Hundreds of people gathered around this small planet.

The environment here is harsh, and generally no one will come here.

Zhang San stared at the returning medicine in his hand, Lin Luo had already explained to him the effect and side effects of this medicine.

In fact, Zhang San is very clear.

Lin Luo is not only the spiritual leader of Blue Star, but also his combat effectiveness.

If Lin Luo stops here, then it is impossible for Blue Star to move on.

Therefore, at this moment, Zhang San looked at Lin Luo in the distance, and his mood was very complicated.

And Lin Luo in the distance said: "Are you all ready?"

"Ready." Li Donglai said.

"I repeat again, you must not come near me later." Lin Luo glanced at everyone, including Dabai, after he finished speaking.

Li Donglai and others gave a military salute and then dispersed.

Lin Luo picked up the green reagent in front of him and drank it down.

Then he sat down.

One minute

two minutes


Until the twenty-seventh minute, Lin Luo felt his heart beating faster, and his pulse was also accelerating.

Lin Luo knew it was coming.

He could feel that his consciousness was dissipating rapidly.


Ackerman August is sitting in the main star castle of the Ackerman family in the east. His birth has excited the entire Ackerman family, because Augustus has been in seclusion for thousands of years, and this is the first time he has been born.

Therefore, many young talents in the family have never seen him.

Looking around, Ackerman August is still very happy, because the talents in the family are very good.

In the past, Blue Star's assistance project for Gustav was: genetic evolution.

The former Mrs. Gusta was actually called Guta Beast.

They have exceptionally sensitive insight into different energies, and later gradually became wise, and they were identified as Gustavians.

Later, a great power of Blue Star accidentally discovered them, and Gustav's emperor had a good relationship with him, so it was logical that they became a subsidiary galaxy.

You know, it was a moment of prestige at the time.

As long as the word blue star is involved, it represents safety and...deterrence.

Also relying on such power, Gustav developed the black rune: Achilles according to the unique ability of his own clan and the help of Blue Star.

However, the history that outsiders rarely know is:

Achilles' internal comprehension technology pattern was actually bestowed by a blue star power.

Under the long-term development, Mrs. Gusta continued to obtain powerful beasts, and also continued to absorb them through Achilles.

take power.


Tian Daofu can absorb the power of Ying Long, how could Mrs. Gusta not be able to do it.

"...After today, our grievances with the Swell family will be wiped out." Augustus said seriously.

"Ancestor, is it because of the celebration?"

"In addition to the celebration, this year is also a day when the large galaxies in our star circle gather." Augustus said: "After the celebration is over, the power may be reshuffled."

Hearing this, the family deacons next to him were all taken aback.


It's not a reshuffle for big powers, but for small powers.

However, this matter is not new to them.

Every thousands of years, large galaxies will find an excuse to fight, and it will eventually become a melee.

However, large galaxies will never die, and it will always be small galaxies that have accidents.

"Do we need to make any preparations?" the chief deacon asked.

Just as Augustus was about to speak, he stood up suddenly with a strange expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Aura of a saint!" Augustus groaned, then turned impatiently and said, "Report to the Imperial Palace quickly, and send the ancient tower search army!"

Before the chief deacon could react, he saw that Augustus had disappeared.

Lin Luo felt his body was light.

It was even said that Lin Luo once suspected that he was dead.

He thought that breaking through the fourth-order gene should be in an extremely uncomfortable state like those training systems on TV, and may even be in danger of dying...

But if you get through it, you'll be fine.

However, Lin Luo currently feels good, even very comfortable.

In front of him is a green path, surrounded by neat trees.

Lin Luo kept walking, but the more he walked, Lin Luo felt a very subtle thing.

The road is moving.

Lin Luo looked around and found that the road was like a constant flow of starlight, like a star gate.

However, it is different.

Until Lin Luo came to the end, he saw a black door.

He walked over and saw that it was a door without words. There were no words or totems on the door, but it gave off a depressing and heavy atmosphere.

Even Lin Luo felt it was difficult to breathe.

He put his hand on it, and when he was about to push it away, he suddenly remembered what the system said...

He hesitated.

Humans are such strange creatures that even if they knew they would eventually open the door, they would still


Because no one can predict the road ahead.

Lin Luo is already a very decisive person, he put his hands on it, and the shock from the door made him more uneasy.

He pushed with both hands..


When he opened the door, he smelled an ancient and bloody smell.

His eyes were bright red, and the breath made him want to vomit.


"Lin Luo!" Li Donglai yelled seeing Lin Luo's hand suddenly black.

Not only that, but his hands were constantly protruding, and his whole body was surrounded by black energy.

Zhang San held Li Donglai back.

Li Donglai is the kind of impulsive person, Zhang San is not.

In fact, he had already expected such a change in Lin Luo. Biqu library

"The evolution of genes cannot be interrupted, and now he can only rely on himself." Zhang San sighed.

At this time, Lin Luo felt himself submerged in the ocean of blood, and he felt a powerful force awakening in his body.

Someone is calling him...

Suddenly, the picture changed.

Lin Luo saw himself appear in another world.

He looked up and saw a huge head...

"Da... Dabai?!" Lin Luo was stunned, thinking that his subconscious mind was too messed up.

Lin Luo knew that this confession was definitely not true.

However, with an evil smile in its big white eyes, it raised its bear paw and slammed it down on Lin Luo's position.

Lin Luo scrambled to his feet and directly activated Honghuangbian.

However, Lin Luo soon discovered something was wrong.

He was not Dabai's opponent at all, and his hand was broken after just touching it...

"Damn! I didn't see you being so fierce when you hit the enemy?!" Lin Luo saw Dabai rushing towards him, panicked, got up and ran.

However, at this moment, he seemed to be bound by some force.

He just watched Dabai's claws reach out to his eyeballs...

Lin Luo looked directly at the glittering claws, and he felt his heart beat a hundred times faster, a thousand times faster...

"Is life possible only through death?"

Lin Luo closed his eyes, sighed, and when he opened them again, he seemed to be a different person.

At this moment, the dusty power seemed to be untied.

A pair of black-gold wings grew from his back, and his pupils also turned into black-gold. The fake Dabai speed that he couldn't capture a second ago, now seems to him...

Slow as a turtle!

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