"Star Alan has known everything for about one year!"

"I can buy you time, that's all."

Seeing this, Lin Luo took a deep breath, frowning tightly.

Although it had been expected, but when it was known that a new war was about to break out, it still felt extremely uncomfortable.

Fighting is killing people.

Lin Luo is not an indecisive person, he quickly said: "Go and tell Uncle Chen to hold the alliance meeting, and I will go in person."


Lin Luo thought for a while, then raised his head and asked, "What do you think of Blue Star's defense?"

Ye Yi thought for a while and said: "I have arranged several gates of Jade Immortals. For now, we are not afraid of some secondary galaxies."

Lin Luo nodded in satisfaction.

"Brother, I'll go first." Ye Yi said.

"Go." Lin Luo waved his hand, seeing Ye Yi leaving in a hurry, his eyes were filled with relief.

Ye Yi in the past has also grown up and can be alone.

Lin Luo picked up the pen and looked at the empty paper on the table, unable to start for a while.

Xia Qian who was standing in front of the door was a little surprised when she saw this scene, she said: "You rarely have such a time."

Lin Luo pondered for a long time, and said: "Because I know very well that if I go on with this plan, I may have to spend my brain and write more plans later."

Xia Qian paused, she pondered for a long time before she understood what Lin Luo meant.

When she raised her head again, Lin Luo had already started writing on the desktop.


"...This battle will be a battle of legendary civilizations." Lin Luo looked at Temus and said, "How about the light-wing mech equipment of the United Army?"

"Relying on our innate first-order genetic advantage, if we put on the light-wing mecha, we should be able to barely fight against some weaker Alan stars." Temus said: "This is given by Academician Zhu Yihui and Academician Ye Yi together. conclusion."

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "Well, your joint army is also allowed to participate in this battle, but you are not allowed to enter the main force and the frontal battlefield."

"Yes." Termes and other high-level officials stood up directly and said respectfully.

Lin Luo seldom came to preside over this kind of meeting, once he appeared, it must be a great deal.

Lin Luo looked at them and continued, "What you need to do now is the Stargate Project."

Termes was stunned, he said: "I

Are we going to execute the same tactics as Barrett? "

Back then, Lin Luo's tactic of opening up Barrett's star gate passage to steal the house caused a sensation in Blue Star.

Everyone was immersed in the shock of Lin Luo's wisdom.

"No." Lin Luo said, "We have to guard against them."

"Ah?" Temus and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then Paul suddenly realized, and said, "You mean...we want to take the initiative to call over?"

"Yes." Lin Luo said: "My principle is that if you can avoid fighting in the Blue Star area, try not to start a war in the Blue Star area."

"The former Apocalypse, Plot, and Barrett all came to Blue Star without warning."

"But times have changed. Now that we know that the other party is going to invade us, there is no need to show mercy."

"It's best to fight in the past."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

In the past, they did have an expeditionary force that went to Apocalypse.

But it's still different from this time.

This time, it was their Blue Star who took the initiative to go there, before the opponent had launched any attacks on them.

"So, I need you to send this announcement." Lin Luo pressed the send button, and everyone received it.

"No need." Temus glanced at it and said.

"You should understand that if any war is unjust, it will destabilize the morale of the army. We must tell them the relationship behind it..." Lin Luo said.

But Paul next to him interrupted: "Chief Lin Luo, you underestimate your influence too much."

"Not only we know you, everyone in Bluestar knows you."

"If you could, they knew, you wouldn't start a war."

Lin Luo was stunned, and the others nodded seriously. He also nodded slightly, and said, "Then let's move on to the next topic, about the location and number of star gates..."


The emperor of Alan planet felt very unlucky at the moment.

It's just the bad luck of eight lifetimes, and it's just the reason why he was sent to this wilderness area to investigate Barrett.

When the results of the investigation came out, all kinds of unlucky things happened.

The spaceship is broken.

The remote instant messaging device is down.

These are nothing.

What really makes him feel unlucky is...

He found out the truth behind Barrett:

blue star.

Just these two words made his scalp tingle.

Alan star how

How rising, they understand very well.

It's nothing more than sharing a sliver of Blue Star's interests.

Just a trace is enough for them to dominate the sixth star circle.

The strength and terror of Blue Star made them especially fond of memory.

Now, they actually appeared.

It's just too scary.

He wanted to go back quickly and tell their Emperor Tian Daofu about this matter.

tell them...

Blue Star's new life!

Now he waited a long time in a desolate galaxy until he saw the Borg's spaceship arrive.

"Hello, I am the emperor sent by the emperor." The emperor of Borg star slightly cupped his hands.

"You guys are so slow." The emperor of Alan star was slightly dissatisfied.

But Emperor Borg just smiled apologetically, without saying much, and said: "The spaceship you want is ready, and we have emergency communication equipment on it..."

"No need, just give me the spaceship." Alan Star Emperor said.

"Okay." Emperor Borg nodded, and respectfully handed over control of the spaceship to him.

Star Emperor Alan glanced at Borg's spaceship and was quite satisfied.

However, he stayed here for two months, and now he would have to spend several months to go back.

After all, there is no stargate leading directly to Alan.

As for Borg's communication system, he didn't know how to use it.

The matter of Blue Star is of great importance and must not be known to outsiders.

"Go all the way slowly." The emperor of Borg bowed slightly, and the emperor of Alan star heard this and went straight forward at full speed.

The emperor of the Borg also breathed a sigh of relief at the moment the spaceship left.

"My lord, my lord, does this count..." the attendant next to him spoke, the emperor turned his head and glanced at him, and the attendant immediately shut up.

At this time, the emperor looked at the spaceship of Star Alan, walked over, patted lightly, and then a strange energy vibrated directly around the spaceship.

The emperor was expressionless, and stepped directly onto the spaceship. At this time, the spaceship was able to start.

This is not a special ability.

Barratt of the sixth-level civilization claims to be the pinnacle of ordinary technology, but it is not.

They Borg stars are the pinnacle of technology.

They have managed to integrate with technological civilization, and even use special abilities to manipulate other machines.

They can even monopolize the communication in this starry sky.

This is what they are capable of...

Even if, they have already begun to hate such an ability.

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