

A gust of wind blew by, and the terracotta warriors and horses under the earth were still in peace.

But soon, the one in the center opened his eyes.

His pupils are lifeless, but what makes people palpitating is that the earthy color of the terracotta warriors and horses is rapidly changing into a human color.

In just tens of seconds, a real person appeared.

It's hard to imagine that just a moment ago, they were still terracotta warriors without any abilities.

One after another.

Until the end, all the troops turned into human bodies.

When they reappeared in this world, they were confused for a while, feeling...

Then, he knelt on the ground.

They looked at the three coffins in front of them and Adam Weiss on it...

Just kneel down and be silent!

"Adam Weiss, what's the matter?"

"Did Gustav really be attacked as you expected?"

A muffled sound sounded, and then an ancient man was seen standing up.

He wore his hair loose and looked at everything.

The moment he stood up, a pair of black wings grew on his back.

However, he is different from Zhang San.

He's more like a...

"Birdman." Zhang San said so.

Lin Luo stared intently at the third coffin, and at this moment a beautiful woman stepped out of it.


Is it a blue star? !

"No." Da Huang Qing Niu said: "She is just a mixed race between Blue Star and Gustav!"

"For a child born on two planets, the Blue Star bloodline will definitely crush the Gustav bloodline, so...she is just a hybrid!"

Lin Luo still didn't speak, just looked at the scene of Adam Weiss and her staring at each other.

He seemed to understand something.

"Interesting." Lin Luo just said so.


"...Blue Star is resurrected?" The long-haired man looked at Adam Weiss, feeling incredible.

"At the beginning, we really should have given up everything and destroyed the planet at that moment." The man in black in the middle said indifferently.

However, the other three were silent.

Is it true that they don't want to destroy Blue Star?

Are they the only ones who are jealous of Blue Star?

Do not.

Those higher civilizations, the ones who benefited the most from this war, want to destroy all of that planet, that star field.

However, after the war

, they were not only extremely exhausted, but also frightened by the weird things behind them.

That blue star...

It cannot be destroyed at all.

"It doesn't matter." Adam Weiss said: "The newborn Blue Star is very weak, and it is our chance."

The others paused, looking at Adam Weiss' crazy eyes, and seemed to understand something.

Obviously, this is to call them out to work.

However, their existence is originally to deal with possible powerful enemies.

It's just that they didn't expect that after waking up, they would go to fight Blue Star.

"It's all up to you." The man in black said so, then rose into the air and said, "I'm going to take a bath first, the last bath in my life..."

The others were silent, and Adam Weiss was obviously a little uncomfortable.


If it is a complete Kongtong seal, maybe they can get a reborn body at a price.

However, this is crippled.

This is also the last time they appear in this world.

"I'm leaving too, let's go for a walk." The long-haired man rose into the air, leaving behind a man and a woman.


late at night

Lin Luo received reports from various parties.

Relying on Lin Luo's plan, they successfully beheaded the founder of the five-person family.

However, what he didn't expect was that the other party followed the incomplete Kongtong seal and completed this cruel and bloody plan.

"...To be precise, I don't know the strength of this group of terracotta warriors, but since they were able to participate in the Blue Star war, they should not be underestimated." Lin Luo said at the meeting: "So Li Donglai, stop us The sharp knife plan, you will go to face the first batch of terracotta warriors."

"Yes." Li Donglai nodded without hesitation.

The Sharp Knife Project was originally a tactic to quickly intersperse the center after quickly beheading the founders of the five major families.

Now, it seems that the plan is about to change, and it has become a head-to-head battle.

"Are there any other beasts besides you?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yes." Da Huang Qing Niu said: "It is the black phoenix you have seen before."

Lin Luo paused, thought for a while, and said, "Your energy is stronger, or is his ability stronger?"

"It's incomparable." Da Huang Qing Niu said: "Gustav's ability is based on the seal of Kongtong.

Above, the strength of Adam Weiss, and so..."

"What do you mean?" Lin Luo asked.

"Since you have fought against Star Alan, you should understand." Da Huang Qing Niu said.

"He has completely refined the Black Phoenix?" Lin Luo was relieved.

Dahuang Qingniu nodded.

A sleepless night.

In the early morning of the second day, when Lin Luo was sitting on a chair to check the movement route of the opponent's army, he heard the urgent report about Yang Jun.

Their West Peak Star was attacked by an army in the early morning.

The leader is the man in black who left yesterday.

Yang Jun fought him for only ten rounds, and almost died there.

"Very strong..." On the video, Yang Jun was covered in blood.

Hearing this, Lin Luo stood up suddenly, looked at Zhang San, and said, "It seems that you want to catch up."

"Yeah." Zhang San nodded and got up quickly, and Lin Yue behind also followed Lin Luo's nod.

"I'll go too." Da Huang Qing Niu said.

Lin Luo glanced at Dahuang Qingniu and nodded.

Da Huang Qing Niu turned his head, walked two steps, he suddenly turned around and said: "What are they to you?"

Lin Luo pondered, thought for a while, and said, "Is it important?"

Seeing the eyes of Dahuang Qingniu closely watching, Lin Luo said: "Everyone is a partner who fights side by side!"

"Partner?" Da Huang Qing Niu suddenly laughed, it stepped out, and quickly followed behind Zhang San and the others.

It's just that no one noticed the hot tears in the eyes of the Great Wilderness Blue Ox, and what it whispered to itself:

"Sure enough, it's something that only Blue Stars can say!"


"What are you thinking?" Chen An looked at Lin Luo.

At this moment, Lin Luo watched a group of large troops approaching the Yinlong Army led by Li Donglai.

But Zhang San and Lin Yue can catch up.

Lin Luo looked at the screen and said: "According to the information I collected, Blue Star and Gustav can win the fight, but..."

"If the Kongtong seal is really so against the sky, then it will be difficult to fight in the future."

"How are you going to fight?" Chen An asked.

Lin Luo just looked at the picture and didn't speak.

Chen An frowned.

Why does he have an illusion...

Lin Luo seems to have anticipated this situation a long time ago?

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