"What?!" Dov Dana was stunned when he heard this, and immediately reprimanded: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

The captain knelt on the ground and said: "Your Majesty, I have been here with you at least a hundred times, there is no way I can remember it wrong."

Dove Dana just now recalled.

This captain has been with him for so long, it is impossible to remember wrongly.

"The star mark, and our route are completely correct..." said the captain.

"What's going on?" Dove Dana said.

"We detected the energy storm after the explosion here," said the captain.

"That is to say..." Dove Dana understood instantly, and said, "Barrett has..."

The captain said nothing.

Dove Dana propped his hands on the window sill and looked in front of him, still dumbfounded.

Only a few years.

Suddenly disappeared without contact?

"Should we report this to Star Alan?" the captain said.

"Report what?" Dove Dana scolded harshly: "The person who can move Barrett must be at least a sixth-level civilized star system in the sixth star circle, or..."

"It's their hands that Alan star moved."

"No...it can't be." The captain said, "Barrett and Alan have a good relationship."

"Okay?" Dove Dana sneered, and said, "How much Butler hates Star Alan in his heart, only he knows."

The captain paused, but Dove Dana didn't explain, and said, "Let's go, get out of here quickly."

The captain was about to turn around, and Dove Dana said at this time: "Let's shoot Star Barrett."

"Whip...whip the corpse?" The captain subconsciously asked in astonishment.

Dove Dana glared at him directly, looked at the window, and said slowly: "How can I put it, we and Star Barrett used to be stars of allies..."

"Anyway, at least we were brothers once!"

"Just treat him as seeing him off!"

"Uh uh." The captain sweated.

Can't blame him.

Who told you to speak only half, it is easy to be misunderstood.


At this moment, Blue Star is immersed in great development.

The changes brought about by devouring Barrett are not comparable to a third-level civilization like Apocalypse.

I have to say here that Mark Carey is very smart, even if Lin Luo refused to turn Blue Star into a galaxy

Department center, but Mark Carey still pushes all this silently behind the scenes.

Most of the economic benefits of the Dorenna system began to favor Blue Star.

However, other galaxies also benefit, especially the Dorenna galaxy.

Because Blue Star belongs to the legendary civilization, they don't need a lot of technology.

At this time, these galaxies have become the biggest beneficiaries.

In just a few months, the Dorenna galaxy has established itself as a fifth-level civilization, and has achieved huge improvements in technology and military.

At the moment in the scientific research institute, Ye Yi handed some technology to an academician next to him, saying: "This thing can be sold, it's useless."

"Yes." The academician responded.

Ye Yi continued: "You ask them to help you find some hard and rare substances to come back."

"Okay." The academician nodded, turned around and left.

As soon as he left, a technician from behind came over and said to Ye Yi: "The energy storm collected from Jupiter has been tested."

"Let me take a look." Ye Yi is a busy person now, drinking water while taking the documents.

However, after just a glance, he spit it out, turned his head, looked at the technician, and said, "Is there anything wrong?"

"No." The technician said: "We have done several experiments, and there is no problem."

"Invite Dr. Xu Han." Ye Yi thought for a while, pulled out his chair and sat down, and said.

"Yes." The technician turned his head and left.

After a while, Xu Han hurried over.

He is more anxious than anyone else about this matter.

He came in and looked around, thankful that he didn't do the experiment today, walked over, looked at Ye Yi and said, "Is there any result?"

Ye Yi motioned him to sit down, handed it to him and said, "Jupiter's energy report."

Xu Han took it over, glanced at it, and was shocked.

It says:

The energy coefficient of Jade Immortal's Gate is vulnerable to the Jupiter storm.

"Is this true?" Xu Han was surprised.

"So my suggestion is..." Ye nodded and continued: "Don't go in and spy."

Xu Han heard this, got up and walked back and forth, suddenly stopped and said: "Is there no other way?"

"Is there any reason to go in?" Ye Yi asked.

"That's the only clue to the Eastern Emperor Bell." Xu Han said.

Ye Yi exhaled.

Do not

Just because Lin Luo wants to get the Donghuang Bell, Ye Yi also wants...

After all, studying ordinary technology is not interesting to him.

Researching comprehension technology, that's a cool thing.

Ye Yi looked at Xu Han and said: "I try my best, but it may not work."

"Okay." Xu Han smiled.

After Xu Han left, Ye Yi looked at the report with difficulty and said, "If you want to survive this kind of energy storm, you must develop a piece of equipment with strong protection capabilities..."


Lin Luo was holding a roasted wolf leg in one hand while looking at the documents. The little golden dragon next to him looked at Lin Luo anxiously. Zhang San walked in and said, "Mr. Yang has sent a message, and the heavenly soldiers have set off."

"Very good." Lin Luo put down the roasted wolf legs and said, "How long will it take?"

"It is estimated that the assembly will be completed in the evening." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo pointed to the map at this time and said, "We will go in three directions, you go all the way, I go all the way, and Li Donglai goes all the way."

While talking, Lin Luo pointed to Dabai and said, "Dabai will follow you."

Zhang San was stunned for a moment, and then he also understood that his mental power was useless against these monsters, so Lin Luo specially asked Dabai to follow him.

"Xiaoyue, I'll follow you." Lin Luo said to Li Dong, looking back at the direction of the little golden dragon, and found that the little golden dragon was licking the roasted wolf leg that Lin Luo put down with his tongue, and his eyes were staring. ..

Noticing that Lin Luo turned his head, it let go immediately, and the movement was extremely fast.

Lin Luo was speechless, it wasn't that he wouldn't let him eat it, but that the colorful wolf's blood essence was too strong, the little golden dragon had to run for days and nights after eating it.

"Okay." Li Donglai also laughed and nodded.

"Our goal is this hole in the center of the earth..." Lin Luo said: "Because it is impossible for everyone to enter the hole, we must form a special team to go in."

"Zhang San, when the time comes, you and Dabai will meet me and bring a team of elite hidden dragon troops in."

"Li Donglai, after we go in, we will rely on you to command the audience outside."

"Yes." The two immediately made a military salute.

After putting down his hands, Zhang San asked: "Actually, we have improved so much compared to last time, so we should not be afraid of them."

"What if they can't be killed?" Lin Luo said.

Hearing this, Zhang San and Li Donglai felt their scalps go numb.

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