Obviously, the system was even more angry, but Lin Luo didn't care about it, and had already browsed in the mall.

"Eastern Emperor Clock Instruction Manual: 200 million points."

"Ancient artifact design and material production: 500 million points."

"Super mysterious pet eggs: 500 million points."


Lin Luo blushed and ignored it.

Obviously, these are not things he can read, but when he saw the bottom, Lin Luo was shocked.

Because there is an option below, just like the Primordial Eucharist, which belongs to the kind that Lin Luo will never be able to buy.

"...a weapon of random causality: 9.99999 billion!"

Lin Luo swallowed when he saw this.

The prehistoric Eucharist is only 999 million, but this directly costs tens of billions.

Karma weapon? !

Lin Luo couldn't help but start thinking.

From this point of view, the Eastern Emperor Bell should not belong to the scope of causality weapons.


Is this a weapon that can surpass the Eastern Emperor Bell?

Lin Luo couldn't help being startled.

Most of the newly unlocked stores are based on ancient blue stars, that is to say...

Such weapons existed in the ancient blue star.

Lin Luo sat down with a headache, because perhaps many of these weapons fell into the hands of former enemies.

Knowing that he is powerless at present, Lin Luo can only give up thinking about these things.

Lin Luo looked at the points in his hand and began to think about how to use them.

Now Lin Luo has two options:

First, upgrade the secret.

Second, upgrade the prehistoric change.

The explanation of Honghuang Bian is very simple, that is to directly enhance the power brought by Honghuang Bian.

Although strength is the essence of human beings, Lin Luo still prefers the upgrade of secrets.

the reason is simple.

At present, Lin Luo can continue to grow stronger by relying on the talent of devouring. Although it is not much every day, Lin Luo can still feel that the prehistoric transformation is much stronger than when he just got it.

After making a decision, Lin Luo didn't say anything, and said directly to the system: "Upgrade...Tianji!"

"Ding! You have exchanged for an upgrade once!"


When the system sound fell, Lin Luo saw the sky darken.

It's different from Hong Huang's change, that is, the whole Tianjing is dark.

However, this time only a small part is darkened, which is where Lin Luo is.


This time, Lin Luo watched the secret of the sky gradually change, it became whiter, and there was a white trace on the blade...

"It's very close to a complete state." Lin Luo took a look.

Today's Tianji is more than half longer than the earliest Tianji.

However, the length does not feel the intensity, Lin Luo looked up at the sky.

Sure enough, the figure in white appeared again.

He stood there, holding the secret in one hand...

In an instant, the wind was surging, and the wind was howling.

All I saw was the white figure stepping up into the air, holding the secret in his left hand, and walking slowly in the air.

However, because of his walking, phantoms appeared in the sky...

"Spatial jump?" Lin Luo was shocked.

In the past, when Dabai used the broken space once, Lin Luo felt a sense of space jumping.

The powerful instant slash ability makes the single-point destructive power of Shattering Kong more than a hundred times stronger than that of Swift Blade.

Obviously, the moves used by the man in white this time are still related to Shattering Space.

All I could see was that the white phantom suddenly stopped after jumping seven times...

Lin Luo thought that when the man in white just struck out like this, he saw the six dots before, a total of seven figures...

The seven broken spaces all passed together.

At this moment, Lin Luo was dumbfounded.

"How did you do this?" Lin Luo was extremely shocked.

This is no longer a pure skill issue.

"...This saber technique is an advanced technique of Shattering Space, it can only be taught by will, not taught by hand, it is called Broken Star!"

"Broken Star." Lin Luo muttered.

Could it be that this man really split a planet with a single knife?

As he thought so, he watched the figure of the man in white gradually disappear.

"System, can you play it again?" Lin Luo became more interested in thinking about it.

Mainly, it's so handsome.

A sliding step with a long shadow in the air, instantly slashing seven times.

"Ding! Do you want to pay 30 million points..."


"...If the host doesn't answer immediately, he will take the initiative to pay after seven seconds."

"Get out." Lin Luo was furious.

This broken system, why is he thinking about his little points all day long.

He thought for a while and said, "System, I spent another 100 million points, why don't I give a lottery?"

"Ding! There are still 240 million points before the host's next lottery..."




After several days on the blue star, Lin Luo finally decided to leave.

This time, Zhang San and Li Donglai followed, accompanied by thousands of Hidden Dragon Army and some Dark Night Army.

After thinking about it, Lin Luo planned to bring Dabai with him.

After all, if Dabai is to be used in an emergency, Lin Luo still needs to use one person and one bear at the same time.

However, Xiao Jinlong cried to death.

Lin Luo left, and it was reluctant to give up.

It's all right now, and Dabai is leaving too.


It has teary eyes (●—●) holding the big white bear's leg with one hand and Lin Luo's with the other.

"No need to discuss, your identity is too conspicuous." Lin Luo said: "Dabai is a bear. It looks simple and honest. It has no evil intentions, so no one will recognize it when you go out. What is your identity? Do you have any points? ?”

After hearing this, Xiao Jinlong was very angry.

Dabai was also very angry.

"Your sister Xia Qian will stay with you." Lin Luo said.

"Wow!" Xiao Jinlong was still coquettish and cute, but Lin Luo was determined not to take it with him.

On the seventh day, Lin Luo was ready to go on the road. Before leaving, he explained to Xia Qian.

"If there is something strange about Xiao Jinlong, the best thing you can do is..." Lin Luo remembered Xiao Jinlong's identity.

Candle Dragon.

It is not something ordinary people can deal with.

"Leave it alone," Xia Qian said.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded.

"Isn't this tm nonsense?" Chen An looked at the rain on his head, then at his feet...

As the weather forecast said, today is sunny.

As a result, when Xiao Jinlong cried, the rainstorm was over.

This tm is like a flood.

"If you keep writing ink, the whole Tianjing will be flooded later." Chen An said.

"It's not that serious." Lin Luo said, "And I'm leaving, aren't you sad?"

"Get out." Chen An said: "Hurry up and hurt others."

Lin Luo laughed. He stepped forward and hugged Chen An.

At this moment, Chen An shrank his eyes and said, "Return safely!"

"Sure!" Lin Luo smiled. He glanced at Yang Jun and the others behind him, and finally looked at the man standing on the city wall in the distance.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

Then, Lin Luo turned around and stepped into the Blue Star.

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