There is a saying that is called seeing through but not telling through.

They can unite, and the only thing that supports them is to eliminate and end Gustav and Blue Star.

However, among these great powers, their interests are the dividing point that they all worry about and clearly understand.

Everyone wants the Eastern Emperor Bell, and everyone wants the Golden Dragon.

Lin Luo is a very cheap person. Seeing that the atmosphere has reached a certain stage, he directly took out the Donghuang Bell and said, "Look, we are right here."

"Don't listen to him." An emperor shouted coldly, "He's trying to drive us apart."

Everyone's eyes changed suddenly.

In fact, they also knew that Lin Luo was sowing discord.

However, the picture is deadlocked there.

No one wants to suffer the first wave of damage from Lin Luo and Donghuang Zhong.

"I'm coming!" An emperor shouted loudly and waved his hands. Immediately, the army stepped forward and began to march towards Lin Luo. He sneered: "I don't believe it, you can still use the power of the Eastern Emperor Bell again! "


When Lin Luo saw this, he laughed directly, sacrificed the Donghuang Bell, and said to Lin Yue at the same time: "Kill them all!"

"Wow!" Lin Yue growled.

The emperor couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and shouted: "What are you waiting for?"

Almost all the armies came out in unison at this moment.

Lin Yue's eyes flickered at this moment, and at the same time the world was dark...

The moment the supernatural power appeared, it became chaotic, because Lin Yue's supernatural power belonged to the kind of energy that could not be captured at all.

If there is another way to explain it, it is the light of the soul.

Candle Dragon's exclusive spiritual light.

This also reflects the powerful supernatural power of Candle Dragon as a legendary dragon.

This is not the same as the fat bear...

Fat Bear looked silly, but he was 50-50 with everyone.


Fat Bear can play with all kinds of energy, but he doesn't seem to be very proficient in it.

So when Lin Yue's supernatural power appeared, the whole scene became chaotic, and the attack of the light of the soul was no joke.

After forcing back the first wave of enemies, Lin Luo patted Lin Yue, who roared straight up and swayed upwards.

"He wants to run!" someone yelled.

"Sure enough, he has no energy to spare." An emperor said excitedly: "We must take them all away."

Kill all! "

Suddenly, everyone was moved.

Blue Star has been destroyed, yet there is still the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Will there be other treasures in their galaxy?

But no, these alone are enough.

Everyone frantically chased after it, but Lin Luo was heading straight for the star gate.

Seeing this scene, the emperor behind immediately ordered to pursue them. At the same time, an emperor quickly said: "I just got the news that most of the Blue Star army has retreated."

"He didn't want to fight us at all!"

Hearing this, those emperors seemed to be red-eyed, but one emperor said: "After all, it is the base camp of Blue Star."

"Pass down the order, and all the armies will chase after them, before they destroy the star gate..."

When everyone wakes up, they order at the same time!

It's not that they can't make the star gate, but they are worried that after they make the star gate, Lin Luo will run away with Blue Star.

Therefore, after tens of minutes, all the armies stepped into the star gates in various places and set off towards the blue star.


"...The basic situation should be like this."

Chen An looked at Li Donglai and said.

"Really or not." Li Donglai said.

"What do you mean?"

"Can you guess what he's thinking?" Li Donglai said.

Hearing this, Chen An was very displeased. Li Donglai seemed to be saying that their IQs were not on the same level.

He said angrily: "Believe it or not."

"It's not that I don't believe you." Li Donglai said: "It's just that I'm surprised that such a simple plan, which emperors who have lived for such a long time, can't see through it?"

Chen An thought for a while and said, "Will you be excited when you see a beautiful woman?"

"No." Li Donglai said, "I'm very specific."

"......" Chen An sweated, thought for a while, and said, "This is Lin Luo's cunning, he purposely took Dabai away and left Lin Yue behind."

Li Donglai was puzzled.

Chen An further explained: "Who can bear Lin Yue's presence and the temptation of the Eastern Emperor Bell?"

Li Donglai suddenly realized, and said: "I believe this time, Lin Luo is the only one who can come up with such a plan to manipulate people's hearts."

Chen An was speechless, looking at the flickering hair at this moment.

The star gate of light showed a bit of a smile.

For Stargate, Bluestar now has a lot of data records.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for them to forcibly destroy the star gate to block each other, because after the star gate is forcibly destroyed, it will produce huge spatial fluctuations and become the legendary black hole.

It takes at least 12 hours to close the stargate normally.

While talking, the communication soldier next to him said: "We found a lot of beating energy points on a star gate..."

Hearing this, Chen An nodded and said, "They are ready to come, tell Ye Yi the news."

"It has already been passed on." The communications soldier said.

Chen An nodded, looked at the star gate in front of him, and sighed.

This time, I don't know how many people will die.

However, everything is the other party's own fault.


Lin Yue flew so fast that Lin Luo had to pat her on the head and said, "Fly slower!"

Lin Yue felt aggrieved. Although she was puzzled, she still slowed down.

Lin Luo couldn't help but smile as he watched the army chasing up from behind.

Finally, a light appeared in front of his eyes, and Lin Luo had already seen the position of Mars.

At the moment when the golden dragon jumped out, Lin Luo didn't see any figure, only heard Chen An's voice from the communicator: "I'm Chen An!"


"All plans are ready, there is no accident on your side."

"Yes." Lin Luo said.

"What accident?" Chen An's expression became tense.

"The hatred is too deep, and the number of people coming from the other party is more than expected."

"...." Chen An was speechless, but at this time Ye Yi's voice came, interrupting their communication: "Brother Lin Luo, the Zhuxian defense system has been activated!"

"Enter the countdown!"

"Are you sure there's no problem?" Lin Luo looked at the star gate and said worriedly.

"These stargates are specially designed, and the energy of Zhu Xian's defense system is from the same source as them..." Ye Yi quickly explained: "According to anti-quantum mechanics..."

As he talked, Ye Yi became excited and talked more and more.

But Lin Luo looked at the huge door above Mars and smiled.

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