On the street, it was quiet, and occasionally a gust of wind blew past, passing a few leaflets that said Gustav would live forever. This was supposed to be Gustav's anniversary ceremony, but now such a thing has been discovered.

From the celebration to the first level of national alert, it is just a moment.

It can be said that no one thought of it.

Swell Matthew walked quietly on the street, looking at everything in front of him, with a strange feeling in his heart.

Lin Luo actually made it this far.

This made Swell Matthew a little astonished.


Or does he know Boss Lin who usually looks harmless to humans and animals and is only interested in money?

However, Matthew also knew that there was nothing to go back.

He understands Lin Luo.

Because of the destruction of Blue Star, Gustav was inside.

However, Lin Luo has his Lin Luo position, and he, Matthew, also has his Matthew position.

He is a Gustav star, and it was destined at birth that they could not be friends.

They are enemies.

It can only be an enemy.


Lin Luo is very busy at the moment, he is accepting various reports.

"Xifeng star wiped out 200,000 enemies, and took down the main city barracks..."

"Dongchenxing wiped out 100,000 enemies and took down the designated target."


Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief as successive reports appeared.

The ten years of operation have not been in vain.

The most important thing in war is information. At the beginning of the war between Blue Star and Alan Star, it was difficult for Blue Star to enter because of the lack of information sources.

Now, it took Lin Luo ten years of hard work to create the situation in front of him.

It can be said that this is a very good start.

At this moment, Ye Yi came from behind and quickly said, "Brother!"

Lin Luo looked back and saw that the boy in the past had really grown up a lot now, but his smile remained the same looking at Lin Luo.

"Good job." Lin Luo said.

Ye Yi smiled and put the small cannon in front of Lin Luo. Lin Luo asked in surprise, "How did you make it?"

"It's thanks to the Alan star. I used some of their stored technological data and combined it with Jade Immortal's Gate to make it." Ye Yi said: "Now we have three cannons for this thing, but the energy can only be fired twice at a time. .”

"Enough." Lin Luo said.

Ye Yi asked at this time: "I heard that they also have cultivators

Technology weapons? "

Lin Luo nodded and said, "It's just that I don't know what it is yet."

When Ye Yi heard this, his expression was extremely worried.

The more you get in touch with it, the more you will understand how terrifying the technological weapons of comprehension are.

It can be said that with the infinite evolution of human beings, human power will become stronger than weapons.

However, it is important to understand that weapons are made to be used by people.

The more powerful the enemy, the more powerful the weapon used, the more powerful the power will become.

While they were talking, a communication soldier hurriedly ran from the rear and said, "General Manager Lin, the southern star field is being resisted by the enemy army."

"What troops?" Lin Luo asked.

"Army of Star Beasts!" The communications soldier quickly handed the report to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo glanced at it and asked, "Who is in charge of the southern star field?"

"Commander Wen Tiancheng," said the communications soldier.

"Connect me to his communication."

"Yes." The communication soldier went back quickly, and within a short time Lin Luo got through to Wen Tiancheng.

"I'm Lin Luo."

"I'm Wen Tiancheng."

"how is the situation?"

"You can fight, but you may need to pay some price." Wen Tiancheng said.

"how many?"

"At least..." Wen Tiancheng said, "At least a million!"

Hearing this, Lin Luo said, "Since a million is enough, let's carry out the Beastmaster plan."

"Yes." Wen Tiancheng turned off the communicator, and then said to the Heavenly Soldiers next to him: "Everyone listens to orders, loads supplies, and pretends to be invincible!"

"Remember, don't hurt these star beasts, it will be ours immediately!"


Adam Weiss really personally commanded this battle.

In addition to being cautious about Blue Star, he is also extremely eager for Lin Luo's body.

Therefore, he must win this battle.

"Under the leadership of Russell, the southern battlefield has achieved preliminary results." Slater said quickly.

Adam Weiss nodded, not worried.

He had seen the combat power report on Blue Star.

Most of the soldiers are in the third-order state.

This state is similar to the Gustav star.

This had to surprise Adam Weiss.

A newly born galaxy can actually develop to this point in a short period of time.

However, today's war is not just

Compete with these.

Gustav has an advantage that Blue Star can't compare to...

star beast.

mythical beast.

as well as....

The last hole card.

"We're going to bring back the west." Adam Weiss looked at Slater and said.

"We're working on it," Slater said.

"Let Kotlev take the shot," Adam Weiss said.

Slater was taken aback.

The Great Wilderness Blue Bull is also one of their trump cards.

"We can only fight if we drive the war out of Gustav." Adam Weiss continued, pointing to the founders of the four legendary families in front of him, including Tinifah, and said: "You follow go."

When everyone heard it, they all understood.

Adam Weiss doesn't intend to fight a long war.

Just after they left, a communications soldier hurried over and said, "There are changes in the southern star field!"


Russell had blood all over his hands.

After breaking through to the fourth level, everything below the third level is ants.

It's just that the fourth step is really too difficult to break through.

Even in today's Star Gustav, people of the fourth rank can count them and record them in the book.

That's why Augustus cared so much when Lin Luo broke through.

Russell couldn't help laughing as he looked at the defeated Heavenly Soldiers in front of him and the fallen Blue Star flag.

The first victory in this war will be won by them.

At this moment, the tide of beasts is raging here, and there are all kinds of strange beasts from various star fields...

These strange beasts are all above level eight.

One of Gustav's weapons is the black rune.

As they stepped through the closed door, the entire beast tide was dispersed.

They could see that the beast tide and the heavenly soldiers were intertwined, and Russell ordered Gustav's army to rush up.

Anyway, these behemoths only attack aliens.

And Russell continued to sweep all the way, but at this moment, a black dragon knife flew over, blocking his way.

Russell looked up, squinting slightly.

He saw that Wen Tian was in the air, and he caught the knife just thrown out.

"Fourth level?" Russell became vigilant, after all, he suffered from Lin Luo's loss.

That is to say, his attention was gradually concentrated, so he didn't notice that the originally chaotic battle situation below had become even more chaotic.

"I'm Mrs. Gusta, you bit the wrong person, you bit the wrong person!"


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