"Waiting for what?" Xia Qian asked.

"Although our communicator has recovered, it must have been monitored." Lin Luo said.

Xia Qian paused, Lin Luo had said this before.

"So, you can't tell others about your plan?" Xia Qian said.

"No." Lin Luo said, "It's because the fewer people know about this plan, the better. You want to know?"

Xia Qian was taken aback, and then said seriously: "I...seem to be a person too."

Lin Luo smiled, he continued to look at the sky, and said:

"Wait a minute, the war is long."

"However, it can also be very short!"


harlan star

This small planet is a desert galaxy that Lin Luo bought back with half a year of funds from Blue Star.

The distance here is not far from Blue Star, nor is it close.

Therefore, no one knew what the role of buying him was.

The person who found out later was Li Donglai.

So, now this man hovers under the star gate.

Today, the Stargate is not yet complete.

One of the rules of making a stargate is that the shorter the distance, the shorter the time.

Therefore, it is theoretically feasible to build a stargate connected to the opponent's stargate at this distance.

Even, it only takes a few days.

When Li Donglai was asked by Lin Luo to talk, he was in a daze. If he hadn't been engaged in secrecy work before, he might not have been able to react.

However, he also has an advantage:

Mouth is tight enough.

These days, he dare not speak alone.

Because according to Lin Luo's plan, there is a secret small stargate here at Blue Star, and here, a Unicom stargate is built.

Then, he will lead the hidden dragon army to cross the gate secretly.

The whole plan was seamless and completely disconnected from the main battlefield.

Therefore, Li Donglai is not thinking about food and drink now, and is very nervous.

He was afraid that if he came back late and lost the main battlefield, everything would be gone.

At this moment, footsteps sounded from behind, and Li Donglai subconsciously turned around in astonishment.

What he saw was Zhang San.

Wearing a hospital suit, Zhang San said, "Actually, you don't have to worry about him. General Manager Lin is on the main battlefield.

There are corresponding countermeasures. "

Li Donglai asked in surprise, "When did you wake up?"

"Didn't you see that I didn't even change my clothes?" Zhang San said.

Li Donglai said again: "When you wake up, you should go to the main battlefield to report to him. Maybe he has arrangements?"

"No." Zhang San said: "My ability is not suitable for the frontal battlefield. I will go with you..."

Just as Li Donglai was about to speak, the technician next to him said excitedly: "Boss Li, we are really connected!"

Li Donglai and Zhang San were all happy when they heard this.


"A bunch of dodgy trash..."

The think tank people are angry.

After they dispatched the colorful wolves as the main combat force, the Blue Star army dodged.

Sometimes they come out to harass you, and then leave.

Although they bring enough people, their planet is quite big. Just imagine, a blue star can hold more than six billion people, and there are many uninhabited areas.

Instead, the head of the think tank said: "Now we can make two choices: first...depart for Blue Star!"

"Second, that is to concentrate our forces, seal off the area, and find them one by one!"

The people in the think tank then began to ponder, and one of them said: "For now, the first one is better. There must be people on the Blue Star, and there is a high probability that they are some non-combatants. If you can hold them in your hands , the Blue Star army was defeated without a fight."

Many people nodded.

But at this time, Barrett said: "Choose the second..."

Everyone was stunned.

But Barrett was heard saying: "What if he is a ruthless emperor?"

When the people in the think tank heard this, they knelt down one after another, not daring to breathe.


If the other party was a ruthless emperor, he would give up and leave when he saw that Blue Star was occupied.

After all, if you want to attack Blue Star, you must send out soldiers.

Commander Hiram got up and said, "I know what to do."

"Have you got a goal?" Barrett asked.

Hiram said: "At present, the most amazing people we have seen are on Neptune, and ... their command center is also on Neptune."

Barrett fell silent, and Hiram turned

Turning around, he said: "Tell Jupiter, the army near Uranus, prepare to evacuate, and focus on attacking Neptune."

"We're going to... find the mouse!"


Barrett's correspondent turned his head away and called out:

"Attention all, t303, t405... the army, please prepare to evacuate!"

Hearing this, Hiram let out a slight breath...

After Hiram cut off Blue Star's communication, when it was restored again, it was replaced with a monitoring signal.

But unfortunately, these days, they have not been able to hear any useful plans in it.

On the contrary, it was a man named Marshal Lin who frequently issued such orders:

The opponent is very strong, save your life and escape first!

Thinking of this, Hiram couldn't help thinking silently:

"Emperors... are indeed ruthless and cold-blooded!"


Above Jupiter, there are shouts of killing everywhere.

The war is pervasive in the southeast corner of this piece of land, and there is blood flowing everywhere...

Yang Jun and his army were discovered.

Fortunately, they took sufficient precautions.

For the first time, Yang Jun obeyed Lin Luo's order:

Escape with minimal cost.

There must be no attack without his order.

As a soldier, although he has doubts, he still puts orders first, not to mention that Lin Luo basically made no mistakes.

"...I found it, go this way." Chen An came over with a map and found an excellent evacuation route.

"There's heat there, and volcanoes..."

"When necessary, detonate the volcano. Use the poor vision and the energy of the eruption to cover us away..."

"Yes." Yang Jun also nodded, and the third-order genetic fighters don't have to be afraid of these things when they wear the Apocalypse Mecha.

However, the other party definitely did not dare to go deep immediately.

Just when Yang Jun and Chen An were about to give an order, the messenger suddenly ran up and said, "Report! The soldiers chasing behind suddenly withdrew!"

Yang Jun and Chen An were taken aback for a moment, and then they walked out quickly, and they saw the army retreating.


Very decisive.

"Cheat?" Yang Jun frowned.

These grandchildren were so eager to find them before, but now they found out and ran away?


Extremely unreasonable.

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