Among the crowd, Lin Luo was also bathed in blood, and the army of star Alan was so large that it made one's heart tremble.

However, the strength and bravery of the heavenly soldiers are even more chilling.

Even they themselves never imagined that they would become so powerful after breaking through the third-tier intermediate level.

Seeing that they are still fighting above the starry sky, but they are starting to advance towards the main star.

Even faster than Lin Luo expected.

Finally, after four hours of hard work, they saw the interstellar platform floating in space.

There are more Alan soldiers there.

Lin Luo raised his celestial machine and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

At this moment, no matter how gorgeous words are, they can't compare with this simple word.

Those Heavenly Soldiers were already red-eyed, and rushed up following Lin Luo.


And on the distant interstellar platform, Erro is watching the war on the monitoring equipment.

He had noticed Lin Luo a long time ago.

"Should this be their commander-in-chief, or..." Erro's eyes were a little more certain.

If it's people from other galaxies, that's fine, because the commanders of other galaxies generally don't go on the field in person, except in critical times.

However, Blue Star is different.

People on this planet have always been heroic.

Erro fought them once.

His half-crippled body now is also a disease left over from that time.

He couldn't get the evolution of the Yinglong gene, so he couldn't fight Tian Daofu either.

Seeing the Celestial Soldiers getting closer and closer, Erro looked at the Alan star people whose eyes started to panic, and finally turned to look at the general in black armor behind him, and said, "Go, Bring me this man, dead or alive."

"Yes, Master Arrow!"

The general knelt down on one knee, he got up and waved, and then waved, the dark army behind finally opened his eyes.

At this moment, Yang Jun single-handedly led a group of people to attack from the flank, and he was about to break through their defense line.

"Tell this news to Commander Lin..." Yang Jun turned to the lieutenant with a happy face and said, but saw the lieutenant looking forward, and said with a bit of fear: "Commander, look..."

Only then did Yang Jun turn his head and look ahead, when the dark Long Zun army appeared.

"Is the main force finally here?" Yang Jun couldn't help but took a deep breath, but he was not afraid at all, and swung his knife to charge


Lin Luo on the other side also encountered this sudden appearance of the Long Zun army.

Their battle armor, weapons... and powerful abilities are several grades higher than that of Alan's army.

Lin Luo waved the secret, still not afraid of them.

How could his strength be something these people could deal with.

However, facing Long Zun's army, the Heavenly Soldiers were obviously a little behind.

You know, Alan star has such a long history of researching Yinglong genes.

This is still their elite unit.

"We have killed and wounded a lot of people!" A voice from the communications soldier asked, "What should we do now?"

Lin Luo looked at the Long Zun army densely surrounding him, a chill appeared in his pupils, and he said, "Ask Zhang San!"

The communication soldier also saw Lin Luo's environment from the monitoring equipment, and he quickly switched to Zhang San's voice channel.

"I'm Zhang San!"

"I have already seen the appearance of the opponent's army, just give me a little more time, just a little..."

As Zhang San spoke, he hung up the communication.

He looked at the Long Zun army in front of him, which was also quite huge in number, and fell into a dilemma.

That black armor actually has the ability to resist mental power.

Could it be...

Is it also an existence similar to comprehension technology?

Zhang San thought so, but he saw that the heavenly soldiers were already somewhat defeated on the battlefield.

The appearance of the Long Zun army is no longer something that bravery can resist.

However, Zhang San believes that there must be a solution.

As Lin Luo said...

A group of clowns who rely on stealing their ancestral inheritance, why fight them.

At this moment, Zhang San didn't need to make a move. He controlled four Alan soldiers at the same time, attacking a Dragon Zun soldier from all sides.

However, Long Zun's army is indeed strong, let alone four, even two more can't hurt him.

"In addition to their strength, the armor should be solved..." Zhang San quickly realized the problem.

At this moment, there was a sudden coldness behind him.

The moment he turned his head, he saw a Longzun soldier stabbing at him with a spear in his hand.

Zhang San frowned and was about to respond when a figure suddenly appeared...

It was Xia Qian.

Holding two big knives in her hand, she directly blocked the opponent's attack. The metal-like collision sound even caused a violent energy fluctuation to explode in the vacuum.

"Think with peace of mind." Xia Qian only left this sentence, that is,

rushed up.

And Zhang San opened up his mental power at this moment, and he was scanning the entire battle.

Now his mental power can scan a range of about 300 meters.

He saw more casualties of the Celestial Soldiers, but he didn't stop there.

Finally, his mental power stopped in front of a captain of the Heavenly Soldiers.

"Their weakness is actually..." Zhang San suddenly realized.



"It's the armpit!!"

Zhang San quickly sent the communication back to the base camp.

In the past, he had only seen on TV that the weakness of a set of battle armor was the armpits, but he didn't expect to actually see it on the battlefield now.

According to the words written by the screenwriter on TV at that time, the stitching position of that set of invincible armor was under the armpits.

It is safe enough there not to be attacked easily.

Zhang San used to think he was nonsense, but now he thinks this person is simply a talent.

Zhang San's words quickly spread throughout the entire army of heavenly soldiers.

In such an instant, the pressure was completely relieved.

The strength of Long Zun's army is still strong, but after Tianbing has a way to deal with it, it is no longer so passive.

They tried to organize a counter-offensive, once again attacking in small groups.

It's just that the efficiency of doing so is too low.

The attack speed, which was originally extremely fast, would be greatly reduced.

As for Lin Luo on the battlefield, his hands were numb.

Looking at the secret in Lin Luo's hand, Long Zunjun also showed fear.

"Don't dare to come?" Lin Luo smiled coldly, and just as he was about to make a quick blade, a dragon's cry came from behind.

Lin Luo turned his head and saw Lin Yue flying in the air.

Dabai followed behind like a nanny.

Lin Luo frowned, as he had agreed before, he would not make a move in front of Dabai.

Unexpectedly, Dabai just nodded towards him.

"Dragon?!" When the Alan star heard Long Ming, his eyes changed.

They started by relying on dragons, and they have strange feelings for dragons...

However, in the next second, that strange emotion turned into greed.

"This is a baby dragon, it hasn't grown up yet!" The general of the Long Zun Army shouted in surprise.

He waved his hand and summoned most of the Longzun army here.

At this time, Lin Yue roared. Biqu library

This time, its dragon chant is no longer a baby voice.

The family has milk and the dragon grows up!

The reason why the dragon is angry is because someone touched its reverse scale!

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