"Okay, don't cry." Chen An came to Xiao Jinlong's side, trying to comfort him.

If other brats are like this, Chen An will hit them directly.

However, Xiao Jinlong is not a bad guy.

Dabai, the one who hatched it.

Lin Luo, one who often pets it.

Now, one person and one bear are gone, and it will definitely feel lonely and cold when it is left...

But Xiao Jinlong really cried very sadly and couldn't stop.

"Okay, you can dismantle the vault as you like, that's fine." Chen An's head was big.

Xiao Jinlong paused, and then looked at Chen An realistically.

"Really." Chen An was speechless, and the little golden dragon finally stopped the tears...

Chen An was angry and funny.

If Lin Luo really wants to go out for a longer time, then maybe Xiao Jinlong will grow up when he comes back.


At this moment, most of the Blue Star people are looking at the sky.

This time when Lin Luo appeared, the news was spread.

They looked up at the sky, and someone photographed the moment when the Blue Star flew across the sky, and made a Douyin, and in that moment, it was broadcast over a billion times, and a group of people said goodbye to Lin Luo there.

After flying out of the blue star, the heavenly soldiers and staff on the moon, Mars, and many other planets were watching Lin Luo leave.

In fact, everyone knows that Lin Luo's travel will be very dangerous.

However, he has no choice.

Blue Star still needs to become stronger.

But Zhang San, looking at the military salutes waving by these people, suddenly said: "When I was just invited in by you, I didn't quite understand the value of a soldier's existence."

"now what?"

"This time when I went back, my daughter and son rushed into my arms, and I cried." Zhang San said with emotion: "Someone must stand up to guard the people behind, and the people behind must It is to protect the people further back."

"How can it be so complicated." Lin Luo didn't speak, and Li Donglai who was next to him said, "After all, there are too many bad people, so soldiers exist."

Lin Luo and Zhang San laughed out loud.

Zhang San said at this time: "Shall we go directly to deep space?"

"No." Lin Luo said, "Go to the Borg first."

"Where are you going?"

"The Borg star is connected to a neutral galaxy in deep space. We need some information." Lin Luo said: "Otherwise, we don't even know the location of Gustav, how can we find it?"

"That's true." Zhang San thought for a while and said, "If

This time, it would be nice to have a chance to steal back the ancient blue star's stuff. "

Lin Luo's hand that was pouring water paused, but Li Donglai said very seriously: "It was originally our thing, this is called taking, not stealing."

Zhang San was taken aback, then patted his head and said, "I'm confused."

After three days like this, Lin Luo came to Borg Star again.

Compared with the previous Borg star, there is indeed more life here.

Lin Luo also met Senior Doris again.

Compared with the first time I saw her, the change of Senior Doris today is...

Hair started to appear.

The regeneration of genes made her look more comfortable.

"This way please." Senior Doris was touched.

When I first met Lin Luo, the two of them were probably at the same level at that time.

But now, the power in Lin Luo's hands is different.

Lin Luo sat down, Zhang San next to him handed over a box, and Senior Doris asked, "What is this?"

"This is a gift for you," Lin Luo said. Biqu library

Senior Doris didn't care either. She handed Lin Luo a document and said, "This is about Gustav."

Lin Luo glanced at it, frowned suddenly, and said, "It's very complicated."

"In the deep space, it's already complicated." Senior Doris said: "If you get there, I can't help you too much, because their power doesn't even look down on Alan Star."

Lin Luo nodded slightly.

If it wasn't because they were too strong, Lin Luo would have fought with Blue Star long ago.

However, it was because they were strong that it was necessary for Lin Luo to go there.

"They used gold too?" Lin Luo asked.

"It seems that you really don't know the history of gold." Senior Doris said: "The use of gold was originally started from Blue Star, and under the influence of long-term time, many things have been imperceptibly gone."

"Although they have been promoting de-blue starization, they can get rid of some cultures, such as the economy, but they are deeply ingrained."

"So, they simply start erasing history."

Lin Luo was stunned, they really didn't know this period of history.

Senior Doris clapped her hands. At this time, she walked into an imperial official and said, "This imperial official is my confidant and I can completely trust him. His name is Andrew."

“I have seen the Great Emperor Lin Luo.” Andrew was about to kneel in front of Lin Luo,

Stopped by Lin Luo, he said: "I'm not some great emperor."

Andrew was taken aback.

"Thank you very much for helping us," Lin Luo said.

Andrew came back to his senses, nodded again and again, and at the same time looked at Lin Luo with some disbelief, but the hanging heart finally let go.

Lin Luo acted swiftly and swiftly, and Alan Xing hit up whenever he said.

In the eyes of the Borg star emperor, he should be a cold-blooded and ruthless emperor.

Even, Andrew is ready to hand over his life.

"He can help you with some things, because he has been to deep space once." Senior Doris said and took out another thing, saying: "This thing can help you pretend."

Lin Luo took over.

"This technology is similar to physical projection. To put it simply, ordinary people don't see you through equipment, they can only see your disguised appearance." Senior Doris said.

"What if you use a special machine to watch it?" Lin Luo asked.

"They will know that you are in disguise, but they still won't be able to see it unless you destroy the equipment." Senior Doris said.

"Are you sure?" Lin Luo asked.

"Most of what is going on in deep space is your ancient blue star technology. They rarely study these civilian technologies." Senior Doris said.

Lin Luo took it away and nodded.

After three rounds of tea, Lin Luo got up and was about to leave. At this time, Senior Doris said, "Actually, do you really want to fight?"

"What do you want to say?"

"The ancient blue star is ancient, you are you." Senior Doris said: "War will kill people."

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "If they know about our existence, will they let us go?"

Senior Doris was silent.

"I've always liked to take the initiative." Lin Luo walked outside.

Senior Doris watched him leave with a strange look in her eyes,

she understands...

Maybe the next time I see Lin Luo, it will be when a cosmic war breaks out.


Blue Star and the group of bandits who once divided Blue Star can only live one.

Senior Doris thought so, opened the gift box, and immediately smelled the aroma, she was slightly taken aback, couldn't help but smile, took the chicken leg, tried a mouthful, and said immediately:

"It still feels good to be a human!"

While she was enjoying the food, Lin Luo's spaceship finally jumped out of the Borg star and flew towards the deep space.

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