Chen Xi felt that powerful force, and finally stopped holding back and used it again.

The blue space power continuously spread and condensed, trying to resist Zhang San's final blow.

It's just that the arrow is like a round of black sun, exuding bright light.

The energy contained in it can be imagined!



The string moves!

Then you can see a black light piercing the sky.

The energy condensed by all of Chen Xi's forces was not a combined force, only to see that the arrow almost passed through her heart without any obstruction...

At this moment, her pupils were filled with disbelief.

She is the perfect product between Blue Star and Gustav.

Her talent is the most top existence.


He lost.

And that Zhang San came slowly, howling like a beast.

Even, he wants to eat Chen Xi...

However, at this time, it seemed that reason finally defeated him.

Zhang San covered his head, while Chen Xi completely closed his eyes...

"Adam Weiss, goodbye!"

She groaned softly, praying for Adam Weiss, praying for Gustav.

At this moment, the heavenly soldiers below quickly flew over, but Zhang San actually roared at them: "Hurry... hurry!"

The heavenly soldier was puzzled, but Zhang San raised his hand suddenly, the nails in his hand turned into sharp claws at this moment, and the captured heavenly soldier broke free violently.

However, how could he be Zhang San's opponent.

Fortunately, at this moment, a dragon cry came from behind...

Lin Yue is here.

With blood on her face, her eyes flickered, and her supernatural powers reappeared!

In the next second, Zhang San finally fell down slowly and passed out.


Even in an extremely distant place, both Lin Luo and Adam Weiss felt the huge energy generated by the last game between the two sides.

Adam Weiss clenched his fists, showing some concern.

It was Lin Luo who sighed.

Zhang San, after all, made a deal with the devil.

Lin Luo also understood that he had to speed up his pace.

"End it, Adam Weiss!"

While Lin Luo was speaking, his people had disappeared.

During the space jump, seven figures appeared, and Adam Weiss waved the Daomao, and a red and black energy was able to catch Lin Luo's broken star's final blow.


When Lin Luo was stunned, Adam Weiss waved the Tao Mao again...

At the same time, Lin Luo felt that all the energy around him was sucked dry.

"Surprised?" Adam Weiss smiled.

At this moment, Lin Luo felt that his energy was rapidly disappearing...

He was originally exhausted, and under the double consumption of unlocking the fourth-order gene lock and flooding, without the support of the source of nature, he couldn't last long at all.

Lin Luo stared at the Daomao in Adam Weiss's hand.

The artifact of the ancient blue star is indeed terrifying.

Can it actually change the energy of heaven and earth?

Adam Weiss was overjoyed. He looked at Dabai and Black Phoenix who were fighting, and said, "I see, who can save you?!"

He waved Daomao, and at the same time, an eight-diagram yin-yang formation appeared between the heaven and the earth.

At the same time, Adam Weiss' Daomao flew into the air, and a steady stream of power emerged from his body.

He said: "Do you know the gap between the saint's intermediate and elementary level?"

" the gap!"

While speaking, Lin Luo saw that there were countless red and black flames burning on the gossip formation.

Phoenix is ​​really hot!

This is the power of the Dark Phoenix.

And Adam Weiss' Light of the Mind is...


He can amplify his own attack and amplify his own energy.

Compared to Chen Xi, maybe his talent is not as good as hers.

However, he has a high degree of assimilation with Dark Phoenix...

To a certain extent, he is the Dark Phoenix!

Adam Weiss shot again. At this time, the gossip array directly covered Lin Luo's position, and the continuous phoenix fire flew towards Lin Luo.

Just for a moment...

Lin Luo was completely enveloped in flames!

The blazing real fire made the world heat up rapidly...

In the next second, a huge explosion was born, and the ripples produced by the flame explosion shook a radius of 100,000 miles.

The earth has become scorched earth.

Here, it became the molten center!

And the only ones left were Adam Weiss and the two divine beasts who were still fighting!


Woohoo! !

Dabai opened its teeth and danced its claws, it was really amazing, looking at the extremely fat body, it kept twisting.

That black phoenix has nothing to do with him.

According to what Lin Luo said, Dabai looks very weak, but he seems to have a 50/50 relationship with anyone. Biqu library

Lin Luo also

There is a system, but Dabai seems to have nothing special, except for eating and sleeping every day.

Seeing this scene, Dabai seemed anxious, and the attack became much more violent.

And the black phoenix's eyes showed a bit of teasing, but it was not in a hurry at this time.

As long as Adam Weiss solves the opponent, he can come to help it.

Sure enough, Adam Weiss rushed towards Dabai before the real fire faded away, showing a greedy look...

He could feel that Dabai's future was not comparable to that of Dark Phoenix.

Just when he was thinking about how to catch Dabai, Dabai's bear eyes narrowed at this moment, revealing a smile.

Hei Fenghuang was stunned for a second, then came back to his senses and looked at the ball of real fire.

Adam Weiss also turned his head in an instant.

At this time, the light blooms...

All I could see was that Lin Luo's whole body was emitting white light in the raging real fire.

He is like a true god, holding the secret of heaven in his hand.

With a light wave, he stepped into the air, and there seemed to be countless phantoms of Lin Luo in this space...

"The light of the soul?!" Adam Weiss was shocked.

If Zhang San is understandable, after all, the genetic person of spiritual power is a strange existence, and the induction of the light of the soul is much earlier.

However, Lin Luo can awaken the light of the soul at the beginning of the fourth stage?

Adam Weiss looks at the phantom of Lin Luo that fills the space....

In an instant, the phantom re-condensed.

Then, a long phantom pierced the sky, before Adam Weiss came back to his senses, Lin Luo's knife crossed his body...

What Adam Weiss could see was Lin Luo's figure a thousand meters away.

"Kill... the light of killing?!"

Adam Weiss couldn't believe it, but the next moment, his breath of life disappeared.

And Lin Luo panted heavily, looking indifferently at Adam Weiss who had been cut in two.

Is it finally... over?

Lin Luo was about to restrain his breath.

However, at this time, Adam Weiss' body was actually fixed from the air, and then he was quickly stitched up.

The crust of the entire Gustav star is rapidly shaking and cracking...

On the planet, eight red lights burst out of the sky.

Lin Luo looked up and watched Adam Weiss being shrouded in divine light...

And the source of the divine light is a divine seal high above the sky!

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