It took three full days to clean up the entire battlefield.

Lin Luo's ears also gradually recovered. He looked at the Donghuang Bell and said, "The sequelae of this thing are really serious."

"......" Chen An was speechless, and finally said after a long time: "I guess Donghuang Taiyi will jump up from the coffin board in anger when he knows you use his treasure like this."

Everyone laughed.

Instead, Lin Luo said: "It would be nice if he jumped up, then we would have a big leg and we could eat and drink."

"..." Everyone was speechless.

I have to say that Lin Luo's thinking is too weird.

Li Donglai even scolded: "If the Emperor Donghuang sees a descendant like you, he will probably be pissed to death."

Lin Luo ignored him and rubbed his ears at the moment, sitting and looking at the plan, Chen An asked: "The war is over, what's the plan?"

"Who said it's over?" Lin Luo said: "We have too many things to do at present, we can't give up Gustav's resources, right?"

Everyone suddenly realized.

If Gustav's resources were all given up, wouldn't he be working for nothing?

"I'll make arrangements right away." Chen An also said immediately.

It is impossible for Lin Luo to do everything.

Lin Luo thought for a while, and said: "You go over and try your best to search for resources, this time we don't have much time left."

Chen An didn't understand, but Lin Luo said, "Gustav, it's not the end."

Chen An immediately came to his senses and said, "I understand."

Lin Luo turned his head to look at Ye Yi again, and said, "You go with them."

After finishing speaking, Lin Luo blew a whistle and said, "Lin Yue."

The little golden dragon flew in with a whimper, and looked at Lin Luo expectantly.

"Go with your big brother Ye Yi, remember to protect him." Lin Luo said.

Xiao Jinlong raised his claws, put them on his forehead, and made a military salute. This scene made everyone present laugh, but Lin Yue roared and snorted coldly, and then walked outside.

"Brother, I'll go first." Ye Yi was also looking forward to it.

For a scientist, it is an extremely happy thing to explore new and unknown things.

"I'll go too." Li Donglai said.

"You can't, we have other

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Things to do. "Lin Luo said.

Li Donglai and Yang Jun were taken aback.

Lin Luo said at this time: "Since these galaxies have launched an attack, we can't do nothing."

Yang Jun thought for a while, and said: "Our current strength is still limited. If we fight more than one at once, it would be a bit dangerous."

Lin Luo nodded and said, "Of course I took this into consideration, so I only picked a few that looked valuable."

Yang Jun came to Lin Luo's back at this time, and was speechless...

It says:

Puli Galaxy: Fertility Level: Estimated 55%!

Evaluation: Excellent.

Mortus Galaxy: Fertility Level: Estimated 43%

Evaluation: Excellent.


"Where did this come from?" Yang Jun said.

But Lin Luo turned to the next page and said, "How can you peek at other people's things? It's so rude. When I'm free, I have to talk to your father about tutoring."

"Go aside." Yang Jun said cursingly.


After waiting for half a day, Lin Luo set foot on Gustav's star field again. Now the people here are devastated, and there are wars everywhere.

A radio soldier next to him told all the information about the Puli galaxy.

Lin Luo nodded.

"Let's start with this." Lin Luo said.

He didn't stay on Gustav Star, but set off directly towards Puli's army with the elite army of heavenly soldiers.

Doris, who was in the command center, saw this scene and said very puzzled: "Actually, there is no need to be so anxious, and Gustav has enough resources."

"You don't understand." Mark Carey next to him said, "People from Blue Star always like to say that they are poor."

"Really?" Doris was surprised, thinking that there was something else going on, but at this moment, she heard a communication soldier shouting: "Soldier No. 8996544634, please pay attention, there is a lake on your flank, the water quality depends on it." It looks very good, please go to find out."

"Yes." The other party replied loudly.

"Be careful, now our Blue Star is too poor, we can't let go of any precious resources."

"Understood." The other party replied sonorously, not at all like a soldier after a war.

"Look..." Mark said.

Carey smiled.

"Okay." Doris sweated, thinking to herself that there are all kinds of officers and soldiers.

It took Lin Luo and the others nearly seven days to arrive at the star gate leading to the Puli galaxy.

"Go." Lin Luo waved his hand and walked in alone.

Just like he planned before.

It is the best thing to be able to take away precious resources.

Lin Luo also understands that fatigue is a point for soldiers, and the unknown enemy is what they care about most.

After defeating Gustav, it is equivalent to that Blue Star has become the overlord of this star field.

When they walked out of the star gate, they saw dense crowds of people outside the star gate.

"Waiting for us." Li Donglai showed cruel eyes.

Lin Luo also glanced ahead, but to his surprise, after seeing their Blue Star flag, the leader of the Puli Star directly knelt down and lowered the Puli Star flag.

He shouted: "Congratulations... Blue Star Army!"

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

The same is true for Lin Luo.

"Could it be... cheating?" Li Donglai said, "Didn't you do such bad things in the past?"

"What's a bad thing?" Lin Luo glared at him.

Li Donglai laughed.

At this moment, the leader of the Puli Star came over tremblingly, holding a scroll in his hand, and said: "My Lord, Blue Star, this is the surrender letter from our Puli Star."

Lin Luo took it with one hand, opened it, and the first sentence was:

"Emperor Abner's actions towards Blue Star are personal actions and cannot represent the majority of Puli Stars."

"We Puli people love peace and yearn for peace and freedom."

Lin Luo couldn't help smiling when he saw this.

These words are very similar to the words of those diplomats on Blue Star:

Personal behavior, please do not rise to the country.


Lin Luo looked at those kneeling people.

There are tens of millions of people who come here.

The leader of the Puli star clapped his hands at this time, Li Donglai was vigilant, and the Puli star hurriedly said: "Don't...don't get me wrong, I...I just..."

No need for him to say.

A huge screen appeared in front of him.

All I could see was dense crowds of people kneeling on the ground above the Puli galaxy.

They stared ahead with fear.

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