
Bankruptcy, even family ruin.

On the road of galaxies, it is actually the same.

Senior Doris is very clear that the reason why the Borg Galaxy can survive until now is because they gave up any game.


They didn't make a single shot, which made them desireless and focused only on survival.

However, now there is a great lack of spiritual power of the galaxy nation.

In just three years, as many as three million people have committed suicide.

Senior Doris has been working hard to block the news, but this plain desire to survive has already taken root in their minds.

In the future, more people will commit suicide.

The undead mecha can't solve the problem.

However, Lin Luo can.

Senior Doris knew that a decision was about to be made.

About the life and death of the Borg galaxy, about the future of their galaxy.


Yinglong, it is a dragon in the legend of ancient Chinese dragons. It has scales on its body and a very big head. It is also called Huanglong.

Yinglong is the master of Hefenghuayu. According to the records of Shanhaijing, Yinglong is a divine beast under the emperor's seat, and its combat power can fight against the god of war in ancient times.

It is one of the legendary dragons.

Its power is beyond doubt.

The system also gave a very high evaluation:

Ancient mythical beast!

Lin Luo was curious about how the legendary Chinese dragon would appear on the opponent, when the system's voice sounded again:

"Ding! Yinglong's gene has been extremely diluted and cannot be extracted! The gene obtained by the host is only one billionth."

"Ding! If you want to obtain the corresponding Yinglong gene, you need to obtain the complete gene chain."

"Ding! 38.88 million bonus points!"

Lin Luo paused.

Can you get points without unlocking?

This is extremely rare.

Lin Luo picked up the illustrated book of the Alan aliens again, and found that the illustrated book was just an ordinary alien race.

According to the genetic classification, it is only a type of second-order genetic classification, and its strength is not considered strong.

"How is it?" Zhu Yihui asked.

Lin Luo didn't hide it either, and explained some of the differences.

Zhu Yihui paused when he heard the front, and said, "Ying...Ying Long?!"

Lin Luo nodded.

Zhu Yihui is not sure, because in terms of evolutionary genes, Lin Luo is absolutely


This is not blind trust, but helplessness.

Zhu Yihui has been immersed in the genetic world for so many years, but he still can't match Lin Luo.

"Isn't that our Chinese dragon?" Zhu Yihui said.

Lin Luo didn't speak. Half a minute later, the two looked at each other, and Zhu Yihui said slowly, "Ancient War!"

Lin Luo nodded, followed by his words: "Ancient War!"

"Let's speculate..."

"If the Blue Star was very prosperous at that time, then if the Blue Star was fragmented..."

Having said that, Lin Luo became a little restless.

If the guess is true, then the huge Blue Star might have been divided up.

This Yinglong gene is part of the chain of interests.

At the end, both Lin Luo and Zhu Yihui took a deep breath, and Lin Luo said: "I have a hunch that if we knock down Star Alan, we can get most of the truth back then."

"Ancient...wars...and those behind the scenes who hurt Blue Star!"


Chen Xiaoya leaned against the wall outside, she was very conscious, knowing that some words were not up to her level to listen to.

She is just an intern assistant who just came in, even if she really wanted to stay there and take another look at Lin Luo.

After all, she had studied hard for so many years just to get a glimpse of Lin Luo.

She was squatting on the ground, drawing circles, and suddenly saw a pair of feet appearing beside her. She looked up, stood up immediately, and said nervously, "Lin... Chief Master Lin!"

"What to draw?" Lin Luo asked.

"Draw...Draw..." Chen Xiaoya was really nervous, but at this moment Lin Luo smiled and said, "Draw a bear?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiaoya froze in place.

It was a surprise.

A kind of mental pause that was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Looking at her appearance, Lin Luo shook his head helplessly and smiled. He imagined pinching her face as he did back then, but after thinking about it, the little girl in the past has grown into a tall and graceful girl.

"Master Lin, do you still remember me?" Chen Xiaoya's head went blank, and she felt like being favored by heaven.

She feels that years of hard work have paid off in this moment.

Lin Luo smiled and said, "I haven't reached the age of amnesia yet."

"I...I don't

That's what it means. "Chen Xiaoya said quickly.

Seeing her nervous appearance, Lin Luo shook his head helplessly. He waved his hand and asked Chen Xiaoya to walk with him.

Chen Xiaoya was overjoyed. She accompanied Lin Luo and walked around the Hope Gene Research Institute. She told him about her growth all the way, but Lin Luo seldom spoke, and only occasionally said a few words.

Chen Xiaoya could see that he was preoccupied, she said: "Am I bored?"

"No." Lin Luo said: "Human life should be like you, positive and full of sunshine, instead of being immersed in killing and war..."

"It's just that we are often forced to do nothing."

"Our value is to save and cultivate you."

"And many future generations of humans, like you, can already contribute to the next generation of humans!"

"The future is yours!"

Chen Xiaoya paused.

Only then did she realize that entering the Institute of Hope Biogenetics is not just a job, not just an effort to meet idols, but a responsibility.

"I understand, Master Lin." Chen Xiaoya said seriously.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, waved his hand, and said as he walked, "It's still the same Lin Luo big brother you used to call me."

Chen Xiaoya was startled, and then saw that Lin Luo's figure had disappeared.

But when Chen Xiaoya came back to her senses, she was still immersed in the aftertaste of surprise. Lin Luo still treated her as a little sister as before.

It's just that starting today, she knows that there is an extra burden on her shoulders.

In the past, Lin Luo rescued her from the poison gas of g3.

Today, she too is a warrior, a warrior who can participate in saving others and the weak!

Perhaps, this is an inheritance of human life!


Lin Luo returned to the office, his buttocks were still warm, Ye Yi hurried over and gave a military salute.

Seeing Ye Yi's actions, Lin Luo knew it was urgent.

Normally, Ye Yi would not behave like this.

"Say." Lin Luo guessed something.

"We have sent all the data of the Undead Mecha to the Borg planet, and the other party's reply has also come." Ye Yi handed the report to Lin Luo, his pupils full of worry.

And the information that the Borg galaxy answered was only two short sentences.

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