When a strange object appeared in the star gate, all the heavenly soldiers waiting near the star gate shrank their pupils.

"The enemy is coming!!"

When the alarm signal was pressed, alarm signals appeared in all war zones in the solar system.

Lin Luo also quickly walked out from the base.

When Lin Luo saw the huge spaceship from a high altitude, Lin Luo knew that what should come finally came.

At this moment, in almost all regions of the solar system, there are traces of huge spaceships.

Judging from the pictures captured by the satellite, Barrett's spaceship is not only extremely advanced, but also large in scale, which cannot be compared with the Galaxy Battleship.

Lin Luo suddenly shouted:

"Pass my order, execute the action code: Zhu Xian!"


When he could gradually see the sun's rays, Barrett stood at the window of the battleship, looking at the light of the stars, and the memory in his head was awakened.

Until, he saw satellites in the sky, and...


The familiar Chinese language, and the familiar area.


really appeared!

"Will it be destroyed?" a coach asked.

"No." Barrett said with a smile: "It's a very interesting scene, let's play with them and see if our guess is true."

"Yes." The coach turned his head and hurriedly issued an order.

The head of the think tank behind also said: "The emperor is wise!"

"What I want to know more now is whether the Blue Stars really have the legendary civilization again." Barrett said.

"You'll know if you look at it?" The captain smiled slightly, watching the hatch of a huge battleship open in front of him, and countless Barrett soldiers wearing legendary light-wing mechas, eager to try.

At this moment, Barrett suddenly shouted:


With one order, all the hatches of the warships were opened, and countless Butler fighters appeared in the sky above the universe, above the planets...

Everywhere, a battlefield like an ant nest is almost formed!


Seeing this scene, Lin Luo took a breath instead.

In the past, it was possible to shoot down Miles' small spaceship with the help of the Rama ray attack from Star Dorona.

Then, it is foreseeable that they will definitely not be able to shoot down these top spaceships belonging to Butler.

However, Lin Luo was not unprepared.

Zhuxian's Gate is his backhand.

If Barratt dares to order the use of superior weaponry

, then what awaits them will be a blow from Zhu Xian's Gate.

The last time Apocalypse came, Lin Luo suffered such a big loss, which made Blue Star enter a passive state.

Now, what Lin Luo has to do is to let Blue Star and Butler have a fair duel!

He saw that above Neptune, the main force of heavenly soldiers led by Yang Jun had already started.

"Army of heavenly soldiers, charge!"

Yang Jun shouted, wearing a mech and holding a machete.

He rushed up, and the soldiers in the rear rushed up, while in front, Barrett's soldiers continued to emerge from the battleship.

They glanced at the mechas of the Heavenly Soldiers, showing some disdain.

These blue star people are still wearing such backward mechas?

And above the spaceship, Butler was also a little disappointed.

It seems that it is not the same as imagined.

The rise of Blue Star is just a technological civilization.

It is still an extremely backward technological civilization.

Barrett was about to wave his hand and tell them that they could be destroyed directly, but his eyes suddenly jumped up when he saw the front...

Barrett was taken aback.

The soldiers in front of Yang Jun were also taken aback.

this speed...

Then, a crimson light appeared on Yang Jun's body.

At this moment, he really looks like a red Shura...

He frowned, and in the next second, he appeared among Barrett's soldiers.


When the light wing mech sensed Yang Jun's appearance, it immediately issued an alarm.

While the light wings spread out, countless weapons aimed at Yang Jun.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jun squinted his eyes and smiled, and when the red light flashed across Wufeng's body, he slashed at him.

That light-wing mecha is worthy of being a legendary-level mecha, and the two light wings automatically protect the master, blocking Wufeng's blade.

While the soldier was secretly delighted, he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen...

When I looked down, I saw that my waist was broken into two halves, and there was a scorching burning pain...

This was also the last picture he saw!

After Yang Jun finished all this, he turned his head and threw himself directly into the crowd.

this moment...

Like wolves among sheep!


"Good! Good!"

Seeing this scene, Barrett was so excited that his body trembled.

Yang Jun's supernatural power not only didn't make him feel scared, but made him extremely excited.

He saw that not only Yang Jun, but also the heavenly soldiers on the battlefield showed their abilities...


Blue Star is really a terrifying galaxy.

Even if they have been completely destroyed, a new legendary civilization has still been born.

What kind of luck is this?


This is the land of luck?

He turned his head and said to the head of the think tank: "At all costs, dominate the battlefield to win, and... I want information about the legendary Blue Star civilization, and information about their leaders!"

"Yes." The team leader also knew that he had made the right bet.

If this wave can be grasped well, Barrett will no longer be the same as before.


When the space battlefield was in full swing, above the blue star, Chen An walked into the Zijin Building.

Hearing his footsteps, the man raised his head, exhaled, and said, "Are you here?"

"Just now, Jade Immortal's Gate almost started..." Chen An said.

"Zhu Xian..." The man chewed these two words meaningfully, and then he stood up.

Chen An was taken aback for a moment, then stunned, and asked: "Are you..."

"The battlefield is too big, there are more than a thousand places, Lin Luo can't command it." The man said: "After staying for so long, it's time to move around!"

Chen An looked at him, wanted to speak but couldn't find an excuse to stop him.

When he walked out, he was followed by two heavenly soldiers with purple and gold dragon medals. When he reached the door, the man stopped suddenly and said, "Chen An, what are you still doing?"

Chen An was stunned again, then turned his head away, the two looked at each other, and they actually smiled.

"Invite all those old men out, we can't let that old man Yang Jun take all the credit!" As the man said, he flew into the air, and Chen An followed quickly.

The closest to them is the Martian battlefield. At this moment, Martians are coming and going, and the leader here is only a newly promoted coach.

Facing the complex battlefield, he was obviously a little slow to react, and when he was thinking about how to change his tactics, a man's voice came from the communicator:

"A superior battlefield, the enemy remains the same, I remain the same, the enemy changes, we must change before him!"

When the coach was stunned, he saw the face on the communicator again, and immediately stood upright.

Because he saw that besides the man and Chen An, there were many old men standing behind them.

these people...

Perhaps the fighting power is not as good as any heavenly soldier on the field.

However, they once saved China's territory from countless powerful invaders!

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