"Adam Weiss is dead, and the defeat of the army is only a matter of time, but many of Gustav's new students are innocent..." Matthew said quickly: "You kill all the people who have caused damage to Blue Star people, I can understand, but... I don't want you to kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"The new generation of them don't know anything, and some even don't know about Blue Star. They don't deserve to die."

"What about you?" Lin Luo asked.

Matthew was taken aback.

Matthew grew up in a family, and the education he received was different since he was a child.

He knew that Gustav's prosperity was based on Blue Star's death.

He opened his mouth and said, "If you killed these innocents, what's the difference between you and them?"

Lin Luo smiled and said, "Matthew, do you really not understand, or do you pretend not to understand?"

Matthew was stunned again, then clenched his fists.

He is not a fool.

The best way to kill an enemy is to kill the grass.

The grievances between Blue Star and Gustav are already a certainty.

"Anything needs a price." Lin Luo said: "What they do will affect their generation and future generations. This is cause and effect."

Matthew was silent.

"Let's go, Matthew, I don't want to kill you." Lin Luo said.

"Will you kill?"

"Yes." Lin Luo said.

Matthew looked at Lin Luo, and didn’t speak this time.

Because, he saw Lin Luo couldn't bear to look at him directly.

Matthew knew that Lin Luo still regarded him as a friend deep down in his heart.


The wheel of history is irreversible.

Matthew took a step, and Lin Luo said: "Actually, whether I let Gustav go or not is not up to me, but the moment Adam Weiss died, Mrs. Gustave must die."

Matthew was taken aback for a moment, and soon understood. He looked back at Lin Luo and said, "In this case, why don't you lie to me?"

Lin Luo said: "Because...we were really friends once!"


Matthew walked out trembling slightly.

He is already loveless.

This planet no longer exists, so why should he continue to live?

Suddenly, he heard a cry of a baby, turned his head, and saw a celestial soldier holding a Gustav

baby standing in front of him.

Behind, there are many more.

Tianbing handed the baby to him, and Matthew was a little stunned. He turned his head to look at the barracks, but Lin Luo was no longer there.

Matthew smiled bitterly, and he said loudly: "Lin Luo, why are you doing this?"

He picked up the babies, got up and walked out expressionlessly.

While Lin Luo stood on a high place, Chen An stood beside him and said, "How do you know that Matthew will definitely commit suicide?"

Lin Luo said: "Just treat it as... just treat it as repaying his favor."

After speaking, Lin Luo left, but Chen An looked at Lin Luo's leaving back with a slight smile.

Facing the enemy, Lin Luo is indeed ruthless.

But he treats friends, even acquaintances, completely differently.

Matthew, who has lost his fighting spirit, will inevitably choose death to end everything.

However, those babies will support him to live.

And these babies can no longer become Blue Star's enemies.

Like Matthew said, they are freshmen.

Smart Matthew will never let them know that he is a Gustavian.


Outside Gustav's star field, alien armies are everywhere.

Here, there are seventh-level civilization star domains and eighth-level civilization star domains. They condensed and looked at Gustav in front of them, all showing greed.

There are so many of them that they can even block this place directly.

Those Mrs. Gusta who fled were all stopped.

Then, be killed.

All of this was within Lin Luo's expectations.

The other party not only wanted Blue Star's civilization, they also always wanted Gustav's civilization.

At this moment, Mrs. Gusta is really desperate. In the star field, there is a blue star army, and outside the star field, there is a mighty alien army.

Many of these people were invited as distinguished guests on top of the grand ceremony.

However, suddenly, it became so strange.

The wall falls and everyone pushes it, this is fate.

The entire network of Star Gustav turned into a wail, and they could witness very bloody scenes every day.

But Blue Star's legion maintained restraint.

They slowed down a lot for Star Gustav.

Finally, on the third day, under the leadership of the leader of the eighth-level civilization, the army marched mightily towards the ancient

Staff's Imperial Palace is marching...

Because, they have locked Lin Luo's location.

"We must get the Eastern Emperor Bell!"

Everyone has only one thought in mind.


"...A lot of the army has already evacuated." Li Donglai looked at Lin Luo and said unwillingly: "We won the battle like this, and released the resources?"

"If you can't fight, what can you do? Our soldiers are already very tired." Lin Luo said.

"Yes. Life is important." Li Donglai said regretfully.

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Luo's mouth, Li Donglai noticed it keenly, and said: "No, you must be lying to me, do you have any plans?"

"The opponent's army is overwhelming, we have no fight, what can I do, I can't go against the sky and change my fate." Lin Luo said.

Li Donglai thought for a long time, but he couldn't come up with a good solution, but he still said: "I still think you are lying to me."

Lin Luo smiled at the corner of his mouth, and didn't bother to explain to this man, so he asked Doris next to him, "How long will it be?"

Doris looked at the picture in front of her and said, "It's already here."

While speaking, Lin Luo saw that a large number of warships and soldiers directly surrounded the Imperial Palace City.

Lin Luo looked at the many flags above and said, "Tell me, can I let them kill each other with my mouth?"

"Sure." Li Donglai said happily: "Is this your plan?"

"Fart." Chen An next to him said, "Do you think others are fools?"

Li Donglai frowned, but when he looked over again, he saw Lin Luo walking out.

Lin Yue next to her automatically grew bigger, and Lin Luo was sitting on her dragon body....

The moment the golden dragon rose, one person and one dragon became the most eye-catching existence in the audience.

When many people saw this golden dragon, their greedy desires intensified again.

Those emperors stood in front, watching Lin Luo vigilantly...

Want to move, but they don't want to be the first to do it.

After all, Lin Luo's strength lies there.

"He's definitely not recovered, come on..." shouted one of the emperors.

But Lin Luo said: "There is only one Jinlong and Donghuang Bell, how do you divide it?"

While speaking, the atmosphere in the audience became weird.

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