"The spaceship has been locked!"

"Activate the shielding system!"

Miles froze for a moment when he heard the sudden siren.

However, in the next second, the intelligent system immediately replied: "The shielding system is invalid and cannot be dodged..."

"The weapon predicted our flight trajectory and activated the locking system!"

When Miles heard this, his eyeballs suddenly became round. He looked at the flashing light in front of him and immediately said, "Open the hatch."

At this moment, the hatch had been opened, Miles looked at the approaching beam on the radar, he jumped forward, and at the same time activated the mecha on his body.

Nick and the others behind quickly followed.

But, when they flew a short distance away, a huge explosion sounded from behind...

At this distance, if it is an Apocalypse Mecha, or even an Undead Mecha, it will be engulfed by powerful flames on the spot.

However, they only saw a red light appearing in front of them, which automatically blocked the aftermath of this wave of explosion.

"What's going on?" Nick was very puzzled.

Instead, Miles looked up and looked at a battleship that was getting closer and closer.

The appearance of this battleship has already been altered, making it impossible to see any origin.

However, when the hatch opened, their pupils all shrank.


They heard the language of the blue star again, and saw the face of the blue star.


In the imperial palace, an imperial official walked in, bowed to look at Mark Carey, and said, "News just came from the Yami Galaxy, and Blue Star just borrowed their channel."

"What about signal detection?" Mark Carey said.

"The signal shows that a huge explosion occurred thousands of light-years in front of the Yami galaxy." The emperor said: "It should be the Rama ray we left behind on the spacecraft..."

Mark Carey frowned.

The emperor immediately knelt on the ground and said, "I said something wrong."

Mark Carey said: "Our Dorona galaxy once intersected with Blue Star, but...that was a thing before."

"Yes, yes." The emperor sweated and said, "We haven't given Lanxing anything, it's just economic trade."

Mark Carey waved his hand, not paying attention.

Regardless of the final outcome of Blue Star, if the other party traces it, Mark Carey will only admit this, that is, the relationship between them and Blue Star is only economic.

It's just a relationship.

"Lin Luo, you really didn't disappoint me..." Mark Carey revealed a slight smile.

Mark Carey almost looked at this incident from the perspective of God, but Lin Luo was different.

This step can be achieved through some small clues. To this extent, Lin Luo is already smart enough to make Mark Carey feel a little scary.


The opponent is a sixth-level civilization.

Mark Carey let out a sigh of relief. He knew that what happened next would have nothing to do with them anymore.


On the hatch of the spacecraft in the universe, Lin Luo walked out with Li Donglai and others.

When Miles saw this scene, he was a little shocked, with doubts in his heart, guessing...

And, fear.

He didn't quite understand how the other party caught up, and why he wanted to catch up at all costs.

Could it be that Blue Star already knew the truth back then?

Lin Luo took a step forward, and the first sentence dispelled his last doubts: "Although Blue Star doesn't welcome aliens, friendly friends, we still welcome them very much. Why are you running away in such a panic?"

Hearing this, Miles breathed a sigh of relief and said, "We just happened to pass by and thought you were going to attack us, that's all."

"Really?" Lin Luo looked at the huge spaceship that was still glowing with flames, and said, "Barrett, right?"

"Yes, our Barrett is six..." A Barrett star was about to speak, but Myers directly stopped him.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, although he didn't know that Mark Carey must let them kill these people.

However, it can be guessed that they must have reported back.

Let's just think...

The other party, like Apocalypse, wants to obtain the civilization of Blue Star.

Lin Luo didn't think too much, he waved his hand, and at this time the heavenly soldiers had surrounded them.

Miles swept towards the mecha of the Heavenly Soldiers at this time, suddenly smiled, and said, "You Blue Stars are going to start attacking people regardless of the reason?"

Lin Luo didn't speak.

Leaving aside Mark Carey's various hints, Myles's quick escape alone is extremely suspicious.

The latter is the reason why Lin Luo must kill them.

The opponent's spaceship is enough to prove that they are not ordinary civilizations. If this kind of civilization strikes, it will inevitably

It will pose a huge threat to Blue Star.

Lin Luo never thought of himself as a kind person.

"However, your strength is not enough!" Miles opened his pupils for a second, staring at the spaceship behind Lin Luo and said: "Kill them, don't destroy their spaceship!"

While speaking, red light flickered on Miles' body, and Li Donglai rushed up directly holding Wufeng.

However, when Wufeng slashed to the opposite side, a huge energy rebounded directly, and when Li Donglai's scalp was numb, the mecha on Miles' body changed, and a huge wing opened at the same time. , The red energy light quickly hit Li Donglai.

After all, Li Donglai has experienced many battles, and his intuition made him fly into the air.

When he was about to jump in again, Lin Luo stopped him.

He could see that the opponent's mecha was a superior mecha than the undead mecha.

Currently, the third phase of genetic reagents is being prepared, and Li Donglai and the others have not yet awakened.

In front of this kind of enemy, they are not opponents, which is also a normal thing.

However, Miles looked at Li Donglai's skill and took a cold breath.

Legendary civilization.

As expected, the blue star has regained the legendary civilization.

Didn't the ancient history destroy them all?

Miles' eyes grew greedy and terrified.

He knew that Barrett would like the news very much.

He also understood that he had to go back alive.

However, the good news is...

The other party does not seem to be as powerful as their ancestors.

They are still very weak.

That's great news.

And just when he was thinking this way, Lin Luo took the secret from Xia Qian who was next to him, and said to Dabai who was next to him: "As many as you kill, you can eat as much meat as you go back."

Hearing this, Dabai grinned and opened his mouth, with a bit of cruelty in his eyes.

Lin Luo took a step forward, and Miles said at this time: "Haven't you recognized the gap between us?"

"Even if you possess the legendary abilities, you are too weak."

While speaking, a golden lightsaber appeared on Miles' arm, and when the wings of the mecha behind him waved in the next second, it came directly behind Lin Luo.

His pupils were full of murderous intent, but since they were on the back, he couldn't see the playful smile in Lin Luo's eyes, but he still heard Lin Luo's voice:

"too slow!"

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