A few minutes later, Mark Carey watched Lin Luo leave. The man was talking about going to some gene bank.

He was wondering how Lin Luo could say such words so calmly.

If Blue Star is still poor, then what is Dorenna?


Do not.

It's kind of an insult to beggars.

Mark Carey sighed, and waved his hand to tell the people behind to quickly move things onto the spaceship.

Also he knows...

There are fewer people calling.


When Lin Luo arrived at the gene bank, he was also taken aback for a moment.

Because the place where the gene bank is repaired is very remote.

"Commander Zhang, I will make you the Treasure King from now on." Lin Luo said.

The mental power of this three is too easy to use.

Treasure digging essential skills.

"Cut." Zhang San smiled disdainfully.

"Is it okay to add the word super?" Lin Luo said.

"It's too high school, I still like you to call me Lawyer Zhang..." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo was sweating.

He really wanted to tell Zhang San...

You haven't been to court for many years, and you probably have forgotten the law.

Thinking so, he walked in.

There are various specimens, experiments...

Among them, there are two kinds of genes of level six behemoths.

"It's for nothing." After Lin Luo saw it, he was overjoyed.

Gold or something is of little value to Lin Luo.

However, the genetic ability is a real improvement for the Blue Stars.

"I don't know if there is any information about Yinglong's gene in this data backup Curry." Lin Luo couldn't help but have a complicated expression.

Alan's research on Ying Long is already a pathological condition.

According to their database, Yinglong has been sealed underground in the floating continent by the power of advanced civilization.

In the beginning, a large amount of blood was drawn...

Then came the meat.

Even moved a meridian once.

This is extremely cruel.

What's more, Lin Luo didn't dare to put this document where Xiao Jinlong could see it.

It can be seen that the Alan aliens are extremely crazy. There are tens of thousands of gene catalogs, most of which are useless.

Moreover, their genetic map is far from Lin Luo's.

What's even more ridiculous is that there are many genes that Alan people don't use at all.

What's more, in order to obtain the power of the Yinglong gene, the Alan star abandoned the original genetic route, and regained the Yinglong gene through a genetic modification device of a higher civilization.

"This is really a treasure." Lin Luo saw this genetically modified comprehension technology information, very excited.

Very interested.

It is recorded above that this is the Alan star given by the civilization star system of the black rune...

"Take them all home," Lin Luo said.


After several months of fighting, it was almost the same.

These days, Tianbing is really tired, and even a little weak to move things later.

Lin Luo is not greedy either.

He doesn't want to see accidents appear more than resources.

Therefore, after the resources moved to a certain level, he finally gave the signal to retreat.

And a trapped beast plan surrounded by Borg star began.

Lin Luo's plan is to...

The news of the destruction of Star Alan was completely lost in the sixth interstellar circle.

At this moment, Lin Luo was looking into the distance, while Senior Doris was standing beside him.

"What are you thinking?" Senior Doris asked.

"I'm wondering what the attitude of other sixth-level civilizations is towards the destruction of Alan," Lin Luo said.

"A dog that has been suppressed for a long time can be the same with another owner." Senior Doris said.

Lin Luo didn't speak, thought for a moment, and then said, "Let's do it."

Senior Doris waved her hand, and at this moment, a huge explosion sounded from the Alan main star, and then countless energy rays shot out from the surroundings...

There are those from Blue Star.

There is one from Borg.

There is also one from Alan himself.

A grand explosion bloomed directly in the starry sky, but Lin Luo didn't care to appreciate it. He said to Senior Doris: "I will give you what you want in half a year."

"I still say that, I don't want any news to spread into deep space."

"Understood." Senior Doris nodded. She watched Lin Luo step into the star gate and leave, but there was a little strangeness on her face.

she understands...

It's not going to end like this.

People with Lin Luo's personality never wait until trouble hits their door to think about how to solve it.

Perhaps the current Blue Star is still not very strong.

However, their growth rate is too fast.


After a few months, the heavenly soldiers returned to Blue Star one after another to rest.

Lin Luo finally adjusted from the state of war.

In this war against Alan, there is not much plan to speak of.

As Lin Luo said, this is a tough battle.

Blue Star has won this war through hard power.

It also made them see themselves clearly.

Compared with the ancient blue stars, today's blue stars may not be enough, but they have begun to become stronger now.

So after coming back, Lin Luo let hope live

The Institute of Biological Sciences hurriedly cleaned up the gene bank.

But unfortunately, Yinglong's genes were not found.

However, Ye Yi found something good.

The black rune information was preserved.

It has to be said that Alan star is still scheming. After they got the black rune, they started researching day and night.

All these materials have been preserved.

Now, in Ye Yi's hands, it's different.

If it was Ye Yi before, maybe he couldn't understand it, but now...

"Brother, do you know? There are strange lines on this thing, which is just another way to open the technology of self-cultivation..." Ye Yi looked fanatical.

Lin Luo was sweating profusely. While listening to Ye Yi's words, he watched the continuous sound of explosions coming from the nearby research base...

Ye Yi is so calm, he must have experienced a lot.

Lin Luo was speechless.

When Ye Yi participated in the Tianqi battle, he was choked by the smell of blood and almost passed out.

Today's Ye Yi has really changed a lot.

"How long?" Lin Luo asked.

"Brother, can you discuss the process with me?" Ye Yi dissatisfied.

"Next time." Lin Luo squeezed his sweat and said, "How about you still manage the research institute?"

Only then did Ye Yi turn around, glanced at the rear, but said ecstatically, "This time the explosion power seems to have increased a bit, it should be because the wiring is correct..."


After bidding farewell to Ye Yi, a scientific madman, Lin Luo returned to his residence and heard tinkling inside.

When Lin Luo walked in, it was so golden that he almost couldn't open his eyes...

The gold in this room is really eye-catching.

"Who did it?" Lin Luo said: "Who used these things to test veteran cadres?!"

Xia Qian next to her rolled her eyes and said without raising her head, "It's not your baby dragon."

Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, at this moment he heard a cry, and saw Lin Yue's dragon head emerging from the pile of gold...

It was extremely happy.

Lin Luo sweated, this little milk dragon must have gone to steal the vault again.

"Dabai, do you have a share?" Lin Luo pointed at Dabai.

Unfortunately, this proud bear ignored him.

Lin Luo grabbed the little golden dragon and was about to give it a good lesson when he heard a ding from the system.

Lin Luo was stunned and stopped there, but the little golden dragon stared at Lin Luo with starry eyes...


However, how could such a positive person like Lin Luo be shaken? He frowned and said seriously:

"Good digging!"

"We have a lot of gold, so we can play if we want!"

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