What does it feel like to be controlled?

In fact, he didn't feel too much pain.

Because just like Zhang San, controlling the opponent is basically tantamount to death.

The other party will feel unconscious, and they don't even know how they died.

The Great Wilderness Blue Ox is different.

It is still conscious.

But it can't control itself to do what it wants....

To be precise, it cannot do anything against Gustav.

So at this moment, one cow and one person look at each other.

In fact, they all guessed it, and the other party already knew the truth.

It's just that it can't be broken.

Lin Luo will not admit that he is from Blue Star.

Dahuang Qingniu wants to prove that the opponent is from Blue Star.

This is where the contradiction lies.

Therefore, the Dahuangqingniu really wanted to kill. At the moment when its body became bigger, all the atmosphere around it changed messily.


Zhang San trampled the young man under his feet, and the young man's eyes were watery, which meant that he would not dare next time.

However, Zhang San ignored it, he looked at the withered trees next to him, and then at the sky, sighed, then picked up the little green cow with one hand, and left with it.

At the same time, he has prepared the communicator.

Next, is to retreat.

Not just them.

Instead, everyone retreated, because their identities were about to be exposed.

Sure enough, when Zhang San raised his head again, Lin Luo waved his hand, and a small golden clock appeared in his palm.

At this moment, the breath of heaven and earth changed again...

The Great Wilderness Blue Bull looked at the Donghuang Bell that appeared in front of him, and couldn't believe it.

"Eastern Emperor Bell!!!"

Dahuang Qingniu's eyes were not only frightened, but also slightly surprised.

It can be said that at the moment the Eastern Emperor Bell appeared, everything was unraveled.

Even if Lin Luo is not from Blue Star, he must be related to Blue Star.

"Blue Star..."

Dahuang Qingniu's eyes became messy, he looked at Dabai next to him, and then at Lin Luo.

And Lin Luo is about to team up with Dabai to cast the Eastern Emperor Bell.

However, at this moment, the aura of the Great Wilderness Blue Ox came in astonishment.

"Let's go." Dahuang Qingniu said.

Lin Luo paused, and it was spinning in its hands

The Donghuang Bell stopped immediately.

He looked at Dahuang Qingniu and said, "Are you awake?"

"No." Da Huang Qing Niu said: "Once Gustav's control is planted, it cannot be solved by power."

Hearing this, Lin Luo frowned and said, "Is there really no way?"

Dahuang Qingniu didn't answer his words.

"You already know where I come from, don't you?" Lin Luo said again.

Dahuang Qingniu remained silent.

Lin Luo looked at the eyes of Dahuang Qingniu. At the moment it was watching the little Qingniu trampled by Zhang San in the distance, and he sighed.

After all, my heart is soft...

This kind of mother-child separation is indeed rare.

"That's all." Lin Luo waved his hand, since the blood of the Great Wilderness Blue Ox was obtained, this time the goal has also been achieved, Lin Luo said to Zhang San: "Let it go." Pen Fun Library

Zhang San was stunned, but not surprised.

In a real war, this little green ox is actually useless.

The little green bull flew over happily when he heard this.

When mother and child meet, there is only warmth and laughter left.

Lin Luo waved his hand and was about to leave, but he heard Da Huang Qing Niu say: "Wait."

Lin Luo frowned and said, "Don't you think I'm really afraid of you?"

"Take it away." Da Huang Qing Niu said.

Lin Luo was puzzled, and the little green cow was even more puzzled and anxious.

"My brain is controlled, I can't lie to them, if they ask, I will definitely tell." Da Huang Qing Niu said.

"Will I take it?" Lin Luo said.

"The bear next to you can impose a beast contract on me, with my son's life as the contract. I won't let it die, so I can't say it. Gustav and the others can know why I can't say it." Dahuang Qingniu said .

Lin Luo was stunned, and there was such a thing.

Dahuang Qingniu looked at Lin Luo again, looked at the secret behind him, and said: "Master it well, survive..."

"I will." Lin Luo said without any hesitation.

Da Huang Qing Niu touched Xiao Qing Niu's cheek for the last time, and finally held back the red eyes.

And that little guy was tearful, and in the end Dahuangqingniu slapped him unconscious.

"Can it unlock the control? It's different from you." Lin Luo asked.

"Maybe, I don't know." Dahuang Qingniu said, looking into the distance again

Office, said: "Those people probably sensed something unusual and are coming over."

Lin Luo glanced at Zhang San, who also nodded.

Lin Luo picked up the little green cow at this time, looked up at the big wild green cow, and said, "There must be a battle between us, right?"

Dahuangqingniu didn't speak, it just watched Lin Luo and the others leave.

In the end, he muttered to himself, "Has Blue Star...really recovered?"

"Sure enough, Blue Star's people are still as good as ever!"

It was Lin Luo who went away, looked at Little Green Bull, then at Dabai, and said, "By the way, did you forget to give it the beast contract?"

Lin Luo still understands the importance of the matter.

Da Huang Qing Niu absolutely cannot say the word Blue Star.

If it is said, then Gustav will attack Blue Star at all costs.

Although there must be a battle between Blue Star and Gustav, it is not now.

But Dabai just rolled his eyes, Lin Luo suddenly became more curious, when did Dabai make a move on Dahuang Qingniu.

But Zhang San said via voice transmission: "I think... Dabai and this cow seem to know each other."

"Nonsense." Lin Luo said: "This stupid bear feels like he knows everyone, but he just can't beat others."



Li Donglai was overjoyed to see Lin Luo and the others returning safely.

"It's okay." Li Donglai said.

"It's okay." Lin Luo handed the little green bull to him, and Li Donglai said with a smile: "It seems that the wild green bull is not very good."

Lin Luo didn't explain so much, he glanced at the blood in the test tube and said, "I hope this thing is useful."

Zhang San also looked at the blood in the test tube expectantly.

Now Gustav's top management hasn't made a move yet, but it's very tricky just for the Great Wilderness Blue Bull.

Moreover, Lin Luo guessed that the Gustav star has more than one blue star beast.

After confirming that everyone was safe, Lin Luo began to collect genes from the blood.

This time, it took a full month to collect.

Even, because of the slow progress, Lin Luo suspected that there was something wrong with this machine.

Finally, after a month, Lin Luo saw that picture.

A genetic map of a real ancient mythical beast.

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