Lin Luo didn't know how long it had been.

The Blue Star has been modified many times, and now its speed has reached the cosmic level.

However, it still feels like a long time.

Fortunately, due to genetic evolution, Lin Luo and the others don't need to care too much about lifespan and other factors.

It's like Lin Luo, although it's been many years, he still looks like he graduated that year.

Of course, it is impossible to say that they are exactly the same, but after going through too many things, Lin Luo has become more and more mature. Biqu library


Now those hidden dragon soldiers rolled their eyes and saw their commander-in-chief lying side by side with a bear, sleeping soundly.

In fact, Lin Luo told them that they don't have to follow too many rules here.

However, these heavenly soldiers are not willing.

Soldiers have military rules, that's how they're trained.

In this regard, Lin Luo can only throw the blame directly on Li Donglai, saying that he taught the soldiers too rigidly.

In this way, after another month, Lin Luo and the others finally saw some clues.

"According to this distance, even digging the star gate will take a long time." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo also nodded.

Andrew was ashamed beside him, thinking, is it really okay for you to think about this now?

He said: "You two, the front is the only star gate in our vicinity that leads into deep space."

Ahead, the Blue Star turned a corner, and Lin Luo and the others saw a bright light.

The star gate in front of me is not like their star gate at all, but a swirling shape...

What's even more outrageous is that this star gate exudes shining starlight, which is very spectacular.

"Cultivation technology..." Lin Luo breathed out, then turned to Andrew and asked, "Do you need to check when passing through the star gate?"

"No need." Andrew said: "This star gate is controlled by a galaxy named Naye. Like us, it is a neutral existence."

Lin Luo nodded.

Andrew said again: "However, the toll is a bit expensive."

Lin Luo naturally didn't care, it wasn't his money anyway.

He handed the gold to Andrew and asked him to pay the toll, but Lin Luo carefully disguised it to avoid accidents.

After a while, Andrew came back and got a small sign.

"What is this?" Lin Luo asked.

"This is a sensor. Only by sensing its existence can we pass through the star gate." Andrew said.


At that time, the Blue Star started, and when they were about to pass through, they really felt a little shaking, as if they had passed through some enchantment.

Lin Luo looked at this small sign in amazement, and felt that the things of the legendary civilization were really different.

It took almost a day to cross the star gate, and when Lin Luo and the others saw the starry sky again, they were shocked by the sight in front of them.

He finally understood why the sixth galaxy circle was called the edge of the universe.

In the deep space of the universe, there are countless nebulae, and the interstellar waterways are densely packed, with floating spaceships and people everywhere.

In front of Lin Luo and the others is a huge galaxy, which is more than three times larger than Star Alan.

According to Andrew, this is the Nayer galaxy, which exists like a bastard in deep space.

But Lin Luo couldn't help sweating when he saw their main star...

This main star is more than twenty times larger than the blue star.

What is this concept?

That is equivalent to its main star is comparable to several planets in the solar system put together.

"It's really fat." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San and Li Donglai sweated at the same time when they heard this, Zhang San said: "I remember, Naye should not be in that list..."

"It's a pity." Lin Luo said.

"..." Everyone was speechless, but Andrew sweated and said, "Compared to Gustav, this place is nothing."

"you've been to?"

"I have been to their outer galaxy and witnessed it once." Andrew said: "This kind of galaxy cannot be entered by ordinary people."

"Then what kind of person can go in?"

"Powerful people, people with connections, and..." Andrew said: "Rich people."

Lin Luo pointed to the gold vault next to him at this time, and said, "Is this money enough?"

Andrew hesitated, not daring to answer.

"Say it straight, don't act like a woman." Li Donglai hated this kind of person.

Andrew said at this time: "That...Mr. Lin, our little money may only be enough to buy a better house on Gustav."


Everyone was speechless.

But Lin Luo looked into the distance, everyone thought Lin Luo was hit, only Dabai who was lying on the window could see clearly...

This man's eyes are full of light at this moment.

as if in


so fat?


Lin Luo and the others did not stay on Naye Star.

Although their purpose here is to study galaxies, Nayer is obviously not a good research target.

Now that Lin Luo has set his sights on Gustav, he will run towards his goal.

After passing through this big star gate, he had to enter two small star gates in a row before reaching the starry sky area where Gustav was.

"Through here, it should take about three days to fly, which is enough." Andrew said, but saw Lin Luo and the others looking out the window.

Outside the window at this moment, someone is flying outside the starry sky, completely independent of any equipment.

It may be that, in the sixth galaxy circle, only blue star people can do it now.

"Are these Madame Gusta?" Lin Luo asked.

"Some are, some are not." Andrew pointed out one.

Mrs. Gusta was taller, with blond hair and green eyes. Her head was much larger than that of the Blue Stars, and her body was straight and slender.

"Are they the ones?" Zhang San glanced at him, clenched his fists slightly, and remembered the records on Alan, making him a little more angry.

It was written in that record: Gustav was one of the galaxies that Blue Star supported the most back then.

"After entering, be careful." Lin Luo said calmly, "Restrain your emotions, not to mention the resources they plundered from Blue Star, just because they were able to participate in the battle against Blue Star is enough to show their strength." Uncommon strength."

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

Andrew said at this time: "What is our name?"

"Businessman." Lin Luo said: "This identity is the least noticeable."

Seeing that he was getting closer to his destination, Lin Luo also began to repeat some things.

Now, they are deep in the enemy's army.

Three days later, they did see Gustav's galaxy.

This huge galaxy is in the center of this starry sky, and the huge nebula is hundreds of times larger than the solar system.

It is conceivable how powerful such a galaxy is.

Under the eyes, Lin Luo saw their main star...

Sure enough, Naye is really nothing compared to him.

"Gustav, here we come!"

Lin Luo watched the planet in front of him getting closer and closer, and said in his heart: "I don't know how long the years have passed, but do you still remember..."

"Blue Star!"

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