"Dabai, I'm sorry!"

Under the powerful explosive force, Lin Luo directly broke free from the invisible shackles.

He jumped directly and punched Dabai on the forehead.

"Dragon Fist!"

Under the punch, Dabai did not cry bitterly.

On the contrary, Dabai stayed there indifferently, and his body quickly disappeared.

However, Lin Luo's strength is still maintained.

He knew that the next step was the key.

After waiting for nearly ten minutes, Lin Luo began to feel his strength weaken.

He felt the power of the gene backlash.



Everyone present was shocked to see Lin Luo's change.

How long does it take to go from a young guy to a white-haired look in an instant?

the answer is...

one second.

They were even worried that Lin Luo would turn into a pile of bones in the next second.

"Zhang San." Li Donglai shouted nervously.

Zhang San couldn't hold back anymore.

Lin Luo, can't die.

However, Zhang San still did not move.

He knew that Lin Luo had reached the critical moment, but not the last moment.

"Zhang San!!" Li Donglai urged again.

"Shut up." Zhang San was sweating all over.

Ever since Lin Luo entered this state, he devoted all his mental energy to observe Lin Luo, but the aura surrounding Lin Luo was too weird, and Zhang San wanted to blend in it, expending almost a hundred times faster.

You know, he was just observing the situation and didn't join in.

Li Donglai clenched his fist, not because of Zhang San's words, but because he was angry that he couldn't help.

At this moment, Lin Luo's aging speed accelerated again.

Zhang San shrank his pupils and stared at Lin Luo's appearance.

Now, Lin Luo's lifeline is coming to an end.

Zhang San suddenly pounced and knelt on the ground, his whole body was soaked...

"Zhang San!" Li Donglai rushed forward to help him, but Zhang San handed the medicine to Li Donglai and said, "Go...go feed him, hurry up!"

Without even thinking about it, Li Donglai walked forward.

In fact, Lin Luo really felt that he was dying in another world.

Every part of his body was biting like ants. He felt that his body didn't belong to him, and he was about to be torn apart abruptly.

He looked at the blue sky and white clouds, and lay on his back like this.

No matter how many times I tried, it didn't work.

Lin Luo wanted to start showing off.


Yes, he is Lin Luo, he is not reconciled.

Not for myself, but also for Blue Star, for others...

People flickered in front of him.

Warriors one by one.

Battle after battle.

Lin Luo clenched his fists again, and he stood up abruptly, as if returning to the light, he said loudly to the sky: "What our ancestors could do, we can still do!"

"Since our Blue Star is alive, we must go beyond!"

Lin Luo tried again, using all the strength in his body to fight against the gene that was constantly backlashing in his body.

Even in the end, Lin Luo will not admit defeat.

Because he can't afford to lose.

Even once!


Above the starry sky in the east, such a group of special troops appeared.

They rode giant beasts that resembled dogs and wandered over these planets.

One after another...

Augustus is in a hurry now.

He felt the breath of the saint's breakthrough...

The realm of saints, that is the most difficult step to unlock the genetic lock.

This is a gate of hell.

Step over and gain great power.

If you can't make it through, it's loess dust.

Augustus knew that if such a person appeared and could not be used by Gustav, he would be destroyed.

Before he was strong...

Augustus felt that the breath was getting stronger and stronger, but the starry sky was too big.

At this time, a Guta army suddenly said: "Master Augustus, we have found the target, it is at star 7389!"

"Block there!" Augustus said quickly: "Ask for support, wait for me to pass!"

"Yes." The Guta Army responded loudly, and at the same time said to the communicator: "Star 7389 found anomalies, please support! Please support!"


Li Donglai felt his scalp tingling as he approached Lin Luo.

He didn't feel that a person's breath could crush a person to death before, but now he felt the pain like a knife stabbing his body.

Li Donglai was finally one meter closer to Lin Luo, and he rushed forward, trying to pour the medicine into Lin Luo's mouth.

Zhang San also watched all this helplessly, and when he breathed a sigh of relief, Lin Luo's voice suddenly sounded in his mind:

"Can you hear me? Zhang San."

"Lin...General Manager Lin?!" Zhang San was stunned, looked up and looked around, and then realized that this was spiritual power: "I can hear it."

"I'm fine." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San opened his eyes suddenly, and saw that Li Donglai was holding Lin Luo's mouth, and said, "Li Donglai, stop."

Li Donglai was taken aback, and just about to scold Zhang San, he saw Lin Luo's hair turn from white to black quickly.

All of this is extremely magical.

"He...he..." Li Donglai was surprised.

"What happened?" Zhang San was curious.

"It's too late to elaborate now." Lin Luo said: "This planet is about to be surrounded, you take them away first."

"someone is coming?"

"Hmm." Lin Luo's voice continued, and said, "The people who come this time are not easy."

"We will move you away." Zhang San said.

"I can't move now, it will take some time to complete the final evolution," Lin Luo said.

Zhang San waved his hand violently, asking the soldiers next to him to help him up, and then said: "You can handle it, right."

Lin Luo smiled and said, "Before the war comes, it's better to get back a debt first."

Zhang San was taken aback, but he didn't say much.

When Lin Luo said such a thing, it proved that he had extreme confidence. He said, "What do I need to do?"

"Help me kill the people guarding here."

After Lin Luo's voice fell, Zhang San said loudly: "Everyone obey orders!"

"Everyone, evacuate immediately!"

"Repeat, this is a military order!"

Li Donglai was still there in a daze. Hearing this, he glanced at Zhang San again. The latter sighed and said hastily: "Lin Luo said, hurry up, there is no time."

Li Donglai stood up, looked at Lin Luo, and finally left with suspicion.


And less than six minutes after they left, hundreds of black shadows appeared in the sky.

The leader is Augustus.

He glanced around and finally fixed his eyes on Lin Luo.

"What a saint!" Augustus was surprised, and he landed slowly.

He was not in a hurry to make a move. Although it was some distance away from Star Gustav, it was still within their sphere of influence.

And he is here, Lin Luo can't leave.

"Your Excellency, has the evolution succeeded?" Augustus looked at Lin Luo and asked.

He asked in a polite voice.

After all, if the opponent can become Gustav's combat power, that would be an excellent thing.

At this moment, Lin Luo who was sitting in the center of the open space slowly opened his eyes and said:

"Did Blue Star teach you the word evolution?"

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