The weather on this planet is hot.

However, after Lin Luo's voice fell, the temperature seemed a little bit cold.

Augustus' complexion can even be described as ugly.

Blue star is a forbidden word.

Those who know will not mention it, and dare not mention it.

This is a taboo.

Lin Luo gently pushed back the hair on his forehead. Due to the evolution just now, when his hair turned white, it also turned black.

So, he has long hair now.

At this time, Augustus saw Lin Luo's appearance clearly. He was so frightened that his hands and feet trembled slightly, and said, "You...are you from the Blue Star?"


What was it like to see the Blue Stars again?

Even Augustus himself could not tell at all.

"Are you scared?" Lin Luo said: "That's right. Everyone wants to play the role of a good person, because such a role will make others identify with themselves..."

"But you can't forget what you did, right?"

Augustus clenched his fist, and a Guta army soldier next to him was about to send a message through the communicator, when suddenly there was a bang, and the communicator exploded directly.

Seeing this scene, Augustus was neither surprised nor surprised.

The realm of saints does all this, very simple.

However, did Lin Luo adapt too quickly?

"Impossible, the Blue Stars are dead long ago." Augustus said.

"Blue Star's beasts can live, why can't we humans live?" Lin Luo laughed.

When Augustus heard this, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said, "Sure enough, you were the one who did what happened to Kotlev."

"You even changed your name, it seems that you also know that you have done something wrong." Lin Luo said with a smile: "Yes, there are still points."

Augustus heard the cynicism and said, "What do you know?"

"The original situation of Blue Star is gone and it is irreversible!"

"Is this the reason for your betrayal?" Lin Luo said coldly, "Why didn't Jacob betray?"

"So they perished!" Augustus said.

Hearing this, Lin Luo's pupils were full of anger. He put his hands forward and said, "You will perish too..."

"I swear!"

"And you are the first drop of blood for Gustav to repay the debt!"


Augustus paused, and at this moment, he saw all the ancient tower soldiers beside him covering their heads.

Augustus Knows Lin Luo

They were forcibly disturbing their heads with mental fluctuations, and he directly blocked them, but found a terrible thing...

His strength can't stop Lin Luo at all.

In the next second, all the hundreds of ancient pagoda soldiers behind him exploded, bleeding all over the place.

The floating blood dripped on Augustus's face. Although it was blood, he couldn't feel the temperature of a single drop.

The two of them were less than a kilometer apart, looking at each other.

"You participated in that battle, right?" Lin Luo asked.

Augustus didn't answer.

He started to feel the pressure.

If Lin Luo continues to talk to him, then he will be weak in momentum.

Not only do the two armies pay attention to momentum in the battle, but also pay attention to the momentum when the two sides are fighting.

The two punched each other in the air, and the two stood still, but the ground below was sunken.

Lin Luo felt that his body was very light. This kind of power was stronger than the power when he escaped from Dabai's hands.

If we say that three stages are one.

The four stages, then, are infinite.

Endless Possibilities....

Lin Luo already understood what the power of the fourth level, and even the fifth level in the future, would be.

That is the recombinant gene.

According to Lin Luo's speculation, if genes can really be reorganized by will, then this person can really become a legendary saint.

That is...



bang bang~~~

The two sides fought, and the earth cracked.

Augustus looked at the aura surrounding Lin Luo in disbelief.

Is this a Tier 4 Saint Realm that has just evolved?


No way.

As early as that year, Augustus broke through the fourth-order saint realm.

Today, he is stronger than before.

However, he unexpectedly found that Lin Luo could handle it easily.

Even, he could feel that Lin Luo was testing his body....

This drove Augustus mad. Biqu library

"You look down on people!"

Augustus yelled, and a warhammer emerged.

When this warhammer appeared, Lin Luo gave a slight pause.

It doesn't look like ancient Chinese characters, but it looks a bit like Western...

It seems that there are differences between the East and the West in the ancient Blue Star.

Augustus cut out the warhammer, his combat power soared, and he once pressed down on Lin Luo to fight.

"The hammer of destruction!"

Augustus wanted to end the battle quickly, and he opened and closed his shots.

However, when he used God

When the soldiers were in full strength, they suddenly heard a pop...

Immediately afterwards, Augustus felt his hands start to go numb.

Looking again, the war hammer had already broken.

He looked at Lin Luo in front of him in horror. At this moment, he was standing there holding a broken sword.

Augustus was horrified.

"Blue Star's magic weapon..."

"You are a Blue Star! Really a Blue Star!"

Lin Luo smiled miserably. He slowly raised the secret in his hand and said, "Is there any other way?"

"If not, then say your last words!"


When Augustus heard this, he suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly a powerful gene energy was released, which exploded directly in the air.

The powerful airflow directly hit Lin Luo's cheek...

However, Lin Luo was unmoved.

Augustus ran away like crazy.

Fortunately, he notified the rescue before coming.

With Slater's wisdom, he should have rushed over to support him.

So, he just has to persevere.

Lin Luo didn't chase him, he looked at the escape route of Augustus, and said: "When Yinglong died, I swore that I would not let anyone who participated in this happen."

"Ying Long?" Augustus trembled when he heard this, and said, "Star Alan has already..."

"That's right, they are already one step ahead of you." Lin Luo held the secret and said, "This dragon's aura is the wrath of Yinglong!"

Lin Luo let out a loud shout, and then slashed straight out.

When Dragon Fist evolved, the system said that Dragon Qi could be swung with a sword.

Under the power blessing of the new state now, the moment the dragon aura appeared, it was soaring into the sky.

The dragon roared and flew towards Augustus.

Augustus looked back, terrified.

He wanted to dodge.

However, the dragon energy seemed to be locked.


He watched the dragon breath pass through his belly...

Augustus froze for a moment.


He died like this?

He is a saint!

There was a lot of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and he could see his internal organs flying through the air....

And to hear Lin Luo's voice:

"Don't worry, you didn't start!"

"You're just one of them."

"When Alan died, everything had already begun!"

"I will behead all of you for the sake of the ancestors and Blue Star!"

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