Adam Weiss was taken aback for a moment, and then became annoyed.


He Adam Weiss is now a fourth-level senior, and he holds the Kongtong seal in his hand.

He felt that he could fight.

At this moment, Lin Luo soared into the sky, and the light of the soul in his body bloomed infinitely.

Now Lin Luo finally understands one thing...

That's why he couldn't exert the great strength of Donghuang Bell.

It is not the energy in the body that really manipulates the Eastern Emperor Bell.


The light of the soul.

This thing will only be awakened after stepping into the fourth-order intermediate level.

After absorbing the light of the soul, the moment the Eastern Emperor Bell zoomed in rapidly, the sky suddenly flickered... Pen Fun Library

Lin Luo looked up with shock in his pupils.

How strong is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi?

It is Lin Luo's current strength. He can use huge energy to influence the weather of one party, but he absolutely cannot do this.

The aura emitted by the Eastern Emperor Bell seemed to destroy all the air.


"Eastern Emperor Bell!"

In the distance, Dahuang Qingniu looked at the flashing light in the sky, and tears filled his eyes.

Everyone said Donghuang Taiyi was the demon emperor, but this demon was a misunderstanding.

Donghuang Taiyi is too evil, he was born with an invincible posture, overthrew the blue star that was controlled at the beginning, and established the ancient heaven!

If you want to use two words to describe Donghuang Taiyi, it is the era.

The brilliance he has created and the history he has created are an era.

His name represents an era.

Adam Weiss felt a steady stream of energy, looking at the Donghuang Bell, waved his hand violently, and injected it into the Kongtong Seal frantically.

The confrontation between two strange energies formed a huge energy storm at this moment, and the bright golden light broke through the atmosphere and refracted to every corner of the planet...

With a radius of 10,000 meters, even a third-order gene user cannot bear this breath at all.

Lin Luo looked at Adam Weiss indifferently.

Betrayer of the former Blue Star...

The hands of this planet are covered with the blood of the Blue Stars.


Lin Luo finally waved his hand and injected the last ray of spiritual light into his body...

The Eastern Emperor Bell zoomed in again, and Jin Shi's divine pattern surrounded the surroundings at this moment, and then with an extreme

Its terrifying speed swept towards Adam Weiss...

It has just set off, and it has drawn a long road with a width of more than 100 meters on the ground.

Seeing the incoming golden light, Adam Weiss suddenly raised his hand, Kongtong Yin was emitting azure blue light at this moment, he raised his hand suddenly!

In the area centered on him, a huge sky seal appeared!

On this, there are still densely packed talisman spells...

It's beating, it's shining!

In the distance, Ye Yi shuddered when he saw this scene.

The deeper the contact, the more you can feel the strength of the ancestors.

Different from the structure of the Donghuang Bell, the Kongtong Seal adopts a completely different structure.

This was a great inspiration for Ye Yi.

Ye Yi wanted to see more clearly, but at this moment, the two forces finally collided...

The moment the golden and blue energies intertwined, the ground trembled violently.

Not only this continent, but the entire Gustav star trembled violently.

At the same time, that energy storm suddenly magnified in an instant, and at the same time, the powerful force distorted the space, as if it wanted to tear the void alive!

The strong wind blew across this continent violently, making people feel palpitations.

This stalemate energy caused the temperature here to rise rapidly...

Even if they were genetic warriors, it would be difficult to resist them.


The energy surged, the wind howled, and the wind messed up Lin Luo's hair, but his body was firmly nailed there like an iron stake. There seems to be a mighty force of gods and demons around him, watching the front all the time...

"If you can't kill me, then you will die!" Adam Weiss laughed.

Kongtongyin resisted the attack of Donghuang Bell.

Then, the next Lin Luo and Donghuang Bell will be his.

Lin Luo didn't speak, he looked at Adam Weiss and said, "Have you ever regretted it?"

Adam Weiss was taken aback.


regret what?

He didn't understand what Lin Luo said.

At this time, the picture suddenly changed...


The Eastern Emperor Bell is ringing!

Adam Weiss looked up sharply.

One beep, another beep...


Donghuang Bell

Suddenly, I saw that the Kongtong seal in my hand split open... Pen Fun Library

It was originally incomplete, how could it be able to resist the attack of the top divine weapon now.


After the three rings, the strange energy of the Donghuang Bell seemed to have changed, and the irritable energy directly broke through the defense of Kongtong Seal.

Adam Weiss' pupils watched the Donghuang Bell sweep towards him at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye...

"No!" Adam Weiss was trembling all over, and he hurriedly used the Kongtong seal to protect himself.

At the same time, sacrifice the power of the black phoenix in the body...

He tried to live on.

He also believed that Kongtong Yin could keep him alive.

However, the moment the energy of the Eastern Emperor Bell touched Adam Weiss, he felt something was wrong.

The devastating energy was like a torrent, directly crushing Adam Weiss' body...

Adam Weiss' desire to survive was extremely strong, and he crazily injected energy into the Kongtong seal, trying to use the Kongtong seal to save his life again.

He watched helplessly as he disappeared while the Kongtong seal was shining...

He was ecstatic.

But in the next second he was desperate, only to see the divine light on Kongtong Yin's body dissipate quickly.

Adam Weiss knew that this was a sign of powerlessness...

He is dying? !

Adam Weiss looked at Lin Luo who was also in the center of the storm, and the emotion in his heart was indescribable...

He remembered a sentence:

Some things are not not reported, but the time has not arrived.


Seeing Adam Weiss slowly disappearing in the void, everyone was shocked.

Those outside the galaxy watching the battle were all panicked.

blue star...

so powerful.

Donghuang Bell....

so powerful.

"We must get him!"

With the emperor clenched his fist, it was difficult to suppress the excitement in his heart.

He turned his head and waved his hand, and the emperor behind him suddenly turned his head back, and at the same time, the mighty army was marching towards Gustav Star.

And Lin Luo watched the disappearing Adam Weiss with a blank face, and executed a traitor, which did not give him much pleasure.

On the contrary, the war has exhausted Lin Luo physically and mentally.

However, Lin Luo knew that he had to persevere.

Because the war has only just begun.

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