It can be said that the whole city fled.

Lin Luo watched this scene indifferently from high in the sky.

The war has begun, a war that spans history.

A large number of heavenly soldiers came out of the star gate, Lin Luo also saw Zhang San again, but Zhang San looked a little strange.

The impetuous and unstable aura on his body made Lin Luo frown.

"You..." Lin Luo saw Zhang San's difference.

Zhang San said: "We'll talk about this matter later, what's in front of us is to resolve this war."

Lin Luo asked: "Can you withstand the past?"

"Yes." Zhang San said: "I also want to see the final outcome, so... I won't fall until the war is over."

Lin Luo was still frowning, but at this moment, with a groan behind him, Lin Luo turned his head, and felt a head hit his arms heavily.

It's really Lin Yue.

Lin Luo also felt her joy, touched her faucet, and said: "Little guy, you have finally grown up a lot, have you stopped breastfeeding?"

"Wow!" Lin Yue was a little angry. Lin Luo's words obviously looked down on Long, so she shook her head.

"Occasionally, I still steal them, I've seen them!" Zhang San said.

When Lin Yue heard this, she became anxious and snarled at Zhang San a few times.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore." Zhang San said, Lin Luo laughed.

And after Lin Yue made out with Lin Luo, she turned her head and flew towards Dabai. Dabai was ruthless, but just glanced at Lin Yue and nodded.

However, this nod was enough to make Lin Yue very happy.

At this moment, from the position above, the energy in the star gate seemed to reach its peak, an invisible red energy soared down from the sky, and then the buildings in front of the emperor's palace as the center area began to slowly melt away... ..

Lin Luo looked at the center of the explosion and understood.

After this shot, many people will die!


Slater didn't dare to raise his head.

This time, there was a lot of embarrassment, and Lin Luo even played tricks under the lights.

It never occurred to him that the small owner of a food store was actually the leader of Blue Star.

But what he didn't expect was...

Blue Star actually came back to life.

When they left the imperial palace, the defense mechanism of the entire galaxy had already been activated, and a large number of troops would arrive immediately.

"I'll kill them all and make up for it." Slater said to Adam Weiss.

But when the voice fell, a communication soldier flew from behind and said: "Most of our barracks have been attacked.

. "

"What?!" Slater knew something was wrong when he heard it.

Lin Luo has been here for so many years, and he has already figured out a lot of things.

The managers of the families nearby all dared not speak out.

They are the culprits when these things happen!

At this time, another communicator said: "The army of the Imperial Palace City failed to capture and suppress the opponent, and they have already left through the star gate."

Slater frowned and asked, "Where did you go?"

"West," said the signalman.

"The west is where our troops are weakest..." Slater felt extremely uncomfortable.

Lin Luo's move is obviously to give them a blow.

Blow up the imperial palace, and then leave, to the south where the army is weakest.

Because, when the heavenly soldiers came to a new place, they also needed a place to settle down.

While panicking, Adam Weiss said: "Don't panic, even if they don't come from Blue Star, we will destroy them."

At this time, Slater regained his senses and said, "I will quickly integrate resources to resolve this war as soon as possible."

But Adam Weiss said: "The opponent has done so many things under our noses. He has already figured out our details, but he still chooses to attack. This shows that he has confidence."

Slater suddenly realized.

"I will lead this war." Adam Weiss said: "The base camp is here."

Slater and the others were taken aback for a moment, then looked down for a moment, feeling a little turbulent in their hearts.

The place below is the original capital of Gustav, which was established with the help of Blue Star, so it is named:

Blue Star City.

Later, after the de-blue starization movement, the place was renamed, and many resources began to alienate here.

Now, according to Adam Weiss, it is going to be activated again.

"If you want to defeat your enemy, you need to overcome your fear first."

"They are not the Blue Stars of the past, and they are far less powerful than them."

Adam Weiss said: "So, I can kill it once, and I can kill it a second time."

"I'll get ready." Slater cupped his hands and hurried to do it.

But Adam Weiss's aging body is now more and more energetic. He said to Russell and others in the rear: "Go, the war has already begun!"


It is impossible for Lin Luo to occupy the Imperial Palace City as his base camp.

Because Lin Luo knew that there were too many troops near the Imperial Palace.

Looking at the Imperial Palace City, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but being surrounded inside, it will be a matter of time before it is defeated.


So the best location is the west.

Not only is it far away from their imperial palace, but it is also vast enough.

The most important thing is that from this place, the opponent's ability to control the lower half of the planet can be cut off. Biqu library

The reason why he chose to blow up the Imperial Palace with great effort was that Lin Luo wanted to disturb Gustav's popular support.

He passed through the star gate and came to the west, where blood was already flowing like a river.

Not just here, but in other places as well.

On the Xifeng star, the war has already begun, and there are also star gates as high as a hundred.

Yang Jun personally led the battlefield, the star gate suddenly opened, and the army of Xifeng Star hadn't recovered yet.

Xifeng Star is the sub-base camp of the alien planet that Lin Luo originally selected.

As Zhang San said, everything Lin Luo does seems random, but in fact there are deep meanings behind many things.

This planet has a good location, and there are few troops far away.

So Lin Luo chose to fall here from the beginning.

Yang Jun saw with his naked eyes that they were all fleeing people and soldiers.

Today, the opponent's army has been attacked and has not received any orders.

However, Gustav's coping mechanism was good, and soon someone organized an army to fight against it.

"Who dares to invade Planet Gustav?!" The leader is the deacon of the Swell family.

And just as his voice fell, the communication soldiers from the rear rushed over and leaned close to his ear.

"What did you say? The Imperial Palace was bombed?" The deacon was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Hearing the next sentence, people completely exploded.

"Blue Star?"

After thinking about it, he was terrified and looked at the flag erected next to Yang Jun.

On it, there is a blue planet and China's national standard.

"Blue Star!!!"

He regained his composure, looked at Yang Jun and the others, then looked at the blood flowing on the ground, took a deep breath, and said, "They are here to seek revenge!"

Yang Jun watched this scene silently with a cold expression.

What Lin Luo said.

On the battlefield, blood is the best language!

For this battle, they have been preparing for ten years!

Therefore, they cannot lose, nor can they afford to lose.


After Yang Jun gave an order, the charge horn sounded again behind him.

The sound of the horn that once sounded only on the Blue Star Infighting has now come to the deep space...

When these people in Gustav heard this voice, they only felt a little harsh.

What they don't know is that this will be the beginning of their nightmare!

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