What kind of person is Lin Luo?

In Chen An's words, if you are friends with him, that's great.

If it's an enemy...

Then he is a complete mercenary.

He only thinks about what is good for him.

As for benevolence, righteousness and morality, it is useless to him at all.

After all, you can't use morality to kidnap an immoral person outside.

Lin Luo...

That's the kind of person.

"Relax, we Bluestar people are reasonable people." Lin Luo smiled and said benevolently, "What's your name?"

"Christopher Day Jeff Luther." The Puli star said: "You can just call me Christopher."

"Okay, Luther." Lin Luo said.

"..." Christopher squeezed out a smile and said, "Yes, my name is Luther."

Others sweat.

Isn't it just that the name is a little longer, so it won't make people change it.

"What did you do to Blue Star?" Lin Luo asked.

Christopher's expression changed instantly, and he said, "I...we did very few things in the past."

"How much is very little?"

"Just...just..." He looked embarrassed.

"I don't care how much you have done." Lin Luo said, "First of all, my bottom line is...."

"Everyone who has invaded Blue Star will die."

"Including eighteen generations of his ancestors."

"This..." Christopher was extremely uncomfortable.

Those who are still alive today are all members of one party.

"This is all Abner's personal behavior, please calm down." Christopher said.

"Do you think I believe you?" Lin Luo said.

Christopher was extremely uncomfortable, but he still said: "I will make arrangements and give you an explanation."

"Very good." Lin Luo said: "Also, I want all the benefit chains you get from Blue Star."

"I'm ready," Christopher said.

Lin Luo and the others were quite surprised. From this point of view, the Puli Xing people are extremely smart.

Lin Luo narrowed his eyes and smiled, not because he let go, but because he really doesn't have time now.

It would be the best policy to execute those former war criminals and take away resources.

After all, Lin Luo of the Puli Galaxy has checked, what they did was to block the Blue Star, not the main war criminals.

Also, they are not

The object supported by Blue Star.

However, enemies are enemies after all, and if Lin Luo had enough time, he would not let them go.

"Come with me, please," Christopher said.

Lin Luo nodded, motioning him to leave first, and at the same time said to Yang Jun: "You should be vigilant outside, and there may be fraud."


Three hours later, Lin Luo sat comfortably on the opponent's throne.

he made sure...

no fraud.

After learning that the army that tracked down the blue star was wiped out, the entire Puli star lost its fighting spirit in an instant.

However, they are fortunate.

First, Lin Luo has no time.

Second, they have a really nice attitude.

So, they can live.

"It's not unreasonable for Frank to vote at the beginning of the game." Li Donglai said.

Lin Luo ignored him and looked at the list in front of him.

Here are all the resources about Blue Star.

"Do you have Blue Star's gene pool here?" Lin Luo asked.

"Basically there will be." Christopher said immediately: "I will destroy it immediately."

"No." Lin Luo said, "Give us all the information."

"Is there any artifact?"

"Yes... yes." Christopher said, "But it was taken away by the emperor."

Lin Luo glanced at Christopher again at this time.

Li Donglai looked at him unkindly, and at the same time asked in a low voice: "Did he lie?"

But I heard Christopher knelt on the ground and said: "Dear Emperor... Our Puli star's genes are worthless, and have no research value."

Li Dong took a look at Lin Luo's pensive appearance, sweated, and was speechless again.

That's how it turned out...

This Puli star is quite smart, and he understood Lin Luo's eyes so quickly.

No wonder people who are greedy for life and afraid of death have good eyesight.

Lin Luo glanced at Christopher and said, "Are those people ready to commit suicide?"


On Puli Planet, a group of people stood on a high mountain, preparing to commit suicide.

Lin Luo said.

If the group of them died, then Puli Star might not be destroyed.

They really don't want to.

However, Lin Luo promised them that they could spare their offspring.

In this way, they are shaken.

The war between galaxies is merciless, just like Gustav.

Lin Luo can't let go


First, Gustav's sin is too deep.

Second, Lin Luo wanted to use Gustav's war to announce the return of Blue Star to the whole universe.

"We must tell future generations not to offend Blue Star and participate in any wars."

These older people are extremely aggrieved.

Because Lin Luo said that after they died, the bodies would be handed over to Blue Star for genetic research.

This is a very humiliating thing.

However, they have to do it.

Moreover, at this moment, soldiers of Blue Star are searching for resources in every corner of Puli Star...

Just in case the Puli star people cheated.



Ye Yi stepped in here and slapped his nose.

The first thing Ye Yi came to was the other party's database.

Compared with technology and genetics, information is what Lin Luo needs most.

Ye Yi is very aware of this, and now his way of thinking has become mature.

What Lin Luo needs, he knows very well.

He glanced around, and said to the staff next to him: "Check out all the news about the ancient blue star first, and don't leave any behind."


Immediately, all the technicians began to operate immediately.

Ye Yi was also among them, and he used the device to connect to the other party's database.

After nearly three days, they finally deciphered it. A technician came to Ye Yi with a report and said, "Academician Ye, come and have a look..."

Ye Yi hurriedly followed.

Seeing the anxious appearance of the technicians, Ye Yi followed to the rear.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge map of the starry sky.

Ye Yi saw the above introduction:


A land of super-first-line civilization.

"Is this the main force of the Blue Star War?" Ye Yi clenched his fist, he knew that he had finally found what Lin Luo wanted.

I only saw a lot of introductions about Saints above.

But Ye Yi didn't pay attention to these, he only saw some encrypted data.

And, the middle paragraph:

Saints obtained a super powerful cultivation weapon from the blue star.

Therefore, the secret of Kongtong Seal must not be known to the other party.

We can never beat them.

"Take this document back." Ye Yi said immediately.

Having seen the power of the Eastern Emperor Bell, Ye Yi understood very well how terrifying the ancient Blue Star cultivation weapon was.

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