"It seems to be calm here now, but it is actually turbulent." Augustus said: "If it is a conspiracy from an external galaxy, then it is worth being vigilant."

Slater thought for a while and said, "I know what to do."

Augustus nodded, and then said: "The anniversary of the galaxy is of great importance. Many people will come at that time, and no accidents are allowed."

"I will eliminate the risk as soon as possible." Slater said, "Did you not ask anything else?"

"The other party has a lot of tricks, and they limit Kotlev's ability to tell the truth." Augustus said: "In short, before the anniversary, I will not retreat. If you have anything, you can come to me .”

"Yes." Slater nodded, watching Augustus's figure gradually disappear, leaving him alone looking ahead, a little stunned.

Who is it that dares to move even the wild green bull?

Moreover, they actually have the means to restrict Dahuang Qingniu from speaking.


Originally, Lin Luo and the others were dealing in beasts, so when they collected information, they were not suspected.

Even, Matthew continued to introduce new things to him.

"Have you ever eaten a dragon?" Matthew asked.

"Dragon meat?" Lin Luo paused.

"Yes." Matthew swept around and said: "Our galaxy has a good relationship with our galaxy, and there is a galaxy with many dragons, but unfortunately, dragons are forbidden to buy and sell in their galaxy."

Lin Luo and Zhang San glanced at each other, their pupils were cloudy and uncertain.

However, it is already an indisputable fact that Blue Star's beasts were divided.

Lin Luo thought for a while, then smiled and said, "No one is going to snatch it? There must be a lot of foodies who want to eat dragon meat."

Matthew said at this time: "Who dares?"

Zhang San also knew about Lin Luo's plan, and then asked: "Is the other party very powerful?

"Let me tell you, you may not know that there are actually star treasures among the major galaxies." Matthew said proudly: "Our galaxy also has them."

Hearing this, Lin Luo and Zhang San knew what they were going to say, so he didn't ask what it was, but asked, "Is it very powerful?"

"Sure." Matthew said: "Destroying planets or something, it should be simple, I don't know, listen to me first

Zu said something. "

Hearing this, Lin Luo said: "We are really limited by our birth."

Matthew laughed.

After confirming this, Lin Luo's thoughts changed a bit.

The Eastern Emperor Bell is currently Blue Star's biggest hole card, but with Lin Luo's ability, it cannot be fully activated.

He believed that the Eastern Emperor Bell was definitely at the top level.

It's just that he needs to study how to use it.

"System, can you sell me the instruction manual for the Donghuang Bell in your pocket?" Lin Luo asked.


"Yes?" Lin Luo was overjoyed.

"Ding! Whether to spend 200 million points or not, pay attention! If the host points are insufficient, the ability may be obliterated."

"...." Lin Luo was speechless.

To be honest, Lin Luo would really have bought it if it wasn't for the lack of points.

He lay on the chair, looked at the golden bell in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Emperor Donghuang, do you think there is any way to use it?"

At this moment, Dabai next to him rolled his eyes and heard a hum.

Lin Luo paused, turned his head to look over, and saw the little green cow mooing and started walking outside.

At this time, Dabai waved his bare hand, and the Donghuang Bell automatically moved towards it.

When I only saw the white aura surrounding the Donghuang Bell, the Donghuang Bell was about to be activated...

At this time, Lin Luo noticed that there were a large number of golden script seals near the body of the Donghuang Bell.

Lin Luo was overjoyed and asked, "Should I write it down with a pen?"

Dabai glanced at Lin Luo with contempt.

"What do you mean?" Lin Luo was angry.

But he saw that Dabai stopped breathing, and then started it again.

At this time, it can be seen that the same position of the golden text after re-activation has become different.

"Then what do you mean?" Lin Luo said angrily.

Dabai patted his stomach.

"Are you hungry again?"

"..." Dabai was speechless, thinking that you are not very smart?

Dabai raised his arm in a humane way, and then Lin Luo said cursingly, "Damn, to put it bluntly, I'm too weak to hold back."


When Li Donglai heard Lin Luo talking about how weak he was and how to improve

At that time, he was almost autistic.

After all, he didn't say anything as an exercise expert, Lin Luo is really not qualified.

Dabai is different, it is a divine beast, and it is normal for its strength to grow naturally.

However, Lin Luo is a normal human being.

After Lin Luo thought about it, he began to look at the system.

However, there is no huge improvement in the system today.

Suddenly, Lin Luo raised his head and said, "Qingniu genetic reagent...."

When he said this, Lin Luo seemed to have found a new direction.

Due to the existence of the system, Lin Luo's strength has always surpassed the genetic reagents he produced.

Therefore, Lin Luo has never had the idea of ​​making genetic reagents.

According to Lin Luo's guess, he should be in the third-level advanced level at present, or even...

Touched the edge of the fourth step.

Then, he was just a step away.

Lin Luo has always been a man of action. After finalizing the plan, he began to purchase materials to make a genetic reagent.

Unexpectedly, Zhang San came running.

"Make one for me too." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo looked back at Zhang San, thought for a while, and said, "Forget it."

"You look down on me?" Zhang San said angrily.

"What level do you have, don't you have points?" Lin Luo said, "If you really go crazy, do I really have to feed you that regression reagent?"

Zhang San was taken aback.

"Zhang San, we all need your abilities." Lin Luo said.

"But we need you more." Zhang San said, "So I should take this risk even more."

Hearing this, Lin Luo just patted him on the shoulder and said, "Find me a planet without people...."

Hearing this, Zhang San looked at Lin Luo's busy figure and fell into a short thought. Li Donglai from behind said, "Go, why are you standing still?"


A few days later, Lin Luo stood on a barren asteroid, looking at a tube of green reagent in front of him.

The system says:

Human beings below the fourth level are for developing potential.

The fourth rank and above are called saints.

Lin Luo doesn't know what a saint means, but he won't forget that video.

If this force cannot be controlled, the genes will quickly shrink and die, and eventually die.

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