Under the night sky, the Great Wilderness Green Ox scanned the front, and now the trees in this place have been completely destroyed.

Therefore, it seems very quiet here, and the autumn wind is blowing, which makes it very cool.

However, the tranquility was soon broken by a gray clothed figure.

"They have been here?" The commoner figure is a middle-aged man, he glanced at the Great Wilderness Cyan Ox.


"Have you fought against each other?" When the middle-aged man spoke, he sensed the atmosphere around him.

Unfortunately, he couldn't feel it at all.

This is the reason why Dahuang Qingniu doesn't play against Lin Luo.

As long as Lin Luo's Donghuang Bell is shot, Gustav's powerful people will feel it.

The Eastern Emperor's Bell, that belonged to the Eastern Emperor, once it was shot, the breath could not be erased.

"Yes." Da Huang Qing Niu still said the same.

"Who are they?" The middle-aged man asked again.

"I can't say." Da Huang Qing Niu said.

"Oh?" Hearing this, the middle-aged man waved his hand violently, and a burst of black energy directly filled the pupils of Dahuang Qingniu.

However, Dahuang Qingniu just covered his head and rolled wildly on the ground.

It was in extreme pain, but still kept silent.

"Has the contract been signed? With that little guy's life..." The middle-aged man just checked the brain of the Dahuang Qingniu, and then he understood. He waved his hand lightly, and the Dahuang Qingniu recovered. calm.

But it was still panting violently.

The middle-aged man glanced at the Great Wilderness Cyan Bull again, and then disappeared like that.


"Ding! You have obtained the genetic map of the Great Wilderness Blue Cattle..."

"Ding! You have come into contact with the fourth-order gene."

"...Due to the limited IQ of the host, this system must be explained."

"?" Lin Luo frowned, thinking that you're a broken system, and you're attacking personally?

"...Since ancient times, human beings have been continuously evolving."

"There are two paths, one is to hide the supernatural gene and gradually move towards ordinaryness."

"One is to work hard to dig out powerful supernatural genes and carry them forward." Pen Fun Library

Lin Luo rolled his eyes when he heard that.

Saying is tantamount to not saying.

"However, at the end of the two roads, you can take this road."

"?" Lin Luo paused, wondering if he heard it wrong.

"Please enjoy a video below..."

"..." Lin Luo was speechless, thinking that there were too many fancy things in the system.

However, in Lin Luo's eyes, there is indeed a


One system marked an 80-year-old old woman who saw her grandson about to fall from a high altitude, walked like flying, and took the grandson steadily.

However, the old lady then aged rapidly and ended her life.

However, the final medical judgment was a bone injury.

The other one was a man with super super powers, who also erupted suddenly at the moment of life and death.

He acquires a great power to destroy the enemy.

However, after being killed, his whole body rapidly aged and eventually died.

Seeing this, Lin Luo fell into deep thought.

The meaning of the system is that after breaking through the four stages, if the control is not good, you will die?

If the old woman can understand, after all, she consumed all the blood in an instant.

However, even though that man is so powerful, he still can't control this power.

"The gene of Dahuangqingniu can further extract the energy of the third stage, and at the same time have a probability of breaking through the fourth stage...."

"However, risks and benefits go hand in hand."

"If humans who have entered the fourth stage cannot control this power, then there will be genetic decline..."

"Or, enter an uncontrollable stage."

Lin Luo's face became a little more serious when he heard this.

To put it simply, after reaching the fourth stage, the role of genetic reagents is really a supporting role.

In the first three levels, human beings can rely on the perfected genetic reagents to enter, but for the fourth level of genetic locks, in addition to genetic reagents, talent is more important.

And, it comes with danger.

"System, is there a solution?" Lin Luo asked.

"Ding! Since the host has unlocked the fourth-order genetic illustrated book, hereby unlock a new item: Gene regression agent, priced at three million!"

"Gene Regression Agent: After taking it, it will remove the side effects caused by the gene, and restore the ability of the gene, but it will also be restricted, and you will never be able to step in again..."

"Three million ones?" Lin Luo was dumbfounded and cursed the system profiteers.

"Ding! Congratulations to the system for unlocking the new illustration book, rewarding 70 million reward points."

"Ding! You have unlocked a new genetic blueprint, which can make new genetic reagents..."

"Ding! You devoured the power of the green bull and obtained the source of nature."

"...Natural Source: Moderate borrowing of natural forces is possible, but not much."

"Is there still this kind of power?" Lin Luo was astonished. At this time, the system stopped beeping, and Lin Luo was also very satisfied.

Seventy million

Integral points, force of nature, third-order high-level evolution genetic reagents...

And the possibility of a fourth-order gene lock.

Lin Luo got up and said, "I think we're going to start preparing."


Seven days later, Lin Luo received the report from Andrew.

This report includes an off-site stargate and an express-class spacecraft.

The off-site star gate seems to be useless.

But this express-class spacecraft can help them return to Blue Star quickly.

"I can't leave yet, so I'll leave it to you this time." Lin Luo looked at the Tianbing captain.

This task was originally assigned to Zhang San or Li Donglai.

But both are too important.

Zhang San's spiritual power is suitable for this kind of place, as for Li Donglai...

His cooking skills are suitable for this place.

After all, Lin Luo's cooking is unpalatable, and foodies like Dabai dislike it.

"I will hand over this item to academician Zhu Yihui." said the captain of the Tianbing team.

Lin Luo nodded.

The team leader took the information from Lin Luo, and Lin Luo next to him said to Andrew: "Why don't you go back too?"

"No need." Andrew said, "I can still help you here."

Lin Luo naturally understood what Andrew meant when he heard it.

To a certain extent, Andrew is the one who wants to tie Borg and Blue Star together. Lin Luo can clearly see this move made by Senior Doris.

However, Andrew can indeed help a lot.

When the team leader boarded the spaceship, Lin Luo suddenly stopped him and said, "By the way, tell Chen An..."

The team leader looked at Lin Luo and heard Lin Luo say: "That sealed letter can be opened."

"Yes." Although the captain didn't know what it meant, he still said so.

Lin Luo and Zhang San watched the team leader's spaceship leave, and Zhang San said at this time: "At this time, you should go back, genetic evolution is of great importance."

"I have already reminded Zhu Yihui and the others." Lin Luo said: "And... I have never fought alone."

After Zhang San paused, he immediately recalled it.


Nowadays, many people on Blue Star can actually be alone.

"What's your plan called?" Zhang San asked suddenly.

All right.

In fact, he was more curious about this.

Lin Luo was unexpectedly smooth this time, and he didn't pretend to be a joke, and said, "It's called... the light of the blue star!"

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