The Dorenna galaxy controls the Milky Way, so naturally a lot of equipment is arranged around it to prevent unnecessary changes.

Mark Carey got up in a hurry, and when he came to the space department, he saw flashing dots on the screen of the space department.

More than one place.

He asked, "How many places?"

"About... a thousand places."

"One thousand?" Mark Carey swallowed.

Too much.

If it was said that Mark Carey was feeling a little lucky before, now Mark Carey knows that this must be Barrett.

However, a thousand star gates is too terrifying.

This means that the other party may come out in full force.

"He Dehe Neng, Blue Star, actually wants to use such a large force." Mark Carey swallowed, and asked: "Can Blue Star evacuate?"

"," said the correspondent.

Mark Carey couldn't help feeling a little pity when he heard this.

Lin Luo is indeed a rare genius.

But he still quickly said in a deep voice: "Tell everyone, all the galaxies, if the other party needs us to do something, we must do it."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison.

Mark Carey looked ahead, but he didn't quite understand it.

Since Lin Luo is so smart, he must be able to realize how powerful Barrett is.

Why not evacuate?

Could it be...

Is this the conceit of a genius?

Mark Carey never believed that Blue Star could win this war.

A gap is a gap.

This gap across levels cannot be made up by wisdom.



On the third day when Lin Luo came to the Neptune base at the edge of the solar system, he saw a celestial soldier rushing over.

"What happened?" Lin Luo asked.

"Look." Tianbing quickly handed over a machine.

Lin Luo frowned. This device was purchased by Dorenna, which can detect space power.

"How far?" Lin Luo asked.

"It's not very far, just above Neptune." Tianbing said.

Lin Luo hurried to the central area and saw that it was already in a mess.

Wu Shan was in charge of directing here. He saluted Lin Luo when he saw Lin Luo.

Lin Luo returned the salute and asked, "What's going on?"

"It has been confirmed that it is a star gate.

"Wu Shan put down his hand and said: "There are five people on the top all of a sudden..."

Hearing this, Lin Luo asked, "Did you detect any passing spaceships in the past?"

"We have checked every spaceship in the past two years..." Wu Shan said, "What's wrong?"

"In this way, what Mark Carey said may be true. This Barrett has been to Blue Star before. If not, they would not be able to grasp our star mark." Lin Luo said: "One visit is five It’s a star gate, it’s probably not some kind of temptation, it’s really serious when it comes up.”

After his words fell, the correspondent next to him quickly said: "There are news reports from the bases of Uranus and Jupiter."

"Let go." Wu Shan said.

When the correspondent presses play, there is a voice:

"Report, there are stargate fluctuations near Jupiter!"

"Report! There are stargate fluctuations near Uranus!"

After the words fell, Mars reported again.

"So much?" Wu Shan was a little confused.

Five is actually quite terrifying. When Blue Star helped Dorenna establish the system, it took a lot of manpower and material resources to establish eight.

This is determined by resources.

"Don't worry." Lin Luo said, "Calculate the numbers."



When Lin Luo received the final report, he couldn't help but gasped.

A thousand star gates.

As expected of a high-level civilization.

Lin Luo clenched his fists, he finally understood that this was not just a fierce battle.

The ancient Blue Star, shouldn't have died at their hands, right?

Lin Luo rubbed his temples, a little dizzy.

The war would have been easier if more information had been used as a reference.

He thought for a while and said to Wu Shan: "Is it impossible for us to destroy the other side's star gate from our side?"

"The reason why Dorenna was able to destroy our stargate is because the energy system is on their side. If we destroy it from here, there is a high probability that it will cause a black hole effect." Wu Shan said: "If it is one, our technology It can still be changed, but if it's a thousand..."

"When it is destroyed, it will trigger a group effect, and then the entire solar system will be swallowed up."

Hearing this, Lin Luo put his hands together and said

Said: "Contact the heads of each theater."

"Yes." The correspondent operated and said quickly: "The heads of each theater are ready."

The screen cuts over, and Lin Luo sees the figure of Yang Jun saluting.

Lin Luo got up, gave them a return gift, and said, "You have all seen the situation."

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

"From now on, the major troops, the Heavenly Soldiers, and the United Army will begin to deploy defense lines..."

"When the star gate is completely opened, it is the time when the enemy invades."

"The people who come this time will be a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than the previous enemies...even more."

When Lin Luo said this, his pupils shrank, and he said: "However, we are no longer the army of the past!"

Everyone was shocked.

"If they dare to come, we dare to fight!"


Yang Jun and others drink together.

When the meeting dissipated, the major areas began to be closely arranged.

If we say that the previous wars were all centered on Blue Star and Mars.

Then this battle is the battle of the solar system.

Every corner of the solar system may become a battlefield!


barrett star

Barrett was wearing a golden robe, looking ahead.

The battleship he was on was called the Emperor, which not only had extremely high defense, but also had extremely high offensive capabilities.

More importantly, he is dazzling enough.

He stared at the star gate that was gradually forming in front of him, and his gaze became fanatical.

blue star...

Did it really appear again?

In fact, he scanned the more than 4,000 warships ahead.

If it is the old Blue Star, these more than 4,000 warships will be sent to death.

However, as the think tank said, today's Blue Star should be just a new civilization.

At this time, the head of the think tank from the rear came and said: "His Royal Highness, the star gate... has been opened, please give an order!"

Hearing this, Barrett's eyes finally shone coldly, and he shouted loudly: "All warships, everyone, send me the emperor's battle order!"

"The army advances..."

"Target, Blue Star!"

"Yes." The head of the think tank turned around, and then passed the news to the warships through the communication equipment.

At the same time, thousands of doors opened together.

Huge space battleships can't wait to jump into the star gate!

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