When Chen An and others rushed to the office, they saw Lin Luo looking at the Donghuang Bell very happily.

He was indeed surprised.

Also very happy.

I didn't expect it to be found.

"Who told you the secret!" Chen An was furious.

He believed that there was a mole among them.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one came forward, Chen An turned to look at Ye Yi and said, "Is that you?"

Ye Yi's pupils dilated and his face was innocent.

Lin Luo smiled and said: "Your tricks are too weak, let's not talk about other things. If I'm not here, it's a loophole if I don't sleep during the day."

Dabai next to him rolled his eyes when he heard this.

Instead, Xiao Jinlong ran over and got into Lin Luo's arms.

"Hey, it's grown up a lot, and it may not be able to hold it in two years." Lin Luo stroked its little head.

Chen An came over and said strangely: "It's because Dabai doesn't sleep."

"Of course not." Lin Luo said: "I'm not stupid, let's not talk about your strange behaviors along the way, the Donghuang Bell itself is not ordinary."

Chen An and others looked at the Donghuang Bell and said, "Why is it so unusual?"

They studied for a long time, but found nothing unusual.

Lin Luo picked it up and said very seriously: "The magic weapon is the magic weapon."

"Even if it restrains its edge, it can still shock the mind!"

"Gold cannot hide its light!"

"Come on, tell me, how did you find it?"

"Guess?!" Chen An said.

"Crazy." Lin Luo rubbed his temples and said, "I'm not a god, how can I guess such a thing!"


Chen An explained it in detail, especially the part about Dabai.

Lin Luo looked back at Dabai, but didn't comment too much, and said: "You really don't use your brains, the Donghuang Bell is an ancient artifact, how can other things move it, unless it is willing."

"We can't talk to you again, how do we know this?" Chen An said.

Lin Luo looked at the Donghuang Bell lovingly, and said, "This matter will not be a problem in the future."

While speaking, Lin Luo raised his head and said to Ye Yi: "There is data about the star communication system on the Blue Star, go and study it, and establish it as soon as possible."

"In addition, as soon as it is established, establish communication with the Borg galaxy."

"The star communication system, is that the one..." Ye Yi said expectantly.


It's the one we first saw the Apocalypse use on Mars. "Lin Luo said.

Chen An was ecstatic when he heard this, and said, "You even got this?"

"It's a deal." Lin Luo said.

"The price is not small." Chen An said.

"It's quite big." Lin Luo said without changing his face.

"But everything is worth it." Chen An said, "What did you trade for?"

"Undead armor."

"The Light Wing Mecha is indeed very strong, but to us...what are you talking about?" Chen An was stunned.

The others were also stunned.

Subconsciously, they all thought it was a light-wing mecha.

Unexpectedly, what Lin Luo was talking about was the undead mecha? !

"What kind of deception did you use again?" Li Donglai couldn't bear it anymore.

"This time others are absolutely voluntary." Lin Luo leaned back on the chair and said, "Let's not talk about this in advance, Uncle Chen, you are organizing a meeting of the Blue Star Alliance these days."

"Okay." Chen An's face also returned to normal, and he said, "Is it confirmed?"

"The relationship between Butler and Alan is more complicated than we imagined." Lin Luo said: "Maybe Star Alan doesn't care about Butler's death, but...our Blue Star, they do."

The expressions of Chen An and the others changed.

That said, there is a great possibility of a fight between them.

"Don't worry." Lin Luo said: "This time, if the other party wants to call, we will know in advance. And..."

While speaking, Lin Luo raised the Eastern Emperor Bell and said:

"Before they come, we'll go to their house first!"


After Lin Luo came back, Chen An and the others urgently formulated the next five-year plan.

The name of the plan this time is: Prepare for the Legend!

This is also the first time that Blue Star has fought against a legendary civilization.

Lin Luo also came to the Hope Biological Base after a day's rest.

Lin Luo finally heaved a sigh of relief after getting the Eastern Emperor Bell.

However, the super magic weapon like Donghuang Bell is a big hole card, and Lin Luo will not use it unless it is a last resort.


After all, it is still people-oriented.

Especially the war between two legendary civilizations.

"Boss Lin!"

When Lin Luo walked in, he heard the voices of a man and a woman.

The man is Zhu Yihui.

As for the women, they are a bit younger.

Both watched Lin Luo come in, Zhu Yihui was fine, but the woman seemed a little excited.

Lin Luo also scanned

Eye-eyed, then under her expectant gaze, she slowly turned her head and said to Zhu Yihui: "How is it?"

Zhu Yihui said: "There is a big discovery."

While talking, Zhu Yihui said to the girl next to him: "Xiaoya, go and release the data."

"Yes, academician!" The girl next to her nodded, and quickly walked to the side, while looking at Lin Luo expectantly.

However, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she saw that Lin Luo didn't pay attention to her.

"That's right, he's a busy man, how could he still remember me?" The girl thought so, with a satisfied smile on her lips.

In fact, being able to see Lin Luo again has not failed her so many years of study.

If you go back a few years, they really had a relationship.

Her name is Chen Xiaoya.

It was the first person Lin Luo rescued from g3 back then.

That was his starting point.

These years, Chen Xiaoya has been studying hard, and finally graduated from Huaxia Institute of Biology with the best grades and entered here.

When seeing Lin Luo again, how excited she was...

Even if she guessed that Lin Luo would not remember herself.

This is not love between a man and a woman.

But out of a kindness, a worship.

This is a small fan's worship of idols.

Being able to rely on my own efforts and stand in front of him is already very satisfying!

Just as the device was playing, Lin Luo glanced at it.

The one that came out first was the gene map of the Alan star who was killed on the Emperor.

"Why are there two?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yes." Zhu Yihui said: "There is one, it belongs to a normal human race."

"There is one of beasts."

"Beast?" Lin Luo frowned when he heard this, he picked up the genetic map, and the system beeped:

"Ding! You have come into contact with the ancient beast gene: Ying Long!"

Hearing this, Lin Luo's pupils suddenly dilated.


On the distant star of Borg, Empress Senior Doris stood on a high mountain, with two emperors kneeling on the ground behind her.

"Is the news confirmed?" Senior Doris asked.

"Basically confirmed." The emperor said: "This news has been urgently sent back to Alan star!"

Senior Doris heard this and said, "Notify Blue Star!"

"Yes." The emperor got up, bowed and left.

Senior Doris continued to look ahead, remembering the words Lin Luo asked her before leaving:

"Your Highness Doris, do you like to gamble?"

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