When Matthew heard this, despair filled his pupils.

Matthew has been a son of nobles since he was a child. It can be said that his friends are all involved in the chain of interests.

It's not that he values ​​Lin Luo much, but in life, there are always a few people who make you think they have the same taste.

Lin Luo is one of them.

However, now Lin Luo's words made him break into freezing point.

"Why?" Matthew looked at Lin Luo and said, "You and I don't know each other well?"

Matthew began to understand that it was all about taking advantage.

Lin Luo took advantage of him, started to rise to the top, contacted high-level...

Lin Luo didn't answer him.

Matthew was about to step away, but Li Donglai and Chen An next to him were about to stop him when they heard Matthew say: "You go."

Li Donglai and Chen An were taken aback, but Lin Luo was not surprised.

Matthew is like a member of the young family, they don't understand everything, and they are also innocents in the war.

Because it was their ancestors who made these mistakes.


This can't hide Lin Luo's anger.

How many people died in their hands in the past Blue Star?

"I won't leave." Lin Luo said slowly.

When Matthew heard this, he turned his head abruptly, and said with a sneer, "Do you really think that you alone can fight against our entire galaxy?"

At this time, an imperial official came from behind and said to Lin Luo: "Mr. Lin Luo, the department head and distinguished guests like your things very much, and I specially invite you to come over."

Lin Luo nodded and said, "I'll be there right away."

After the emperor left, Matthew was in a hurry and said, "You don't want to do this, do you? You underestimate them too much."

Lin Luo wanted to leave, but it didn't matter whether Matthew found out at this time.

Because all the preparations for the attack are ready.

He took two steps forward, then stopped suddenly, looked at Matthew and said, "You know... Blue Star?"

Matthew paused, and then quickly said: "You...you are not from the apocalypse!"

He gasped.

blue star...

How could you not know him?


Lin Luo looked at Matthew and said: "When you were born, you may have heard rumors that Blue Star dominated one side and endangered the universe. Tens of thousands of years ago, you worked together

Solved the blue star, right? "

Matthew was silent.

Gustav's education book is indeed written like this.

However, these teaching materials were gradually removed later.

Ordinary civilians may not know it, but Matthew does.

The truth of history is definitely not like this.

"You are really a Blue Star!" Matthew finally understood the seriousness of the matter.

Lin Luo still said: "In the past, with our help, your galaxy became stronger and got rid of the first colonized land. We helped you evolve, help you open up new territories, and help you build galaxies... ..”

Matthew has a meal.

Lin Luo's voice changed suddenly, and he said, "But, you betrayed us!"

His voice became extremely cold.

"For the benefactor, not only did you not help, you also stabbed him in the back."

"This is you Mrs. Gusta, and this is all the truth!"

"But that's history!" Matthew said: "We are no longer a colony star!"

Lin Luo laughed and said, "Have you forgotten how the Ackerman family died?"

Matthew froze there.

And Lin Luo has also left slowly, he said: "You can leave."

Matthew looked at the direction where Lin Luo was gradually moving away. He didn't understand what Lin Luo was doing?

To die?

It's just that the choice before him is very difficult.

First, report to your superiors.

Second, choose silence.

However, Matthew soon understood.

He needs to choose the first option, because by doing so, Lin Luo is committing suicide.

And he was one of the people Lin Luo had the most contact with, and they had to break away from the relationship.

He also left quickly.


Lin Luo stepped into the square slowly, singing and dancing here.

"He's here." The emperor said to Slater next to him.

Slater just nodded slightly, and said to Adam Weiss behind him, "He's here."

Adam Westben didn't care, until he watched the person in front of him walk in slowly.

It was Lin Luo.

From him, Adam Weiss felt a familiar breath.

It made his pupils shrink...


Adam Weiss thought so.

At this moment, Lin Luo came to a small stage a hundred meters away.

The emperor didn't even salute, and the emperor next to him said dissatisfied: "You still don't salute when you see the Department Master and Star Master?"

Lin Luo is indifferent.

He looked straight at Adam Weiss, because the other party was also looking at him.

Lin Luo knew that he must have noticed it.

Adam Weiss looked at Lin Luo with a smile and said, "The dishes you cook are very interesting."

"The head of the department likes it very much?" Lin Luo smiled.

"Of course I like it. In fact, from the first bite I ate, I felt a familiar feeling, but I couldn't remember it for a while." Adam Weiss said.

"Remember now?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yes, thanks to your appearance," Adam Weiss said.

Slater next to him was confused.

How is this going?

Two people know each other?

On the other hand, Russell and Tinifah on the left changed their expressions and stared at Lin Luo intently.

And Adam Weiss continued: "That day you clearly felt my breath before disappearing. This proves one thing, you are afraid of me!"

Lin Luo smiled and said, "Leaving doesn't mean being afraid."

Adam Weiss smiled directly, and he said, "I'm curious about how you appeared."

"I don't understand what you mean." Lin Luo said.

"Blue Star!" Adam Weiss' tone changed, and he said coldly: "Everyone in Blue Star is dead, how did you survive?"


As soon as these words came out, it was like a nuclear bomb exploded in the audience.

The originally quiet square was now quietly watching Adam Weiss and Lin Luo.

Their conversation before was not very loud.

But the latter sentence spread directly through the entire square through the energy of Adam Weiss...

Many people were sweating profusely.

I heard it again...

The word Blue Star?

That Slater also woke up like a dream, came to his senses, and looked at Lin Luo in disbelief.

blue star?

This is...

Blue star?

Lin Luo laughed at this moment, and he directly crushed the camouflage equipment.

At this moment, there is no need to pretend.

After a bang, Lin Luo's face gradually emerged.

The pupils of Adam Weiss shrank, and the pupils of all the big figures on the stage shrank.

They thought that they could never see this face.

However, the familiar face of the Blue Star appeared again!

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