Under the dust storm of Jupiter, Chen An and Yang Jun met for the first time...

Each of them lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. Chen An said, "It's still fucking exciting. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have sat in this position."

Yang Jun was anxious when he heard this, and said: "At the beginning, I competed with you, but he said that I was not as smart as you, so he let you take the position. Now you say no, first insult him, second insult yourself, and second Three insulted me."

"Is it so serious?" Chen An said.

"Of course." Yang Jun said.

The two laughed out loud as they spoke.

Chen An led an army to meet Yang Jun and prepared the next retreat route.

This army should be the strongest main force of the Celestial Soldiers at present.

The two generals who used to stand side by side on the Chinese territory finally got together again.

"...Actually, I still feel something is wrong." Yang Jun said.

"What's wrong?" Chen An asked.

"This kid Lin Luo keeps telling us to run away and not to fight, saying that the opponent is too strong."

"It's normal, the colorful wolf is really strong." Chen An said.

"Strong doesn't mean invincible, as long as we find a way, we can still kill them." Yang Jun said: "I haven't officially started a battle. I think the sub-green beasts were not invincible back then, but they ended up punching them one after another."

"It makes sense." Chen An nodded, looked at Yang Jun in surprise, and said, "You've become smarter, Lao Yang."

"When you're with Lin Luo, you have to be careful, otherwise you don't know when you will be like Zhang San and become his test subject." Yang Jun said proudly.

"Didn't you already become his test object when you broke through to the second level?" Chen An said strangely.

"Yes...is there?" Yang Jun was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily, "Don't interrupt, did he have any plans?"

"How would I know?"

"Don't you often look through his drawers?" Yang Jun said.

Chen An woke up like a dream, patted his head, and said: "This battle is too sudden, I forgot..."

Suddenly, he smelled a burnt smell and asked, "What smell?"

Yang Jun glanced at his smoking hair and said, "Your hair is burnt!"

"I forgot I was smoking, didn't it affect my hairstyle?" Chen An asked suddenly while patting his hair

: "By the way, which planet is Li Donglai on?"


Zhang San walked into Lin Luo's office, which was empty at the moment.

It's hard to imagine how Lin Luo's office has changed over the years, and it still has such a simple and elegant style.

Zhang San came to his somewhat tattered drawer and glanced at it.

The reason why it is so dilapidated is that Xiao Jinlong occasionally opens the drawer and sits on pull-ups...

Although, it doesn't know where it learned it from.

Zhang San looked at the first grid, opened it, and there were indeed documents inside. He picked it up and looked, only to see that it said:

Yang Jun's data

Zhang San's data

Li Donglai's data

Dabai's data (undecided)

Lin Yue's data (not grown up, special mark)


A lot, a thick stack.

Zhang San was sweating, and threw it aside in embarrassment, and opened the second drawer, but found a counterattack plan and so on inside.

Zhang San couldn't help but let out a breath.

Although there are too many jokes about Lin Luo on weekdays, who knows how much effort this man has spent to bring Blue Star to where he is today.

Zhang San put it back in place neatly.

He looked at the bottom drawer and opened it directly.


Inside lay a document quietly.

This document was taken out, and there were more than ten pages. Lin Luo's handwriting and Xiao Jinlong's saliva could be seen on the cover.

"Conjectures about the sixth-level civilization, and... the galaxy plan!"

Zhang San took it out and continued to read:

"Dorenna's attitude directly proves a terrifying fact that the sixth-level civilization will be very strong."

"If we fight Dorenna, we win."

"Even, we can win easily."

"However, if we fight Barrett, even if we can win, we will pay a very high price."

"Tens of millions of celestial soldiers were killed and injured, tens of millions of allied forces..."

"And, the possibility of failure."

"This is an 80% probability, not a conjecture."

"The tragedy of Apocalypse Invasion 1 must not be repeated..."

Seeing this, Zhang San was very moved.

Lin Luo rarely discloses this information to them.

Zhang San read on, and saw the plan for the battle of the galaxies:

"...If there is a war with Barrett, there are two

Situation: First, in the advantageous game, we can crush the opponent with our heavenly soldiers, which proves one thing, our Blue Star is very strong, really strong. "

"Second, the disadvantaged situation."

"Whether in terms of resources or strength, there is a gap, and even... a tie can be regarded as a disadvantaged situation."

"For the time being, I estimate that the greatest possibility is still a tie."

"Then, we must first show weakness. Showing weakness this time is no longer about paralyzing the enemy."

"A civilization that can grow to level six must have many wise men, and they will always be vigilant."

"However, since their eyes are all ahead, so..."

"The plan that can be hypothesized, let's call it the winter plan for now."

"...We don't have the coordinates of the other party, and we can't do long-distance star gate transmission, but we can open a star gate and connect to their star gate..."

Zhang San sweated, thinking that he was indeed Lin Luo, and he started to trick the Butler Stars into helping him dig the stargate for free.

"Of course, the prerequisite for the implementation of this plan is: the other party comes here with full force, otherwise, we will go there and send it off."


When Zhang San saw the following, he uttered a mouthful of elegant Chinese language:

"***, I just said how he was willing to suffer such a big loss and buy a deserted planet in the Mia galaxy with a lot of money!"

"My patriarch, am I looking at a plan drawn up by a human being? No wonder Uncle Chen often comes here..."


At this moment, Lin Luo is also hiding somewhere in Shankara on Neptune.

However, apart from hiding, they are big fish and big meat.


Or the meat of the colorful wolf.

"Ding! You have devoured the energy of the sixth-level beast, and you have gained a new power: breaking defense."


"...your attacks will become sharper!"

"Interesting." Lin Luo suddenly smiled, turned his head, and saw a big fat man next to him gnawed his mouth full of oil, poor little Jinlong, who could only gnaw a small piece of meat.

Xia Qian who was next to her said: "It's almost time to study the colorful wolves. We have also learned how to deal with them. When will we launch a general attack?"

Lin Luo looked at the sky and said, "Wait a little longer, don't worry."

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