"Aren't you afraid?" Senior Doris looked at Lin Luo.

"I think you haven't betrayed us yet," Lin Luo said.


"Because I have what you need in my hand." Lin Luo said.

When Senior Doris heard this, the fear on her face deepened a lot. She looked at Lin Luo and said, "How did you know?"

"If you remain neutral, at worst we are here, you entertain us and let us go, so that you will not cause any trouble." Lin Luo said.

"Just this?"

"There is a 30% probability, but 30% is enough for me to predict the development of something." Lin Luo said.

Senior Doris took a deep breath, and finally she said with a smile: "Then guess what I want?"

"The legendary power in our hands?" Lin Luo asked.

"No." Senior Doris said: "I don't want to have anything to do with you legendary civilizations at all. Even if you are willing to give me the treasures of legendary civilizations, I won't want them."

"This is a disaster for us!"


Her words are another thought for Lin Luo.

It's not that Senior Doris is afraid of death.

To become an emperor, no one is afraid of death, you say Senior Doris doesn't want it?

That is absolutely impossible.

It's just that if they take it, they will inevitably die.

"Then what do you want?" Lin Luo was still quite surprised.

"All the data of the Apocalypse Star Undead Mecha." Senior Doris spoke slowly and said such an answer.

Lin Luo was taken aback.

Obviously, this answer was beyond his expectations.

Because in Lin Luo's eyes, this undead mecha is not very valuable, not even half of the Stargate.

However, he soon figured it out, and said, "Because it is Jacob's civilization."

"Yes." Senior Doris did not deny it. When she spoke, several emperors below knelt on the ground, which meant to signal Senior Doris to stop, but she said sharply: "If you can't even bear this scandal, how can we change?"

Several emperors were silent.

Doris continued: "We God Borg created this civilization, and we gained strength, but as we are highly integrated with machinery, our human part is getting less and less..."

"Now, our new

Birth already depends on the seeds of the genetic curry to reproduce. "

"If this continues, although we gain strength, we will completely become machines, and we will no longer be humans."

Lin Luo looked at her sad eyes and said, "Can the Undead Mecha help you?"

"Yes, the particularity of undead mechs is the combination of people and technology. They can perfectly resolve the conflict between energy and machinery, which is a great inspiration for us." Doris said.

"His Royal Highness doesn't know how to do business." Lin Luo said: "You have mentioned such important things in advance, I can ask for a high price."

"If you charge a high price, we won't buy it," Doris said.

The corner of Lin Luo's mouth twitched, and he smiled wryly, "Well, you can still do business."

"You can make an offer now," Doris said.

"I want to know how Jacob died." Lin Luo said.

"Several legendary civilizations joined forces, among them... Alan." Doris said.

"When the undead mech fell on Apocalypse, it should be very easy for you to take it down with your strength," Lin Luo said.

"We didn't know they got this power, and..." Doris said: "Our Borg galaxy will not launch any external battles, this is the divine instruction left by the Borg God. "

"He's gone?" Lin Luo was surprised.

"Yes, he committed suicide. Because he already hated the days of being dominated by machines." Doris said.

"I'm sorry." Lin Luo said, "I didn't mean to hurt you. On the contrary, I have great respect for Emperor Borg, because he alone saved everyone in your galaxy."

Doris nodded slightly, she didn't seem to care much about this matter, she looked at Lin Luo and said, "Let's make a price."


Zhang San and Mark Carey looked at Lin Luo, they were wondering what price Lin Luo would offer.

Seeing Lin Luo pondering for a few seconds, he said, "I need the star, strength, and population of the Alan galaxy."

"I can't give you the strength." Doris said, "Because this affects our neutral position."

"Then I will change the way." Lin Luo said: "Is the current Blue Star strong, or Alan Star strong?"

"Star Alan." Doris said with certainty: "But your progress is too fast."

"Very good." Lin Luo said, "I have one more question."

Doris looked up.

Lin Luo said at this time: "Has the Alan galaxy already known the existence of the blue star?"

"Not yet, but sooner or later." Doris said:

"Barrett was able to find you back then, so they naturally could find you. This time they came here, they didn't even know that Butler Star was destroyed, but they have passed because Barrett did not participate in their five-year interstellar meeting."

"I need this information." Lin Luo said: "If they find our information."

Doris frowned and fell into hesitation.

"If His Royal Highness refuses even this, we can't continue talking." Lin Luo said firmly.

"Yes." Doris's eyes radiated light.

"In addition, I need your star communication system." Lin Luo said: "I will not sell this technology or use it for any commercial purposes, it will only be used for communication between this galaxy..."

When the emperors heard this, they all panicked.

The star communication system is one of their lifeblood!

Mark Carey and Zhang San even thought Lin Luo was crazy.

How could the other party agree to such a request?

Unexpectedly, Doris said without any hesitation, "Yes!"

Several emperors looked at each other and knelt down again, but Doris said coldly: "In the past three years, how many of our Borg people have committed suicide?!"

The emperor was silent again.

Doris got up, and said sharply as she left: "That's it."


At night, Lin Luo was sitting in the luxurious reception room, and Zhang San, who was next to him, devoured the food he brought, said, "I have to say, their food is really bad."

Lin Luo said: "This is the consequence of mechanical evolution. Their sense of taste has gradually begun to fail. They can't wait to change this situation. That's why they are willing to give us the star communication system."

"She is not stupid and knows the consequences of going on like this."

On the other hand, Mark Carey swallowed his saliva...

He was lamenting that he was really too smart back then.

Later, he helped Blue Star with a small favor, and obtained the data of the undead mecha.

Only now did he realize how precious the gift Lin Luo gave him was.

This also strengthened his heart...

In the future, I must hang out with Lin Luo.

This man is too smart, I have never seen him suffer.

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