When speaking, Yang Jun's pupils shrank.

Because he saw it, saw the colorful wolf pattern on the outer surface of the space battleship.

He had seen this picture on Lin Luo's desk, although he only had one glance, but Yang Jun remembered it.

Miles next to him heard Yang Jun's voice, squinted his eyes and smiled, and at this moment, the cabin door automatically pulled up...

Yang Jun could only see his ghostly smile at the end.

Yang Jun understood that this is what Lin Luo has been looking for, and he shouted:

"At all costs, keep them!"


The moment Miles closed the hatch, his whole person changed.

He finally figured it out, this time he won't die.

When he returned to Planet Barrett, he also had an excuse to return.

blue star.

The blue star really reappeared in the universe.

Then, there is no need to pursue the Jacob Starfield.

Myles turned his head and said to the operator next to him: "Start the maximum speed and rush back to Butler Star..."

"Yes." The operator quickly pressed the switch.

At this moment, this spaceship belonging to a sixth-level civilization emerged in a burst of light, and in the next second, it appeared in an extremely distant area like a space jump. Biqu library

This scene shocked Yang Jun and the others.

Terrible speed.

This is not at all comparable to the Yinhe.

"Catch up." Yang Jun took a deep breath.

Although I don't know why.

However, the target has emerged.

At this moment, when Lin Luo on the blue star heard the news, he jumped up on the bed.

"Are you sure?" Lin Luo asked Xia Qian.

"This is the picture..." Xia Qian handed it to Lin Luo.

Fortunately, she got off work a little later today. After receiving a report from the Ministry of Space, she continued: "Commander Yang Jun has already chased after him."

Lin Luo glanced at it and let out a sigh of relief.

The most worrying thing still happened.

That Dorenna is not afraid of Blue Star, but the enemy of Blue Star.

So, how was this enemy established?

Did the other party know from Apocalypse or Plott that Blue Star has a legendary civilization?

Lin Luo thought about it carefully, but found it impossible.

Even if there are people from Apocalypse or Plott alive, they no longer have the coordinates of the blue star, because all their technological system data have been destroyed by Lin Luo and the others.

Lin Luo knew that now is not the time to think about these things, and asked: "

Can you catch up? "

"Commander Yang Jun and the others have already lost their target." Xia Qian said: "The opponent's speed is extremely fast, even if the Yinhe number is at its strongest speed, they can't track it at all."

Hearing this, Lin Luo thought for a while, then walked to the drawer suddenly, turned down the last layer, and said to Xia Qian at the same time: "Talk to Ye Yi."

Xia Qian quickly followed suit, and soon Ye Yi's voice came:

"I'm Ye Yi."

"Which direction is the target?" Lin Luo picked up the map and asked Ye Yi.

The latter glanced at it, and immediately said: "The direction of Jupiter..."

After finishing speaking, he continued: "Brother Lin Luo, it is unlikely that we can intercept them within the solar system."

"That's outside the solar system, or even farther away." Lin Luo stood up and said, "Are there any galaxy warships on the blue star?"

"There is one, over the ocean." Xia Qian picked up Lin Luo's secret and followed it out.

"No... the speed of the Yinhe is still not enough." Lin Luo pondered.

At this moment, Ye Yi's voice came from the communicator: "The Imperial spaceship sent by Mark Carey broke down earlier, and he said to stay and let us help repair it."

Lin Luo raised his head abruptly, his pupils became a bit more complex, he let out a sigh of relief, and said, "I really owe him a favor!"

After speaking, Lin Luo quickly flew into the air.

And Xia Qian whistled, and Dabai, who was lying on the roof, suddenly opened his eyes.

As soon as it got up, the little golden dragon hugged its bear leg, which meant that it was going too.


Dabai touched its small dragon's head and smiled, and then the little golden dragon followed with envious eyes.


By the time Lin Luo came to the Dorenna, Ye Yi had already brought his staff and got ready.

The moment Lin Luo came in, it took off.

"Fly towards this galaxy..." Lin Luo said.

Ye Yi was taken aback, and said, "Isn't this galaxy our previous galaxy that traded spaceships? The directions are different."

"However, this galaxy has star gates." Lin Luo said.

Ye Yi immediately understood.

The opponent's speed is too fast, whether it is the Yinhe or the Dorenna, it is impossible to catch up with the opponent.

However, Stargate can.

"It would be great if the star gate between us and the Dorenna galaxy has not been closed." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo was silent.

He knows that Mark Carey is still

He wanted to help Lan Xing, but the strength of the other party made him afraid.

In other words, the other party was so strong that Mark Carey couldn't resist at all.

Therefore, he destroyed the star gate and disconnected everything with Blue Star.

However, he was able to leave a spaceship behind, which is already very good.

"In this spaceship, all data related to the Dorenna galaxy have been disconnected..." the console staff turned around and said.

Lin Luo nodded, not surprised by this, he just said lightly: "Go at full speed, if the direction is right, we may have a chance to intercept them."

"Brother Lin Luo..." When Lin Luo's voice fell, Ye Yi asked, "But why did the other party follow us? How did the Dorenna galaxy know in advance?"

Lin Luo didn't answer him.

If he knew the answer to all this, he would not be so passive now.


In just two months, Miles' spaceship has already left the scope of the solar system and entered the middle and back part of the Milky Way.

The speed of the sixth-level civilization is not a joke. Compared with the Yinhe, Dorenna's spaceship has been greatly improved, but it is still just a frog in the bottom of the well.

"Why are we fleeing? The opponent's technological power is not strong." Nick said: "Even I don't think they can do any harm to us."

What Nick said made sense.

Speaking in an impolite way, this spaceship flew into the Dorenna galaxy and directly bombed it. The probability that they can evacuate safely in the end is as high as 70%.

As long as they can predict the super weapons of the Dorenna galaxy in advance, that's fine.

"You still don't understand?" Miles said at this time, with a bit of disappointment in his tone.

Nick heard this, thought for a while, and suddenly realized.

Since Blue Star could once be called the center of the universe, it must have a highly developed civilization.

However, if it is just a small technological civilization, who will admit the existence of the center of your universe?


"They used to be a legendary civilization!?" Nick couldn't be calm anymore.

Miles also took a deep breath. When he heard the Chinese language spoken by Yang Jun, he knew that everything was just as he thought.

And just as they were discussing, the whistle of the space battleship suddenly sounded continuously:

"Alarm! Alert! Alert!"

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