Matthew's mood became panicked.

If everything in Lin Luo fits the image of a businessman, there is one thing that makes Matthew very concerned.

That is Dabai.

According to Lin Luo, Dabai is just an ordinary bear.

But why does Lin Luo raise an ordinary bear?

"What's wrong?" Ma Shan looked at Matthew.

"No...nothing." Naturally, Matthew would not immediately announce Lin Luo's death sentence.

In fact, he hoped that it was not what he imagined.

Ma Shan looked at Matthew strangely, and said, "If you have nothing to do, go to the banquet as soon as possible, the ancestor will also go this time, and behave well."

Matthew arched his hands and nodded.

He was walking on the street, and suddenly turned his steps towards the square, and walked towards the square behind the imperial palace. The attendant behind said: "My lord, this is..."

"You stay here," Matthew said.

The servant has a meal.

"If I haven't come back after half an hour, you can tell my father and arrest Lin Luo, Xia Qi and a group of people." Matthew said.

"This..." The attendant was puzzled, but still said, "Yes."

Only then did Matthew look serious, and walked in directly.


On the square, it was very lively, and the fireworks show started.

In this cold winter that is about to fall into the night, there is heavy snow.

It's just that those who can appear here are already fearless of the raging snow.

Slater scanned the front, many people came to congratulate him, congratulate the empire, congratulate the galaxy.

However, Slater's face kept scanning the front, and the nine seats there, as well as the one behind him, were still empty.

Are they not coming?


At this moment, a phoenix cry sounded in the sky, and the temperature of the world was instantly ignited.

A black phoenix stayed in the air.

The phoenix is ​​huge, and with black and red flames, it looks domineering.

Slater was overjoyed and got up quickly.

Everyone in the venue also got up and looked up.

"Welcome to the head of the department!!!" Everyone said in unison.

Adam Weiss looked down from a high altitude, and everything was peaceful.

At this moment, he was a little disappointed.

In fact, he hoped that the other party would appear, because

Because even though he and Lin Luo hadn't met each other that day, he could feel the breath of each other...

Today, he urgently needs a body with vitality.

Adam Weiss landed and naturally sat in the position Slater had prepared without even a single point of hesitation.

At this moment, nine figures appeared in the sky, nine people including Russell and Tinifah paid homage to Adam Weiss in the air, and then landed on their seats.

Seeing this scene, Slater looked at the clock on the square again.

There is still an hour before entering a new cosmic epoch.

Slater glanced at the attendant, who immediately understood, and said to the people behind: "Serve!"

After the order was given, there was a maid delivering food.

The first dish is naturally not made by Lin Luo and the others, but their Gustav's special royal dish.

But the second one belongs to Lin Luo and the others.

"Ancestor, you must try this!" Slater said.

Adam Weiss looked at the plate in front of him, thought about it, and took a bite.

The entrance is rich in fragrance, and Adam Weiss is not an expert in food appreciation, but he still thinks it is delicious.


The taste is somewhat familiar.

However, Adam Weiss didn't care, there was too much food in this world, and he had eaten too much.

Slater was also delighted to see Adam Weiss' expression.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of maids brought up the dishes at the same time, one after another.

On the square, the dancer came on stage, and a firework blast shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire night sky.

This also announces the start of the dinner party!


On the square, Lin Luo looked directly at the fireworks in front of him. He and Chen An were half lying there, and the latter said, "What a feast!"

Lin Luo nodded, and at this moment, Li Donglai came slowly from behind and said, "Matthew is here."

Lin Luo froze for a moment, obviously surprised.

Just as Li Donglai was about to speak, Swell Matthew from behind had already walked up slowly. He scanned Lin Luo, Li Donglai, and Chen An.

"Why are you here?" Lin Luo spoke with a bit of indifference.

It's not that he is ruthless, but that at this point, the relationship between them has reached a certain point.

Time to mow.

"Where's Dabai?" Matthew said, looking around.

Chen An and Li Donglai's expressions changed, but Lin Luo didn't show any surprise, and just said, "Inside the store."

"Oh." Matthew nodded, and said, "Why didn't you bring it here?"

Lin Luo said: "It has never liked this kind of place."

Hearing this, Matthew couldn't help laughing and said, "Brother Lin Luo, don't you think it's a little strange?"

"What's strange?"

"You said Dabai is just an ordinary bear."

"You checked." Lin Luo said.

"However, how can an ordinary bear understand human nature without being wise enough? Can it communicate?" Matthew stared at Lin Luo.

Li Donglai and Chen An were sweating profusely when they saw this scene.

This is....

About to be discovered?

However, Lin Luo was not surprised at all, just said: "What do you want to say?"

"I want to see Dabai." Matthew said, "Your bear."

"I told you, it's in the store." Lin Luo said.

At this time, Matthew raised his head suddenly, and a powerful force attacked Lin Luo.

Lin Luo didn't have the slightest reaction, and Matthew's fist had landed before his cheek.... Pen Fun Library

It's just a little bit short, and it's about to run into each other.

Looking at each other, Matthew looked straight into Lin Luo's pupils and said, "Why don't you hide?"

"I said, I don't have this ability." Lin Luo said.

"No, you are lying." Matthew said: "Even people who don't understand will react subconsciously, but you are not afraid of me at all, because your ability is far above mine, right?"

Seeing this scene, Li Donglai and Chen An in the rear were stunned.

How did Matthew find out?

Li Donglai even wanted to make a move, but Matthew immediately said: "If I don't go out for half an hour, your identities will be passed on through the mouths of my attendants..."

Li Donglai and Chen An were anxious when they heard this.

Lin Luo didn't seem to hear it. He looked directly at the fireworks above and said, "Why don't you go in and have some food?"

Matthew shouted loudly: "Answer me, are you that person?!"

At this moment, Lin Luo turned his head, looked at him, and said, "Yes... so what?"

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