October 15

Imperial Palace

At this moment, five days have passed since the Blue Star attack.

For the past five days, they have received negative news every day. The arrival of Blue Star made the whole Gustav fall into silence instantly.

However, Adam Weiss was not alarmed.

In his view, it is still under control.

Compared with the ancient times, the gap between Blue Star is too big.

Even if they have evolved to the Saint level.

However, there is still a huge gap with the real ancient blue star.

At this moment, Adam Weiss took Slater and the others and stood on an altar.

If Lin Luo is here, he will be very surprised, because this altar is linked to the clue of the texture that he has been looking for in the past, but he still can't find it...

That's right.

This altar is built on the pattern of the imperial palace city.

That cannon shot by Ye Yi did not blow up this place, and it was even safe and sound.

There is a huge stage square here.

On the square, there are not only altars, but also many people.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can only see densely packed human heads.

Inside, they are all Gustav's people, and there is no foreigner.

When Adam Weiss flew high into the sky, a group of people knelt down on the ground.

They had heard the legend of the department head, and their hearts were filled with passion.

When they were summoned back then, it was with the passion to defend the satellite system.

Therefore, what Adam Weiss said is also true.

"...Today, the galaxy is in trouble. You are all the people of Gustav. Would you like to fight?" Adam Weiss said, looking down.


Those of Gustav's children responded loudly.

"Very good." Adam Weiss said: "Later generations will remember today and you!"

Everyone paused, obviously hearing something in the words.

On the contrary, Slater and the others above couldn't help closing their eyes.

Because what follows will be a very cruel scene.


Senior Doris is here.

Since Borgstar has received help from Bluestar, it must participate.

They are already the pinnacle of ordinary technology, so they can give a lot of technological help in this war.

For example, the high-definition satellite surveillance images that Lin Luo sees are

is their masterpiece.

In this kind of war, the importance of information is self-evident.

However, the pinnacle of ordinary technology is so little, so both sides can knock out the other party's communication system, but both Fang and Mo agreed to choose not to do so.

Because they all understand that with the power of legendary civilization, it is too simple to launch a new communication satellite again.

"What do they want to call so many people?" Chen An asked puzzled.

Lin Luo looked at Dahuang Qingniu, who sighed and said, "You will know after watching."

"Can it be stopped?" Lin Luo asked.

"We can't stop it." Da Huang Qing Niu said: "This is a sacrificial gift!"

Lin Luo and the others were taken aback, and Chen An said, "No way, these are all Mrs. Gusta."

Dahuang Qingniu said: "Do you know that there is a thing called terracotta warriors?"

Lin Luo and the others were astonished.

Terracotta Warriors and Horses, aren't Qin Shihuang's things?

It is said that Qin Shihuang knew that his destiny was irreversible, so he directly ordered his subordinates to make terracotta warriors and horses, and wanted to be emperor after death.

Just when Dahuang Qingniu was about to speak again, the world split open...

A door opens.

If you drop it from the sky, you can see a huge city.

Do not.

A huge world.

Below, there are really densely packed terracotta warriors and horses.

Under the observation of the slender lens, the characters of the terracotta warriors and horses are extremely detailed...

Just like a real person.

Da Huang Qing Niu also spoke surprisingly, saying: "These are real people!"


If you want to trace the origin of the black rune, you have to talk about the extremely distant history...

And, a rumored artifact:

Kongtong India!

Legend has it that the Kongtong seal hides a powerful energy that has been bred since ancient times, integrating the aura of heaven and earth, the vastness of the sea, and the mystery of the universe. It can make the holder immortal, which means eternal life.

"They got the Kongtong seal?!" Lin Luo frowned.

"No." Dahuang Qingniu said: "To be precise, they got the incomplete Kongtong seal!"

"Back then, the god king fought against the foreign race for three days and three nights. Knowing that he had been defeated, he did not hesitate to use his body to destroy the Kongtong Seal."

"If it is a complete Kongtong seal, return the round

Not to Star Gustav. "

Lin Luo was astonished.

"But even the incomplete Kongtong seal is very powerful, even..." Dahuang Qingniu said with a bit of disdain: "They only developed a little power of the Kongtong seal."

"Can you really bring the dead back to life?" Ye Yi said in surprise.

When he was studying the black rune, he felt that the lines inside were not simple.

"No." Dahuang Qingniu said: "However, Adam Weiss was far-sighted back then. In order to prevent stronger galaxies from attacking them, he refined all the dead in that battle into terracotta warriors."

"As long as it is unlocked through Gustav's bloodline and the ability of Kongtong Seal, it can be unlocked."

When speaking, I only saw Adam Weiss opening his hands above the sky, and a powerful energy radiated at this moment.

"Run! Run away!"

Those Gusta ladies were still immersed in the call of blood at first, but soon some people came back to their senses. Biqu library

However, it was too late.

The entire square has been sealed off.

Under the powerful energy of Adam Weiss, they all held their throats in pain...

Some people watched their bodies turn into blood.

Someone is crying.

Someone is yelling.

Some people knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly. They were willing to sacrifice their lives for Gustav's survival.

Moreover, there are many such people.

And the bloody water, like a river, finally flowed to the underground city...

The bloody water came to the underground ditch and flowed quickly.

However, every time it flows through a terracotta warrior, it will be less.

However, this is hundreds of thousands of people.

Not only here, but also in other squares, there are such ceremonies.

The rolling blood flow rolled, and finally turned from red to black.

And a large stream of blood rushed to the three coffins placed at the highest place.

Adam Weiss looked there, a little complicated.

looking forward, sad....

And for helplessness.

Inside, there are his brothers, his comrades in arms...

And, his lover.

The three coffins sucked in blood.

In just tens of minutes, all the blood flow disappeared.

Everything is at peace.

But in an instant, the calm was broken.

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