Hearing this, Xia Qian and Dabai rolled their eyes.

It's not that Lin Luo is so generous, it's just that Lin Luo, a righteous person, was shaken by the words of the system.

"Ding! The dragon you raised has gained initial growth, and you devoured the opponent's ability..."

"..." Lin Luo sweated and looked at the little golden dragon in his hand. At this moment, Lin Yue was constantly scratching Lin Luo's arm with its dragon claws.

"...You have obtained the will of the dragon, and your dragon fist has obtained the super evolution ability."

"Now your Dragon Fist can be used with weapons!"

"That's it?" Lin Luo frowned and looked at his fist.

To be honest, I haven't used Dragon Fist for a long time...

Super evolution, how strong is it?

Lin Luo thought so, and looked into Xiao Jinlong's eyes with some envy...

If he can obtain the same supernatural power as Xiao Jinlong, then he is called invincible.

"Aww!!" Xiao Jinlong looked at Lin Luo looking directly at her, and smiled childishly.

Lin Luo also smiled happily.

This time, instead of obtaining the Yinglong gene, it made the little golden dragon grow tremendously. It was really a surprise.


Therefore, Dabai watched Xiao Jinlong put on the operating table.

However, this is not an experiment, but just a little bit of dragon blood.

Before this, Lin Luo had never attacked the little golden dragon, because he knew that any young creature should try to keep the integrity of its skin and blood, after all, many injuries are difficult to reverse.

"Big brother, it's so cute." Chen Xiaoya has adapted to the life in the institute, and now she can even conduct many experiments alone.

Xiao Jinlong was not afraid of life, he seemed to know that the needle was about to be injected, he held Chen Xiaoya's arm tightly with his dragon claws, he dared not look...

It's like a child getting an injection.

Lin Luo watched Chen Xiaoya draw out some of Xiao Jinlong's blood skillfully. Zhu Yihui just came to work at this time. , have you started?"

Lin Luo glared at Zhu Yihui, and the latter reacted.

And at this time, Xiao Jinlong touched his butt tearfully, obviously in great pain.

"Here." Lin Luo directly lifted a box and smashed it on the table.

Xiao Jinlong sniffed it and was overjoyed, Lin Luo said again: "Go out to play with your fat brother big brother."

Xiao Jinlong directly lifted the box, then jumped onto Dabai's shoulder, and the bear and the dragon left directly.

Zhu Yihui asked curiously, "What are the boxes?"

"Gold." Lin Luo said.

"Ah?" Zhu Yihui was taken aback, but he

But he immediately said: "Yes, dragons like wealth."

"It seems that you have been thinking about the little golden dragon." Lin Luo said.

Seeing Lin Luo's gaze, Zhu Yihui quickly turned his head and said to Chen Xiaoya, "Xiaoya, go and scan this with a genetic analyzer."

"Yes." Chen Xiaoya nodded and left quickly.

Lin Luo and Zhu Yihui started to discuss the things obtained in the gene bank.

Some sixth-level behemoth genes are still useful, but these genes can't make human beings get qualitative changes now.

On the contrary, Zhu Yihui said: "Based on the genetically modified system we obtained, the future combined army is expected to become a new genetic warrior."

"How to say?" Lin Luo asked.

"We didn't get nothing on Planet Alan." Zhu Yihui said: "The genetically modified technology does not improve the sky soldiers, because the genetic system we use is different from the opponent's."

Lin Luo had seen some before, and said: "The other party seems to use a stereotyped genetic system."

"That's right." Zhu Yihui said: "Once this genetic system is finalized, it will never be able to grow again, and it will be fixed there. The birth bloodline percentage system of Alan star is actually just another way of saying it."

"Birth is to determine destiny."

"However, if we can find a third-order gene chain, then our Blue Star's joint army can grow to an extremely powerful height."

Lin Luo was also overjoyed when he heard this.

The United Army also participated in this battle, and the judgment given at the beginning was that the United Army could participate in the battle.

The fact is also true, because it is impossible for everyone on Star Alan to be so powerful.

However, once they encountered a stronger one, the coalition army would suffer heavy losses.

Even if the heavenly soldiers dominate the frontal battlefield, the combined casualties are higher than the heavenly soldiers.

"The problem is, we need to find a gene chain similar to Yinglong..." Zhu Yihui said: "After all, if you inject them with lower-level genes, it will not be able to greatly improve them."

Lin Luo also nodded.

Haste makes waste.

Since the United Army can only inject once, it is better to choose high-quality ones.

"That's right." Lin Luo said: "You are in charge of directing the genetic work of the Borg star. For now, you only need to help them get rid of the genetic chain brought by the scientific machinery."

"Yes." Zhu Yihui nodded.

This is not difficult for them.

The level of genetic research on Blue Star has already reached a certain level.


The gene chain of Xiao Jinlong's blood seems to take a long time to extract, after all, the amount is small

, Lin Luo didn't dare to take more.

However, Lin Luo was a little surprised, because according to the urine properties of the ancient genetic instrument given by the system, the longer the time, the stronger the gene. Biqu library

So, at night Lin Luo came to Ye Yi's new research base.

Interestingly, according to what Chen An said, he has already prepared thousands of backup bases for Ye Yi.

"...It's almost like this." Ye Yi said while looking at the talisman placed on the machine in front of him.

Lin Luo looked at it the same way, and said, "Is it stable?"

"Stable." Just as Ye Yi was speaking, the machine suddenly started to burst into flames...



Afterwards, Lin Luo and Ye Yi ran outside directly, but Ye Yi still said firmly: "I have figured out some basics inside, there is absolutely no problem."

Lin Luo is skeptical.

So, they experimented with a small white mouse.

"This will not harm their bodies, but their consciousness will be suppressed. If it is not your order, it will be the same as an ordinary creature." Ye Yi said.

"Isn't this similar to Zhang San's mental strength?" Lin Luo was surprised.

"There is still a difference. Even if this black talisman controls them, they are still conscious. Brother Zhang's has already wiped out human consciousness. As long as this is removed, it will be completely harmless..." Ye Yi said , Said to the little white mouse: "Open the door!"

At this moment, I only saw the little white mouse's eyes flickering, and ran directly to open the door...

Lin Luo looked ashamed and delighted at the same time.

"We need to change another experimental subject, the mouse is too weak." Lin Luo said.

So, five minutes later, Lin Luo and Ye Yi sneakily stood beside the bed, looking at Dabai who was sleeping inside, Lin Luo directly hung the black talisman on Dabai's neck.

Since Ye Yi said no damage, let's try a more powerful one.

When the black talisman was hung up, Lin Luo said, "Dabai, get up and clean up, don't sleep."

Dabai opened his eyes in a daze, glanced at Lin Luo and Ye Yi, very dissatisfied, he turned around and went to sleep.

"?" Lin Luo glanced at Ye Yi.

But at this time, because Dabai turned over, the black talisman seemed to be resting on its fat belly. It opened its eyes again, glanced at the black talisman, then pulled it casually, directly tore the rope, and then threw it with its eyes closed. went outside....

Immediately afterwards, the sound of its sleeping sound was heard again.

It seemed, to it, as if nothing had happened.


At this moment, Lin Luo and Ye Yi were full of question marks.

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