On the evening of July 7th, millions of heavenly soldiers had assembled.

Lin Luo did not underestimate this small cave in the center of the earth.

If this place wasn't too small, Lin Luo would have summoned more troops to come over.

However, since there are too many uncertain factors in this mission, only the elite are selected.

Lin Luo was not in a hurry, and did not choose to do it in the dark. They assembled in the east, west, and south respectively, waiting for dawn.

When the sun came in from the east coastline on the second day, Lin Luo shouted through the communicator: "Attack!"

Immediately, millions of heavenly soldiers rushed in.

These heavenly soldiers have never been to this place, although they were called by Lin Luo, they thought it was a small task.

They didn't swallow until they saw the densely packed monsters in the sky on the island.

The same is true for Lin Luo.

The last time Lin Luo came in, his scalp was numb.

And before they came to their senses, the opponent's attack had already begun.

The black genetic power emerged from those monsters, and rushed towards the army of heavenly soldiers...

For a time, it was a big melee.

Lin Luo held the sky secret in his hand and watched the two black monsters approaching.

He remembered that he and Dabai teamed up before, but they couldn't suppress each other.

Today, he is completely different.

This time, he saw the movements of these monsters more clearly, and it was easier to judge.

He chopped off the head of a monster with a single knife, and the monster next to him seemed to be attracted, and flew over with his pupils wide open, and at the same time as his eyes gleamed with black air, a black breath shot out from his hand.

Lin Luo was slightly taken aback, and the moment he jumped up, he saw a pair of black wings suddenly spread from the back of the two monsters...

"Evolved?" Lin Luo's scalp tingled.

Looking around, there are actually quite a few monsters with the same wings on the battlefield.

Lin Luo directly stepped forward to fight this monster. He found that although this monster was not Lin Luo's opponent, its strength was at least three times stronger than that of the wingless monster.

At this time, Zhang San's voice sounded on the communicator: "General Manager Lin, have you seen it?"

"I see." Lin Luo said: "You also found

up? "

Zhang San squatted beside him, looked at the corpse lying in front of him, and glanced at the black wings on his back, and said: "If these monsters can evolve indefinitely, then this place...maybe really become a big problem what!"

Although Zhang San does not have the wisdom of Lin Luo, his strong mental power makes him have insight that ordinary people can't match.

Just like he discovered the dungeon on Barrett planet.

That was not a simple guess, but that his mental power had sensed an abnormality.

At this moment, seeing the monsters constantly emerging in the central area, he also took a deep breath.

He was really afraid like Lin Luo said, the monsters here are endless.


At this moment, the war under the North Pole has broken out, and a scientific research team led by Wu Shan has come to the moon.

Among them is Xu Han.

Lin Luo told them before going in that the hole in the earth's core and the moon must have an inseparable connection.

Lin Luo hopes they can find that connection.

So, after Wu Shan hung up the communicator, he turned to Xu Han and said, "Mr. Lin and the others have already started."

Xu Han nodded, watching the technicians next to him have started to arrange equipment in various places.

This was researched by Ye Yi, these devices can sense the energy flow of cultivation technology.

After finishing all this, Wu Shan breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and saw Xu Han standing on the high mountain, looking at the blue star, he walked over and said: "I used to say that it is difficult to look down on the blue star from space, but now I didn't expect such a thing." easy."

"Yes." Xu Han nodded, and said, "I don't know how the scenery of the ancient blue star is."

Just as Wu Shan was about to speak, the technician next to him suddenly said, "Academician, energy fluctuations have been detected..."

Wu Shan and Xu Han immediately turned their heads and came to the machine, and sure enough, they saw a large amount of data information appearing on it.

Just as Wu Shan was about to check, there was a sudden bang, and the device exploded.

Wu Shan subconsciously kept Xu Han behind him. After all, Wu Shan had also been injected with a second-order gene lock, but Xu Han only had a first-order gene lock.

When Xu Han came to his senses, he saw a lot of blood flowing on Wu Shan's arm, but Wu Shan still said calmly: "

Our equipment can't withstand this wave of energy fluctuations, so take a spare, record for three seconds, immediately disconnect it, and stay away from the equipment. "


When Xu Han heard this, he couldn't help but look around.

The moon obviously hasn't changed much, so why did it detect such a strong energy fluctuation.

Before he came, he had heard from Ye Yi that this device could withstand the energy fluctuations of Jade Immortal's Gate.

However, it seems that here, it seems vulnerable.


Lin Luo didn't know what happened on the moon. He led an elite team and was fighting among the crowd.

However, there are too many people.

Therefore, when night fell on the first day, Lin Luo gave the signal to withdraw the troops.

Li Donglai and Zhang San came to Lin Luo's residence at night, and when they came in, Li Donglai said: "Fortunately, you insisted on injecting the genetic ability of the colorful wolf before you came here. It’s really not necessary to kill them.”

"If our weapons are better, it's still easy to fight." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo nodded.

Wufeng is indeed too far behind, unable to bear the third level of genetic power.

Lin Luo motioned them to sit down, then looked at Zhang San and said, "What do you think?"

"If it was before, I would suggest withdrawing troops, but with the appearance of those black-winged monsters, I would not recommend withdrawing troops." Zhang San said: "If you don't understand these things, our Blue Star is equivalent to setting off a big bomb."

Lin Luo nodded, looked at Li Donglai and said, "What about you?"

Li Donglai did not expect that Lin Luo would ask him one day. After thinking about it, he imitated Zhang San's tone and said: "These monsters seem to be endless, but our learning ability is fast, and we can arrange some tactics. .”

"What tactic?" Lin Luo asked with interest.

Li Donglai stood up, drew a circle and two lines with a brush, and said: "We can fight quickly, the army advances all the way to the center hole, and then you go in, we will form a circle outside, only defending but not attacking, Batch for batch."

"But we may also be flanked by front and back. The monster came out of the hole." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo, who was silent for a few seconds, suddenly stood up and said, "Then take a gamble."

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