this time, Mark Carey looked ahead with a blank expression on his face.

Leaving aside the Blue Stars themselves, Mark Carey's final wish is...

It can enable people in the Milky Way to live in a peaceful environment.

But unfortunately, it is doomed to be impossible.

"That's all I can help, Lin Luo..." Mark Carey said, "Can you continue to create miracles with your blue star?"


August 8

Tianjing is sunny and sunny, and the sun shines directly on the earth. A big white bear wearing sunglasses is lying on the roof basking in the sun, and a little golden dragon is lying on its belly. Roasted Tier 3 Behemoth Leg...

The life of small animals is so simple and unpretentious.

And the group of humans below are very busy.

Because a minute ago, Lin Luo received the news that the star gate leading to Dorenna was destroyed.

Prior to this, there was no notification from Dorenna.

"Could it be that we earn too much and they are upset." Yang Jun sat there, typical of the behavior of a martial artist who just opened his mouth.

Chen An shook his head and said

: "This possibility is too small. The joining of Blue Star is a positive benefit for them, and the Stargate technology is still in our hands."

Everyone nodded.

The star gate has to be maintained every two years, otherwise, the star gate will be closed.

At this moment, everyone turned their heads to look at Lin Luo who had been sitting on the chair and hadn't spoken.

At this moment, Lin Luo is holding a detailed map of the Milky Way galaxy.

This thing was the last thing Mark Carey sent over.

"What do you think?" Chen An asked.

Lin Luo let out a breath, raised his head and said, "There are two possibilities. First, the Dorenna galaxy discovered the legendary civilization of Blue Star and broke off relations with Blue Star."

"Second, what is Dorenna afraid of? Maybe it's Blue Star, maybe it's some kind of threat."

"What's the difference between number one and number two?" Li Donglai asked.

"Of course there is a difference." Lin Luo said:

"Mark Carey is a cautious person by nature. If he confirms the matter about Apocalypse from me, then he will understand that Blue Star's strength will not be as weak as it appears on the surface."

"Under this premise, it is beneficial to him to continue to cooperate with Blue Star, because he also understands that I am not a very intrusive person."

Seeing that there are still many puzzles, Lin Luo took out the painting in the sealed file bag and said, "Actually, all the answers should be here."

"It's mysterious, just say what you have to say." Li Donglai muttered.

Lin Luo said, "There are some words, maybe he can't say them."

After thinking for a while, he said, "From now on, Blue Star will be on a first-level alert."

Everyone had a meal.

"All spaceships and the space force must be put on 12-point alert." Lin Luo looked at Yang Jun and Li Donglai and said, "You two, be in charge of one thing and one thing."

"Yes." The two nodded.

Afterwards, everyone dispersed.

They haven't fought a war for several years, but when a real crisis arises, they still haven't forgotten the death threat they once had.


They yearn for peace even more.

"I really guess is wrong." Lin Luo said.


In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and everything is in the wind.


However, Blue Star did not get Lin Luo's permission, and still entered a super-strong first-level alert state.

Spaceships going to and from space, all entering the blue star, need to be inspected.

However, in such a remote place in the solar system, one or two spaceships may occasionally pass by.

Therefore, in the past six months, the number of personnel in the Space Force has also been reduced. Biqu library

After all, the construction of Blue Star civilization now requires a lot of labor.

Especially on Mars, the environment has been completely changed now, buildings have been uprooted one after another, and animals and plants have begun to be born.

It has to be said that Lin Luo's plan to integrate into the universe was very successful. They exchanged unnecessary mechs, stargate technology, and battleships for a lot of resources and technology.

This kind of environment-improving technology was bought from a fourth-level civilization at a great price.

At this moment, above the edge of the solar system, Miles' spaceship is slowly approaching.

The closer he got, the more uneasy Miles became.

Because here, he had heard it from his parents' generation...

When approaching, the desolate atmosphere has gradually spread.

A tiny star, and wandering desert planets.

Miles couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, he hoped that the Blue Star he heard was just a similar name.

He came here this time just to verify this fact.

"This was really the center of the universe before?" Nick next to him didn't quite believe it.

"The center of the universe does not refer to geography, but prosperity..." Miles said blankly, directing the operators to fly towards the center of the solar system.

At the same time, he scanned the front intently.

He was in a complicated mood, he had expectations, and he also didn't want Lan Xing to really appear again.


Their battleship was surrounded by two huge warships.

At this moment, Miles clenched his fist tightly.

"Do you want to start variable speed evacuation?" asked the correspondent next to him.

"No." Miles waved his hand, motioning for them to open the hatch.

He walked out, and at this moment, three people flew across.

One of them is Yang Jun.

Yang Jun glanced at the spaceship and said, "The blue star ahead, alien planets are forbidden!"

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