This scene is very shocking. A person who must die or is dead is now alive.

It would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a miracle.

Lin Luo stared at the seal on it, looked at the land, and couldn't help but took a deep breath.

At this moment, he finally understood all the layout.

Lin Luo doesn't know what the former Kongtong Seal was like.

However, the setting of Donghuang Bell is:

Only used by Blue Stars.

So Kongtong India more or less, there will be such a setting.

At least, it is impossible for Star Gustav to know how it is really used.

Moreover, due to being destroyed by the god king in the war, the real ability of Kongtong Yin should not be able to be brought into play.

So, there is such a scene.

The Gustavians studied the Kongtong seal, not only engraved the talisman to control the star beast, but also understood the way of rebirth, built a huge underground palace, and the terracotta warriors...

These dead soldiers are also continuously transmitting energy to the Kongtong seal, trying to repair it.

While Lin Luo was meditating, a phoenix sound suddenly sounded.

Lin Luo turned around, and saw the black phoenix emitting maroon light, and then it turned into a breath, which was continuously injected into Adam Weiss' body.

Dabai rushed to Lin Luo's side, looked at the sky and Kongtong Yin.

And below, Chen An is frantically letting the army escape!


"...Can Adam Weiss be forced to this point?" Behind him, there are countless galaxies watching this scene.

These galaxies are advanced in technology, and it is not difficult to spy on this step.

They were surprised that the resurrected Blue Star was so powerful that it was able to push Gustav to this point.

In fact, many galaxies don't know Gustav's cards at all.

Now, they know.

This frightened many people.

The Kongtong seal was one of Blue Star's legendary artifacts at the time. It was well known to the world that the god king self-destructed.

Who would have thought that the incomplete Kongtong seal would actually fall into their hands.

For a time, greed, fear and other emotions kept emerging...

They were thinking how nice it would be if Adam Weiss had just died.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in many things.

They start to hesitate...


At the moment when the Blue Star was destroyed, were they going to attack Gustav.

The temptation of Kongtong India is indeed big enough.

However, who can guess whether Adam Weiss has a backup?



In a daze, Adam Weiss opened his eyes.

Today, he feels that he has great power.

He understood that he had finally taken that step...

Fourth level advanced.

"Is this the power of the God King?" Adam Weiss looked at his hands, the sky, and the surroundings. ,

At this moment, he feels that he is omnipotent.

This is the power of God.

Adam Weiss laughed out loud, with hot tears in his tears.

He knew that the plan he had worked so hard for years had finally succeeded...

Gather everyone's hard work, gather Gustav's strength, and achieve a fourth-level senior.

The fourth level is a process in which the human race continuously controls the genes.

It is rumored that once you break through the fourth level, you will be able to see the beginning of the control gene chain.

"Chen Xi, thank you..."

Adam Weiss smiled, with a little more gentleness in his eyes.

Chen Xi was able to obtain the method of using the Kongtong seal.

Adam Weiss has love and use for Chen Xi...

Unfortunately, it is impossible for this woman to know all this anymore.

Perhaps, she is also willing to do so.

Adam Weiss looked up, looked at Lin Luo, and said, "Your death time has come."

Lin Luo and Dabai stood there, watching Adam Weiss' current state.

That powerful breath is eye-catching.

Lin Luo really wanted to fight, but was stopped by Dabai.

Dabai shook his head solemnly.

At this moment, Lin Luo understood.

Even if Adam Weiss is a Tier 4 intermediate, he is not his opponent.

Today's Adam Weiss has broken through...

"Fourth level advanced." Lin Luo took a deep breath and felt the light of the other party's heart constantly showing off.

"Are you scared?" Adam Weiss smiled crazily. He held the Kongtong seal in one hand and looked at Lin Luo, showing his killing intent.

Do not.

It should be the color of greed.

Even if he stepped into the fourth-level high-level, he still needs a perfect body.

In his opinion, Lin Luo is.

Perfect mind light, gifted....

and blue

body of a star.

"It's perfect." Adam Weiss said; "I will let your body flourish in the world."

"What does it mean for Gustav to enter the high rank of saint?" Lin Luo asked suddenly.

Adam Weiss was stunned, and then quickly said: "The real top powerhouse, one person can represent a galaxy, and only when you step into this level can you be called a god king..."

"I see." Lin Luo nodded.

While Adam Weiss walked over slowly, Lin Luo and Dabai didn't move. Adam Weiss thought they had given up, so he stepped up his efforts.

But the moment his power touched Lin Luo, a golden force bounced off the opponent directly.

Adam Weiss is like touching some indestructible object...

His hands were shaking.

The Kongtong seal in his hand was also trembling.

And Adam Weiss looked at the golden divine clock in Lin Luo's hand and began to doubt life.



He shouted, the smile just now disappeared without knowing where.

There was even despair in his pupils.

Donghuang Bell? !

The Kongtong seal is just a powerful auxiliary weapon.

But the prestige of the Eastern Emperor Bell has already spread throughout the universe.

There are countless souls who died in it.

Has it not been destroyed?


Appeared again?

It wasn't just Adam Weiss who was equally astonished and shocked.

There are also spectators outside.

It's just that when they came back to their senses, everyone's eyes were greedy. Biqu library

The Eastern Emperor Bell is certainly powerful.

However, Lin Luo is not strong.

Moreover, after facing such a high-intensity war, Lin Luo must have been exhausted.

Here's an opportunity...

With the Eastern Emperor Bell, their strength will definitely be raised to a higher level.

At this moment, everyone became crazy.

Including Adam Weiss....

"It's a good gift." Adam Weiss said, "It's worth more than you."

"Do you want it?" Lin Luo smiled, and he raised the Donghuang Bell. At this moment, the Donghuang Bell was spinning rapidly, and the golden inscriptions on the bell body continued to emerge. Lin Luo said seriously:

"If you run now, maybe there is still time!"

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