In that dragon chant, with anger...

Very intense anger.

Lin Luo was a little taken aback, Lin Yue was usually a little milk dragon with a baby voice, even if she was murdered, she would still smile sweetly.

Lin Luo had never seen her like this before.

Today, she seems angry.

With a roar, her body enlarged rapidly, which shocked the heavenly soldiers beside her.

She has really grown up, although she is not as good as the legendary dragon, she still has the demeanor of a dragon.

She roared angrily, and her white and black eyeballs were shining brightly.

Lin Luo thought she was going to display her supernatural powers, but unexpectedly, nothing happened between the heaven and the earth. Biqu library

However, at this moment, that group of Long Zunjun were all covering their heads, in extreme pain.

Their legs and feet were trembling unconsciously.

"This is..." Lin Luo was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed surprise, he said: "This is an accident!"


On the palace of Alan's main star, Tian Daofu still lived a light time, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Until, he heard a dragon chant under the ground again.

Tian Daofu was slightly taken aback.

What's going on here?

It was obviously suppressed not long ago.

At this moment, a communications soldier from Star Alan hurried in and reported: "A young dragon has been found ahead."

Tian Daofu was taken aback, a little surprised.

He waved his hand, but he didn't ask a word about the battlefield.

It seemed that no matter what happened ahead, it was still under his control.

In fact, he really doesn't need to care about the front line, because he understands that Erro will do his best for freedom.


Lin Yue's dragon chant spread throughout the entire interstellar world, and the Long Zunjun who was about to kneel down surprised everyone.

Including Ello.

"What's going on here?" The lieutenant next to him panicked.

On the contrary, Erro looked at Lin Yue on the monitoring device and suddenly realized.

Even if Lin Yue has not yet grown up, she still has the unique characteristics of Shenlong.

Humans are different from beasts.

The dignity of human beings depends on their status and strength. Strong people will have a higher status, no matter whether they have military power or financial power.

However, beasts are different.

that's engraved in dna

The coercion of the face...

Give a lion a stimulant, and it won't dare to attack a dragon.

These Longzun troops are not lions.

But they have too much dragon blood in their bodies, and these blood, in front of the pure dragon, will be suppressed by this powerful dragon power.

Their genes even had a backlash effect.

Erro knew that he had encountered an unknown factor, and his IQ made him react very quickly, saying: "This young dragon cannot maintain this effect forever, and the Dragon Venerable Army will withdraw first."

After the order was issued, the battlefield that was originally fought back began to change again.

Erro can see it, how can Lin Luo not see it.

He raised the little golden dragon, and he knew better that this little guy's characteristic was that it couldn't last.


"Enough is enough!" Lin Luo's pupils showed a look of joy, and he quickly sent an order to the army of heavenly soldiers, saying: "All the coaches obey the order, take this opportunity to break through the opponent's Atmospheric Interstellar Platform in one fell swoop!"


All the coaches ordered, and they rushed forward while shouting.

And the interstellar platform in front of it suddenly became the existence of the Heavenly Soldiers Legion to vent their anger...

The Alan star army, which was thought to be able to rest, was released again.

It's just that the Celestial Soldiers seem to be fighting more and more fiercely. They found that...

It's hard to resist them anymore.

Erro stared at Lin Yue like crazy...

He was waiting, waiting for the moment when Lin Yue Shenwei disappeared.

However, this time Lin Yue was particularly persistent, she stayed above the starry sky, staring angrily ahead.

Stare at the star Alan in the central area.

Even Lin Luo couldn't understand why she was so angry.

Only Dabai behind her will understand...

She must have felt the ancestor who was crushed on the air continent.

Even if they should not be the same type of dragon, but the power of the dragon does not allow foreign races to trample and suppress it.

These Alan star people use the dragon as a tool to become stronger, and wantonly trample on the dignity of their dragon race.

This is where the anger comes from.

Although Lin Yue is small...

But her dragon blood since birth made her react in her own way.

Dignity of the Dragon


She's here to protect!


The battlefield is changing rapidly, but Lin Yue's supernatural powers have played a huge role.

The originally slow advance speed suddenly seemed like a flood had collided with the gate of the dam.

In the eighth minute of the charge, someone stepped into the interstellar platform above the atmosphere.

This person is Li Donglai.

He is worthy of being an agent engaged in secrecy work, and he chose various routes. When he successfully set foot on the interstellar platform, he also led the army to open the way for other troops.

In the thirteenth minute, Yang Jun led the army and finally came up.

At this moment, Elro was already panicking, and he was still staring at Lin Yue.


Lin Yue's dragon power has come to an end.

The little guy's body became extremely small again, and she turned into a milk dragon again.

Dabai caught her who was weak, and at this moment a heavenly soldier came from behind, ready to take Lin Yue.

Because this heavenly soldier understood that Dabai still needed to participate in this battle, and Lin Yue needed to go back to the rear.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yue looked at Dabai and shook her head, with a bit of firm pleading in her eyes.

Dabai turned around and nodded towards the heavenly soldier.

The heavenly soldier would agree and took a step back.

In the front, Erro saw this scene, and his whole body became energetic.

It was Lin Luo who led the army to the control center of the interstellar station from another route.

"General Manager Lin, I have a message here, I believe you will be interested..." At this moment, Zhang San's voice sounded slowly.

The moment Lin Luo's ear slowly rang, his face also changed.

He saw Erro.

Na Erluo stood on the high platform and said to the Long Zun army behind him: "Quick, go and resist them!"

Without the pressure of Shenwei, the Long Zun army in the rear wanted to go out again.

At this time, Lin Luo flew down from the sky slowly, and he said, "It's too late, Erlo!"

Erlo looked up and looked at Lin Luo who fell down.

The man was covered in blood.

But not a single drop is his own.

He held the secret in his hand and stood in front of him.

Erro smiled and said, "The war is not over yet."

Lin Luo said, "No, it's over."

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