Not only here, but also in other places, there are the same doors.

The gate of Zhu Xian.

This should be said to be the first super-technological comprehension weapon developed in the post-human era.

Logically speaking, after Ye Yi's second-generation Wushuang Cannon came out, the first-generation technology would be eliminated.

But Ye Yi was not reconciled. He studied all the stars in the solar system and relied on the improved Jade Immortal Gate to form a Jade Immortal defense system surrounding the solar system.

This kind of defense system is actually very difficult to set up, because it is not just a few more Jade Immortal Gates, energy supply, angle, etc. are all a huge reference, and must go through extremely strict design.

Especially energy.

All the energy of Blue Star before was only enough for one shot, and the cost of Jade Immortal's Gate can be imagined.

Even if they got the resources of Alan star, it would not be such a waste.

Therefore, Ye Yi had a whim, that is to use the ever-rolling molten lava on Venus.

It took nearly ten years from the design to the completion of the entire Zhu Xian defense system.

At this moment, Ye Yi was hovering over the command room, his eyes were a little more expectant.

He is no longer the hearty boy he used to be, but now he is stable and mature.

Moreover, they are the top pillars of Blue Star.

"Here we come, Academician Ye!" Someone said.

Ye nodded, he had already seen a figure flying above the star gate, a warship.


Not in a hurry.

If we do it now, the star gate will be destroyed together, and a black hole will be formed at that time, which is not good.


"What a blue star!"

There was an emperor who looked at this place with surprise in his eyes.

Here he was, long ago.

He is all too familiar.

He looked at Lin Luo's paused figure in front of him, and then glanced at Jinlong.


If it weren't for this place, how could a dragon with talent like Lin Yue be born.

"I didn't expect that you guys really came after me." Lin Luo stood there with a playful smile.

The emperor said with a smile: "It will save a lot of trouble to come here by relying on your star gate."

"It's really easy, lest I look for you one by one." Lin Luo said: "Although I know that you are not the main force in the past, but you have caused damage to Blue Star, then you should die."

The emperor was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly and said: "

You may not know that not only here, but also on all the star gates of your blue star, our army is coming. "

When Lin Luo heard this, his pupils shrank and his whole body trembled...

Lin Yue rolled her eyes.

Sure enough, what Uncle said was right.

My own big brother is sometimes not so serious.

Those emperors were overjoyed seeing this scene.

And Lin Luo sighed in the next second and said, "I lied to you."

Everyone was taken aback, and then someone noticed the glowing door...

"This is..." An emperor noticed it and shouted: "A technological weapon of comprehension!"

"Congratulations, you guessed it right!" Lin Luo smiled, patted Lin Yue at the same time, and said, "Get smaller quickly!"

Lin Yue obediently shrunk and turned into a little golden dragon again, standing directly on Lin Luo's shoulder.

Tail wagging, looking in front of the eyes.

And Lin Luo picked up the Donghuang Bell.

The recovery of energy is very fast, but the recovery speed of the light of the mind is extremely slow.

Therefore, the current Lin Luo cannot release the Eastern Emperor Bell again.

However, Donghuang Bell also has a physical move...


As long as you hide inside the clock, you can defend against many attacks!

At this moment, the Donghuang Bell zoomed in rapidly, and Lin Luo led Lin Yue into it.

Seeing this scene, those emperors panicked, and in the distance, the energy of Jade Immortal's Gate had reached its maximum!

The gate of Jade Immortal's Gate opened slowly, and outside every star gate, it was almost the same.

In Chen An's eyes, this is a gate to hell.

Because once it is opened, it will be a waste of life.

The power of Zhu Xian's Gate is not enough to face super strong enemies.

But it is more than enough to deal with these armies.

"Get out!"

The emperors shouted loudly.

All of a sudden, all the troops dispersed.

Everyone is at risk.

Some people even wanted to fly over to stop Zhu Xian's Gate.

In the next second, the energy of Jade Immortal's Gate poured out like a flood...

That powerful energy caused slight fluctuations in the space in the universe.

The moment energy filled their bodies, they all lost consciousness.

In the star field, there were originally densely packed human heads, but after the torrent of energy passed, there were only dust and streamers floating in the starry sky.

there is an emperor

Wang opened his eyes, held a short sword in his hand, and looked around with a bit of despair.

This is the end?

That's how they ended?

Other emperors also appeared, and they all had their own means to avoid this level of attack.

However, those troops were not so fortunate.

They looked at the Donghuang Bell that was still glowing and spinning in the distance, and their greed was not so strong now.

Someone even reacted.


Escaping from here is the best choice.

They turned to leave.

However, they were desperate in the next second.

Because outside the star gate, there are already densely packed troops of Blue Star.

Dabai stood there with a group of heavenly soldiers, watching them.

They never thought that all of this was just a trap.

"Cunning blue star!"

They shouted and rushed up, lost in the crowd.

How many people will die this time, no one can predict. Biqu library


It was not until a long time before Lin Luo took Lin Yue out of the Donghuang Bell.

"The quality of this clock is really good." Li Donglai said happily.

"Nonsense." Chen An said, "This is the Eastern Emperor Bell."

While talking, Li Donglai said to Lin Luo: "You are not injured."

Lin Luo ignored him.


Lin Luo still ignored him.

"No... rude." Li Donglai said angrily.

Lin Luo and Lin Yue still ignored him, and Li Donglai was about to curse someone angrily, when Lin Luo turned his head and shouted, "What did you say?"

"Why are you shouting so loudly?" Li Donglai and Chen An covered their ears, almost exploded.

"What?" Lin Luo's voice became louder.

"..." Li Donglai and Chen An were speechless, at this moment they understood...

It's okay for Lin Luo and Lin Yue to hide inside.

However, after all, it is hiding inside the clock, and the sound of energy hitting the body of the clock is very loud.

At this moment, Lin Luo was also aware of this, but he didn't care, after all, it was just a temporary discomfort. He walked forward and looked at an emperor in Dabai's hand.

The emperor looked at Lin Luo, full of despair, but Dabai broke his limbs, and he couldn't even seek death.

At this moment, he felt extremely regretful, and gradually came to his senses.

Donghuang Bell, is it something he can contaminate!

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