A few days later, the three of Lin Luo were leaving.

Senior Doris went to see them off in person.

Their deal has been completed, Lin Luo has taken away the data of the starry sky system, and after returning to Blue Star, he will pass on the data of the undead mecha.

The three of Lin Luo bowed slightly, and Senior Doris also bowed slightly.

When Lin Luo was about to go to the cabin, Doris suddenly waved for the emperor to leave, and Lin Luo also waved for Zhang San and the others to go up first.

"They won't have any adultery." Mark Carey asked in a low voice as he walked into the spaceship.

"Don't worry, we Blue Stars don't like aliens, just those beauties in your imperial palace, in our eyes, that's all." Zhang San said.

"..." Mark Carey was speechless. Although he was curious, he didn't dare to eavesdrop.

At this moment, only Lin Luo and Doris were left outside the hatch.

"If it were you, how would you choose?" Doris asked.

"Choose what?"

"You're asking knowingly."

"Is it impossible to carry out mechanized reversal?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yes. Even if the undead mech can inspire us, it can't change this fact."

"Then why do you struggle so hard?" Lin Luo said: "You should understand that either you will gain legendary power and start anew. If you want to remain neutral, you can only maintain this form."

"I see." Doris smiled wryly.

The Borg galaxy has already lost the will to fight, and it is destined to be impossible to regain new power.

"You now have such an opportunity..." Lin Luo said.

Doris frowned, obviously a little scared when she heard this.


A few minutes later, Mark Carey and Zhang San looked at the sluggish Doris below from the window. The latter asked Lin Luo strangely: "You don't really have anything, do you?"

"Do you think I'm a TV actor? A woman can get her likes just by seeing me?" Lin Luo smiled wryly.

"Then what did you say to her? See how happy she is." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo just smiled, then sat on the chair, did not answer his question, and said to the technicians in the cockpit: "Let's go back."

After thinking for a while, he said again: "No, let's go to the Jacob Starfield first."


The moment the Blue Star started, it also quickly jumped over the atmosphere of the other party's planet, heading towards

Quickly leave in the distance.

Lin Luo is very satisfied with the harvest this time.

In addition to the stars of Alan's galaxy, he also knows a lot of certain information.

This was much better than the attitude of even speculating about Alan Galaxy before he came.

The Blue Star went back much faster. After jumping over two star gates and flying for half a month, they finally came to the place marked on the map, which was also confirmed from the Borg Galaxy:

Jacob Starfield.

At this moment, Jacob's star field is empty, the planet is incomplete, tattered, and stars are everywhere.

Here there are no stars, no light.

It's like hell.

This galaxy has been completely destroyed, and it is not even in shape.

"If our ancestors were not strong enough to protect the blue star, we probably wouldn't be much worse." Lin Luo said, thinking of the environment of Venus.

If the blue star turned into a Venus, then Lin Luo and his group of new humans would definitely not be born.

"Do you still want to go in?" Zhang San asked: "It should be nothing."

"Go in and have a look." Lin Luo said: "It's all here, let's not talk about treasure hunting, at least we can learn from it."

He looked at the desolate star field, and remembered what Doris said:

"The circle of legendary civilization is very narrow, and they won't let new members join unless you are strong enough."

"Jacob, death is because they are not strong enough."


After two months of development, Ye started to manufacture a large number of equipment for Jupiter's protective clothing.

Thanks to Barrett, Blue Star's resources are currently in an extremely abundant state.

After Xu Han got this set of equipment, he led the Shadowchaser army to the energy storm area of ​​Mars.

However, the destination they want to search for is, after all, an area the size of two continents.

So, it's not very scientific to want to find things for a short time, unless they are very lucky.

And Ye Yi was obsessed with weapon manufacturing, because the success of the protective clothing made him full of confidence.


He has changed no less than ten residences in the past two months.

"Academician, why don't we stay by your side to protect you." The two guards sweated.

They were dedicated to protecting Ye Yi, so they changed ten places to be on duty.

"No, I'm very proficient now." Ye Yi didn't put on airs either, and usually ate with them

eat together.

The two heavenly soldiers scratched their heads and had no choice but to walk outside the door, but before they reached the door, they heard hurried footsteps from behind, and then heard Ye Yi shouting: "Run!"

The two heavenly soldiers lifted their feet skillfully and ran away without looking back.

They quickly rushed out of the gate, and the two of them kept Ye Yihu under, but they waited for a long time, but they didn't hear the explosion.

"Academician, why did it take so long this time?" a heavenly soldier asked.

"Could it be..." Ye Yi stood up, very happy to go back, and said, "I succeeded?"

However, he was directly stopped by a heavenly soldier and said, "You can't go in."

Ye Yi was taken aback.

A few minutes later, Ye Yi stood at the door, watching the heavenly soldier give some instructions to another heavenly soldier.

Ye Yi was silent.

He remembered what Lin Luo once said to him...

When you are willing to risk the life and death of others, you have righteousness in your heart.

Righteousness is the key to the survival of a planet and a race.

The heavenly soldier rushed in without any hesitation, and Ye Yi didn't stop him either.

Because he understands that if there is no explosion after this time, nothing will happen again.

Sure enough, the heavenly soldier said loudly after a moment: "I have turned off the device, you can come in."

Ye Yi and another heavenly soldier walked in, and they saw a gleaming blade on the equipment...

Shiny luster shines under the pure black exterior.

It is about the same length and size as Wufeng, but a black dragon pattern surrounds the blade.

This was designed by the top weapon masters in the country.

Because they Huaxia call themselves the descendants of the dragon.

Ye Yi was so excited that his hands were shaking, he knew that he had succeeded.

A new weapon is born.

This weapon is fused with brand-new comprehension technology.

Despite its simplicity on the outside, there are tens of thousands of structural diagrams inside, and an extremely complex energy system.

"What do you think is a good name?" Ye Yi looked at the heavenly soldier who had just ventured in.

"I...I...can I name it?" Tian Bing was taken aback for a moment, and even became apprehensive.

"Yeah." Ye Yi smiled and looked at him encouragingly.

Tian Bing took a deep breath, looked at the black dragon pattern on the blade, and said: "I like this black dragon that shows its domineering aura, why not call it Black Dragon."

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